East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

Wilma, we have slowly rising temps coming up for next week, so it shouldn't snow here. I'd be happy if that big bomber was all we got.
I was very well entertained this morning, watching out the window here, as the tall lanky teenager right across the street finally got around to trying to dig the number two car out of their driveway. Of course he waited much too long, and the drifts and piles are now like granite, and the snow plow piled up high ridges that the rest of us have long since gotten rid of. Then as he chipped away at it, he threw it back over his shoulder,right back on the sidewalk. HA!
OK, so my Sunday pot roast turned into a baked corned beef. Dummy me knew I had something the right shape in the big basement freezer. It wasn't what I thought, but will be just as good. The tasty joke is on me.

Diane Amberg

Phil did not see his shadow this morning, so spring is on it's way. For once I hope he's right. HA! The vultures came back yesterday. There were 4 of them sunning in my back neighbor's tree. Now there are at least six doing circles over the woods across the street.There may be another dead deer there.Have a nice day all.


Diane, maybe the Buzzards are looking for you. When my Wife and I see them Circling above the Car when we are Traveling, she says they are looking for her, I tell her No, they are looking for me. I tell her, they would not want to eat on her because she smells to good. I notice My Posting is only the 8th Posting today. I wish more people would Post something, anything. I am sure a lot of them are busy, Traveling or don't have any thing to say.

Diane Amberg

I hope they aren't looking for me! I must say they would have a good meal though. Plenty to share. HA! I hope they will have to wait for many years yet.It's raining here today...no snow but there mght be some next week. I'm heading out soon to pick up some things at the drugstore.They have a senior 20% off everything the first Wednesday of the month.

Diane Amberg

Last night at Bingo we had Mardi Gras night and gave out beads and sweet treats,(Duck Donuts and Insomnia Cookies.) I wore my Mardi Gras jester's hat in purple, green and gold. Totally silly and fun.
By 7:00 it was raining and soon changed over to snow. It's been snowing all night, but the ground is till too warm for much to stick, so  I don't think there will be anything to shovel this time.There are still big mounds of snow from the last big one. We are supposed to have really cold weather by week's end.
Al decided that today would be a good day to work on taxes. I keep all the receipts,etc. during the year and he puts it all together for our CPA to go over in a couple of weeks. Since we closed down our business at the end of 2014, it should be fairly simple this time. We are thinking about setting up trusts later in the year.
I'm going to put in a big chicken to roast later today. It is a nice fat one that must have waddled when it walked. It should be good for several meals and some good soup too.
I've been enjoying the last season of Downton Abby. I'm going to miss the characters when the series is over. Do any of you watch it? Have a nice quiet day all.

Diane Amberg

I have lots of spring things poking up and some daffys are budded with a few little ones in bloom....big mistake! We are supposed to go down to two if not zero by Sunday, with more snow on Monday. Another 3-5 inches. Not a big deal, but it may cause problems for the school buses.
We have been seeing many more woodpeckers than usual and more variety too.They come in to the feeders and swoop across the seeds to fill up their beaks and then go push some seeds under the tree bark for later. One nice thing about snow on the ground are the animal tracks we get to see. Lots of kinds.


Diane, we will trade you our Birds for Yours. When we lived in Bartlesville, we had ALL KINDS OF BIRDS. Here all we see are Grackels, Starlings and Occascional  Blue Jay. I would not Trade you Places, our Weather is MUCH BETTER THAN YOURS, So far, we have not had any Snow and only 3 or 4 Frosts. If you have Dinner with Joe Biden, tell him for me that I think he and OBUMA are the WORST PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT IN MY LIFETIME. well I need to get busy and do something before MY MYRNA GETS HER BROOM OUT AND WACKS ME OVER THE HEAD. WILMA KNOWS HER, AND SHE PROBABLY KNOWS HOW MEAN SHE IS. I HAVE BEEN MARRIED TO HER 52 SHORT YEARS AND SHE HAS/IS AN AWESOME PARTNER, COOK, BEST FRIEND, MOTHER AND GRANDMOTHER, AND BEST FRIEND.

Diane Amberg

It's very cold here today. Lots of frozen chocolate. HA. Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends. You know who you are.


Whoops I forgot it was Valentine's Day, I better run out and get Something for my Wife, we are coming up on 52 Short years.

Diane Amberg

Would you spend $325,000.on a low digit Kansas licence plate?
One of the odd things,among others, about Delaware is the "value" of low digit plates. People will pay huge amounts for the low ones. Yesterday #14 was auctioned for $325,000. Rarely do they even become available. I've had my four digit since 1972 and it's worth quite a bit, but I'll keep it, as always. Another little storm is moving in this afternoon, might be more ice than snow this time. BRRR!

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