East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

Hey wise guy, I can visit the thread I started as often as I like and talk about my choice of subjects. I don't need anybody's approval. I'm not going to put my own thread on ignore, now am I, and as long as Delaware is sending some of our tax money to poor Kansas, that can't cut it without help, it is personal to me.  Truth? Show me some from you that is reliable.
  Put me on ignore and go away, I accomplished what I wanted to do ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:.
Now back to the workmen redoing my bathroom.They got a lot done today. Repaired some very old damage from long before we moved here and made some great suggestions for new faucets and the shower head. Very water efficient but nice. Extra money of course. The old pink tub tile is gone and my "sandy beach" will go in when the repairs are done and the concrete board and real insulation goes in.The old insulation was very skimpy  and was about gone. Real bats will help a lot since the tub is right in the north corner. Also the tub is a couple of inches deeper and insulated underneath, so Al can have a good long hot soak on his poor Polio legs. Every year now he loses just a bit more strength and stamina. His Polio doc says his body is actually 10 to 15 years older than his chronological age would suggest.  He does very well for several hours most mornings and then begins to slide.He 's taking a nap right now so he'll be able to do Bingo at the fire house this evening. He doesn't complain because he knows how many are also dealing with health problems that limit them.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 23, 2014, 02:54:02 PM
Hey wise guy, I can visit the thread I started as often as I like and talk about my choice of subjects. I don't need any body's approval. I'm not going to put my own thread on ignore, now am I, and as long as Delware is sending some of our tax money to poor Kansas, that can't cut it with out help, it is personal to me.  Truth? Show me some from you that is reliable.

Get it right, I ain't no wise guy, I got no edumacation, remember.
I'm a smartass!

Where do you get that Delaware is sending money to Kansas?
Are Delaware Government educated managers stupid?
Show me where you got that information, a link would be nice.
Other wise it is just another dumb remark by you, in my books.
What an imagination?  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOL
However, if there were any truth to what you say, your bitch would be with your Delaware Government not me? Carry on !   LOL
Who in the heck suggested you put your own thread on ignore? How ignorant is that? LOL

Sure you can visit your thread as often as you want, who would suggest otherwise. LOL

LOL, But you invited me by saying the following:

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 22, 2014, 10:35:33 AM

Oh, by the way Ross, since I'm sure you will read this.

And you brought Politics over here and attempted to diss me with lies, actually I believe you were hoping, I would not see it.

I simply took the item back to politics and you can read the truthful response over there.
Topic: Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control at:  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,15765.160.html

I'm sorry to have to inform you, but you accomplished nothing.

You communicate poorly when you are angry, so slow down a little, be nice to yourself and try to have a plesant evening.

Your forum Buddy --- Ross the Boss on the Fautin Hoss Bye-bye.


Sounds like you and Al have done a lot of work!!!  Glad to hear that you've got a good tub for Al to soak in.  Figures he'd be the stoic variety.  Can't see you being the type to marry anyone longwinded...Or given to excessive posting... ;D


Quote from: Catwoman on June 23, 2014, 08:19:04 PM
Sounds like you and Al have done a lot of work!!!  Glad to hear that you've got a good tub for Al to soak in.  Figures he'd be the stoic variety.  Can't see you being the type to marry anyone longwinded...Or given to excessive posting... ;D

You are so right Catwoman, Diane does enough posting for one family. LOL

Diane Amberg

 Cat, socially, Al is very quiet. But get him started on a subject he really cares about and he can out talk me!
My boat neighbor had a successful outing and brought us a dozen big crabs. Summer is officially here!
Last night at bingo.(I sell the "early bird" game") One of the players, who I've grown to like a lot over the last several years, told me she has to see an oncologist this morning. She may have stomach cancer.I feel so bad for her. She is one of those clever crafty people who is always making something cute and bringing it to the firehouse to share. She is scared to death. I feel so bad for her.
Al is out on the front porch with the morning paper and his coffee. I think I'll go join him.

Diane Amberg

The men are back and the noise has started again. It will be worth every decible when they are finished. I've been looking at Murphy beds on the computer. Since my nieces have grown, our little 4th bedroom has turned into a sewing, ironing, tread mill, junk room. It's time to get it back under control and "repurpose" it back to a bedroom that we can also sew and iron in.
Al is going to put up some high shelves with a gallery rail going down one wall, around the corner and down the other wall for more of the smaller antiques and fun stuff I have collected from my grandparents, parents.There will be room from some of Mom's nice pottery pieces. Then the tall deep book case Al bulit for the room when we first moved in 25 years ago, will get reused for my collection of Frank Schoonover illustrated books. Mom was a student of his and others, and painted with "The Studio Group" when she first came to Wilmington from Kansas in the early 40's. 
   Our Newark library has agreed to take my 5 big boxes of VHS tapes, mostly kids' subjects for their collection. Hurray! They will have a good home tomorrow.
The guys who are here have said they will move my tread mill to the basement to an area I'm setting up for it and the exercise bike. Ah, today is one of those good days when everything goes right!
Next, I'm going to get rid of my 65 year old piano. The felts are hard as rock and it needs more to fix it up than it's worth. It should retire and go on medicare. Maybe someone will come get it for salvage value. I had promised Al I would start downsizing and uncomplicating things at age 70 and I'm actually six months early!  Have a good afternoon all.


Down-sizing - ugh!

I've seen some Murphy beds recently that have shelves on the bottom of them. The shelves have hinges so that when the bed is down, the items stay on the shelves. Really cool.

Good luck!

Diane Amberg

Yes,I saw those  :D.There is a company that does mulifuctual furniture for small New York City apartments. They are very functional and creative. Pricey, but worth it when space is very limited.

Diane Amberg

What a beautiful day. 82, dry with a slight breeze and lots of sun and  high pressure cotton ball clouds. Probably one of the best 10 days of the summer.
   The State Fire School in Dover is 50 this year and today they had a picnic for all the current and retired instructors, employees and the their families. It was quite a reunion. We got to catch up on all the doings of so many of us. It was good to see them again. The senior staff had put together a nifty slide show of all of us teaching one thing or another through the years, in the classrooms or outside on the training grounds. It was funny watching us age before our eyes. It was also very sad to see several of us who have died.
They had cued the slides to music, Ring of fire and Backdraft, among others to really set the scene.
The food was really good. Some of the Ladies Auxiliaries got together to make their best picnic food for us, including slow cooked southern pulled pork and cole slaw, macaroni and cheese and baked beans,with water melon of course .The fire school is out in the middle of farm country so it was all good homestyle farm cooking.   
Oh, there was a plane crash  four miles south of the airport in the Delaware River as we were driving down. They had no idea how big at first, but the tower was finally able to tel that it wasn't a big commercial plane. Rather a little Cessna went down but the two on board got out with apparently minor injuries. Kept our River companies busy for awhile. Eventually we'll hear details.
Hope you all are having a good day too.

Diane Amberg

I guess Ross just can't let go can he? I don't care what he says any more. He can call me a liar all he wants, others know the truth.
When it comes to federal taxes, Delaware is still a donor state and Kansas is a "taker" state. It's all pooled together, of course, before it's doled out to poor states who can't make it on their own. Kansas is one of them. Some of it comes from us and he can't prove otherwise. yuk,yuk.
By the way, for anyone that might be interested,TLC will be showing our local Newark Bakery, Bings, tonight at 10:00 here. They have made our cakes for many many years . All our family birthday cakes ,wedding cakes and anniversary cakes were made there
A few years ago Mrs. Bing finally died and the Bakery was sold.They use the same cake recipe though, so our tradition goes on. They even donated a big sheet cake to the firehouse for EMS week recently. The bakers were also good friends. Mr. Doodleheim, the master baker there for many years before he died, was married to a good friend of mine, Irma. She is in her eighties now and is still going strong.  Have a nice evening.
We have two storms brewing, one from you all and  our first of the season coming up the coast.

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