East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

Yikes! Apparently I can say nothing at all and and still get swatted....Jar...
Ready, you are fine with me...No worries.  and Joe Sue and P E Co. and several others too. Someone has to be on the other side of the raft to help keep it stable.

  Now, the real reason I came on here today. Al had his bladder scoping again this morning. His doc took more than before and deeper. Al is really uncomfortable. Now we wait for the biopsy...again. This time I'm a bit worried, but if we're lucky, it's benign.
  A good bingo friend fell yesterday morning and broke her hip. She was to have surgery for a hip replacement this morning. Getting old really sucks sometimes. I feel so badly for her.
Jane, nice try, but I wouldn't count on any success.

Diane Amberg

Al is feeling better today, but still somewhat sore.
It's going to be very hot here, so I think we'll just hide inside and I'll cook. I'm getting a hankering for strawberry short cake, so I think I'll whip up a pan of short cake and hope Al stays out of it long enough to  make it up with the strawberries. Tomorrow  I'll make a couple of blueberry pies since the price is down right now.We've really been enjoying the fresh veggies from the garden...bet you all have been too. stay cool!


It would seem that I missed your anniversary??  :o  Sorry to hear it and Happy (belated) Anniversary to you both!!!  :) :) :)  I always enjoy reading you, Miss Diane.  The pictures you paint with your posts are most enjoyable!  I have to agree with the previous comment regarding keeping to the subject of the threads without interjecting unrelated commentary.  The cool thing about that "ignore" function is that you can see who has posted but you don't have to get stuck having to read any of it.  ;D  Keep up the good work, Miss Diane!!!!  ;D ;D ;D


If ya all back track you would find the very post in this thread of a political nature was Dianes post/
And ya'all keep feeding it in a back-stabbing manner.
So ya see I have to come back and set the story straight.

How many of you live in Elk County that pay taxes and vote here in Elk County?

And for calling me obama I don't think you understand Obama.
You see Obama was just like Elk Konnected, a Community Organizer, hehad to have people follow him just like Elk Konnected Followers.

And look what Obama and his community organizing did for him.
While it destroyed the cities he touched it made him wealthy.

He made money off of the taxpayers where as I don;t have any followers I have fellow citizens and fellow taxpayers and fellow voters that all think for themselves. And I am sure they will think for themselves if I ask them to sign a petition to save themselves from being robbed by the West Elk School Board for taxes it does not need.

It will be each and everyone of their own decisions. No circle of chairs, no name tags, no kindergarten stars, no telling them who they can talk with. Now don't ya think that is the way it should be or should it be the Obama way?

Bad mouth me all you want but I am a concerned and caring citizen of Elk County and i believe you are all just jealous that you do not live here.

Eat your hearts out.


By the way, Miss Diane, I have been having to smile a bit, lately.  It would seem that your opinions are shared by quite a few.  It is interesting how the pendulum eventually swings back, yet once again.  Keep up the good work!!   ;D ;D ;D

Diane Amberg

Thanks for the good wishes Cat. I appreciate it.
I'm not really trying to stir the pot, but Mr. Big Britches issued a challenge about lies and I took him up on it. I wonder if he will back pedal now and try to get out of them. ;D ;D ;D.
It's very hot here but the veggies are calling so I better go pick before the predicted big thunderstorm comes charging through later today. Stay cool and enjoy yourself.May we see another poem soon please?

Diane Amberg

That big storm just came through with a lot of rain and wind. No damage here and I'll bet if I go looking I'd find a rainbow soon.. a nice drink for everything.
All you potential poets ...check out the poetry section.I added something fun to try. Cat?


Quote from Diane:
Yikes! Apparently I can say nothing at all and and still get swatted....Jar...

Lady Di, Go back and read what I said. I did not take a swipe at you---I said a "certain juvenile".  As much as "we" would like to think of ourselves as that juveniles---it aint been so since shortly after the last Woolly Mammoth disappeared from this Earth. Nice try though

Diane Amberg

So...I did think you meant me. I stand corrected....and I'm relieved.

Diane Amberg

Last night's storm brought another fast 2 inches of rain, which makes four in just a few days.
I multi tasked today and got things done and still had fun poking at someone on the forum too. I just don't have the heart to be as mean as I could be.It's just not in my nature to take advantage of people who  aren't wired for it.
I made a new batch of baking mix and then made a shortcake from that, hardboiled eggs for egg salad, chatted with FB friends and did some house work too and caught up with some reading I had gotten behind on.  It looks like you all have been enjoying the fairs and summer events. Keep enjoying ...it goes by fast.

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