East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

I think we all knew it might happen, but not so soon. Beau Biden lost his battle with brain cancer and died yesterday.He had been seen, but not heard in public since his last problem, so everyone figured he had speech difficulties. Now he'll join his mother and baby sister in heaven.They were killed in a horrible car accident in 1972, and he and brother Hunter were injured.
I saw that two of your local boys were killed in a car accident too.That is so sad.
   Ross, I don't know what you are posting here but don't keep bothering.I don't read it because it is always full of snide remarks and criticisms of me that I can do without. Don't waste your time. On occasion if you do say something worth seeing, someone there will PM me and tell me...otherwise, phooey,who needs it?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 31, 2015, 06:34:51 AM
   Ross, I don't know what you are posting here but don't keep bothering.I don't read it because it is always full of snide remarks and criticisms of me that I can do without. Don't waste your time. On occasion if you do say something worth seeing, someone there will PM me and tell me...otherwise, phooey,who needs it?

Everyone knows you do read every word.

You brought up the subject of your local political school issues, here is a reminder for you:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 29, 2015, 06:52:31 AM
Our local school referendum failed for the second time.The school district is trying to blame the charter schools from taking money away from the regular schools.Don't they understand the money follows the child whatever public school they go to? A child who isn't in their building doesn't require any money to be spent on him.
   Our local voters haven't forgotten what the district pulled three years ago.After the referendum finally passed, they went out and hired more administrators. Very little of the money ever reached the classrooms.If the state is able to redistrict and pull the City of Wilmington out of the mix and give it back its own school district, as it should, a kagillion $ will be saved on busses and transportation. It's a very long and complicated story that goes back to the early 70's and federally forced desegregation that Newark should not have been involved with anyway.
Of course, now they say they will lay off teachers and cut programs.They aren't suggesting they cut any non teaching staff. It's a very sad situation but the charter schools ,and there are several around here, are just perking along doing fine, all somewhat different from each other, yet meeting the needs of their students.     
  My one young friend who will graduate soon will be going into the Navy in November and has been accepted into their Pharmasist's Mate program.It's perfect for him.He has been going to the First Responder Charter School that has kids who are interested in careers in medicine and law enforcment.
Another one is military in nature and another is the Cab Calloway School for the Arts.They are public schools, but have their own specialties. Our industrial arts schools are also public schools, but have their own district.
Al finished my new rock garden for me and I have a couple more sale plants to put in.The rough winter killed a few of my new plants from last summer, so I'm going to try them one more time. Time to go fix Al's breakfast. Eggs fresh from some local hens, sausages and toast today. Enjoy the day.

And I simply asked a few very polite questions about your possible activity concerning it, here is anothe reminder of those questions:

Quote from: ROSS on May 29, 2015, 09:23:14 AM
Are you actively taking your school issues to your local community, the taxpayers and voters?

If so haow are you doing that?

I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavor in getting the issues resolved, if you are attempting to.

There is nothing snarky about the above questions and a wish of good luck. Now is there.

This post is just to help you comprehend what has transpired after you introduced the politics of your local school system.

And you were not even polite enough to respond. So, I was forced to think you are only interested in politics in Elk Count, Kansas instead of in Delaware. 

Do you think you can correct my thinking on this subject? I'd really appreciate it if you would try !

Thanks you

Diane Amberg

Hooray, it rained last night! We got a very useful 3.1 inches when a system went rumbling through during the wee hours of morning. I feel like singing that old song,''The day that the rains came down, Mother Earth smiled again". We have needed it so badly.The lower part of the state, where most of the farms are have been getting rain that has been missing us here in the northwest part of the state.
I see "he" is still posting here and I'm still not reading. It's probably his usual horse manure, and personal attacks. Would someone please tell him he is wasting his time? He should find someone else to try to feel superior to. There was a time that I thought maybe I could get him to consider other ideas or broaden his outlook a bit. Nope, if anything he has gotten worse and even more narrow. Only he has the answer to anything. Just follow him and everything will be just fine. I have out grown him and moved on.
      There are so few left on the  forum, it's hardly worth anyone's time to stop by.I do, but to see who else, if anyone, has anything to say about anything,  such as gardening, plus the obits.I still occasionally see a name I recognize from long ago, or at least a family name.  I  also enjoy reading the Prairie Star. It must be good since the Boy's Club dislikes it.HA!
I now have a date to go annoy some weeds that I can finally pull up...I hope.


Thanks for calling me back Diane, I am am pleased to oblige !

I see you are still reading Diane, educational isn't it?

See how a highly educate Elk Konnected Follower responds to very polite and sensible questions that included a wish for success in her endeavor. This a is college educated, educator responds to a sensible redneck. Hilarious isn't it? The bullying name calling that is!  LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 01, 2015, 06:39:07 AM
I see "he" is still posting here and I'm still not reading. It's probably his usual horse manure, and personal attacks. Would someone please tell him he is wasting hs time? He should find someone else to try to feel superior to. There was a time that I thought maybe I could get him to consider other ideas or broaden his outlook a bit. Nope, if anything he has gotten worse and even more narrow. Only he has the answer to anything. Just follow him and everything will be just fine. I have out grown him and moved on.


Diane Amberg

It's still raining! Gently, almost 8 inches now, but it hasn't stopped and it is cold. Only 53 yesterday morning and 56 this morning. It never got above 59 yesterday.The pool down the street is open, but no takers.
A lot of my friends have family kids graduating now.The years sure do fly by. I think I'll get my plate and head out to crash their parties. HA!
The President is coming in to do the eulogy for Beau Biden on Saturday.That will really mess up traffic for a while. Beau will lie in state in Dover and there will be a couple of other viewings before the service on Saturday. He was very well liked, even by the opposing political parties.
Time to go out and dump the big flower pot saucers.

Diane Amberg

Again, we got a solid inch of rain last night.That makes 9.5 since Monday.Things got a good soaking and the reservoir is full. Now we need a little warm up and some sun.
I bought a watermelon which we ate half of last night and a neighbor brought us a big bowl of their good June strawberries. Both were very sweet and a nice treat following my homemade bean and bacon burritos.
It was very sad reading the obits of those young men who died in that vehicle crash. I think every high school group loses at least one.They will never be forgotten of course.They will be remembered at every reunion and the old stories will be told once more. We do the same here.

Diane Amberg

I wouldn't have expected any of you to have watched it, but Beau Biden's funeral was very nice.That Westboro white trash showed up looking for publicity, but the 100 or so folks who blocked them kept them from having any effect.
St Anthony's is a large 1000 seat city church in the "little Italy"section of Wilmington and there were still hundreds of over flow people.They have a big local festival for many blocks around the church at this time every year and they postponed the start this afternoon until the funeral was over.They have the best Italian food ever.We used to go, but haven't in the last few years.It follows the Greek Festival that just ended.Also wonderful food.

Diane Amberg

Woo-hoo! Hurray for American Pharoah. That was an amazing race...and that horse won it going away.

Diane Amberg

What an up and down weekend this has been. My college friends come tomorrow, so I've been cleaning and cooking like crazy.
My friend who lives in Maine is bringing me some of their good Maine fish chowdah.
Last night was Newark Night up and down Main St. It was hot but nice until we had to respond to a real tragedy.Right down the street from me, in the parks and rec.  building where I've done the Safety Town Day Camp for many years, there was a private party going on. A 4 year old wandered off and went way at the back of the property where there is a pond/retention basin,. fenced and locked.usually.Someone left the gate unlocked.It had been the winter source for ice for the Newark ice house way back when. She went in or fell in and drowned. Our folks went in and found her, worked on her as did the hospital but they couldn't save her. What a terrible thing to happen.
Then this morning I found out  that a good paramedic friend of many years committed suicide. He had just recently retired.I am heart broken.

Diane Amberg

They're here! Al rented a van so we can all run around together and what a grand time we are having. They can't believe how much the town and campus have grown and changed.They left for a bit to go check into their rooms and will be back for dinner soon. Then we'll see what kind of trouble we can get into later!

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