East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

Al just called from his doc's office. He's OK. The little thing they removed was some little irritation, but not malignant. I'm so relieved!
He starts back on his every three month scoping in June.
It's about to rain again, but it's warm enough so that all our crocus and daffys are finally showing color and are open in the warm spots. Mom's birthday was yesterday and I did manage to find the flowers I wanted so we had a chilly but sunny trip to the cemetery.Have a good one. Don't let the grumps get ya down.


Great news about Al!  Prayers were answered.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

They sure were.Thanks Larry! Have a wonderful shake- free day.

Diane Amberg

If finally had a chance to catch up on the news and some photos of the earth quakes.That California one sure did cause a "clean up on aisle 6" call for sure.
Now for anybody who has been to Yellowstone, that whole area is a huge caldera that jiggles and shakes all the time. That's why Biscuit Basin no longer has any biscuits. They were all knocked off their biscuit tees by a large earthquake.  ;)
They say there are no signs of anything building, yet, of anything extra large. Several of the geysers that hadn't been active for years have spouted recently, according to Yellowstone Magazine. They are watching carefully out there though, just as always. No, the Bison running down the road didn't mean anything. They do that commonly.A chilly wind here today...please take it back! We're off to a 50th birthday party this evening. They are having a big bonfire to celebrate. He is one of my ER doc friends who is always a wealth of information when we have questions. I started him on his way in EMT class and he took off from there. I'm very proud of him. Right now he's working the ER at Einstein in Philly. It's what they call "the knife and gun club." Rough side of the city, but great for keeping the docs' skills sharp. Have a nice evening all.

W. Gray

I know for a fact those rapidly running bison in Yellowstone Park were actually running as a direct result of the huge volcano super caldera lying underneath their feet. They are well aware of the extreme danger that lurks below.

However, they were only running a test of their emergency evacuation plan, which naturally and smartly follows the most direct highway routes out of the area. One might note that in the videos they were running in single file except for a few who did not get the word to test safe.

Even though Bison sometimes get confused and run the other way, Bison are actually very smart animals.

Bison have been practicing their getaway plan for many years. They are well aware that their species was once almost extinguished from the face of the earth and the elders of the old guard running the test are not about to let a volcano finally finish the job.

The running Bison are a regular occurrence. Two-legged locals know this and it does not upset them.

It is when the bears begin their evacuation test run that really gets them all excited.
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"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, I am so glad that you cleared that up for me.  All these years I have thought that they were just running for the heck of it.  Like a herd of horses.  I was going to say like a herd of cows, but I can't honestly say that I have ever seen a cow run unless there was a reason for it.

Diane Amberg

That is really funny.So when the Bison occasionally try to climb in the back of trucks, they are just checking out  escape plan B? I do love Yellowstone. We stayed in one of the little cabins right at Old Faithful. It was so neat to have it go off late at night and wake me up...just barely/bearly. One lady actually asked a ranger if they turn it off at night....seriously. It's been amazing to see how it has recovered since the '88 fire.

Diane Amberg

My neighbor Luke was re-elected to City Council yesterday.  He's very good for our district, Only 28, but wise beyond his years. He's very good at understanding people's emotional response to changes, and growth, which needs to happen to keep Newark healthy. It's always a balancing act in a college town to keep the tax base healthy,address traffic and student concerns, and also maintain a close community atmosphere.

Diane Amberg

 Yesterday and today have been perfect weather. We got the bird houses cleaned out as the wrens are due next week. I'll soon put out the hummer feeders too.The males are due at the end of the month. Time to get the ambulance fund drive finalized too...goes out soon. The daffys and crocus are out full and are so beautiful. I've been checking my roses for that dratted new virus that has hit the area. Even the Knockout roses get it.   It's a virus that has no treatment or cure. so far I don't see any sign of it. We have one big Norway Maple by the driveway that is going to have to come down soon. It's looking very bad. It was cabled a few years ago, but it's really rotting at the core now. I'm afraid a summer storm could bring it down. Enjoy a beautiful evening.

Diane Amberg

The wren is running around checking out all his housing choices. The females should arrive soon.  We had a beautiful day yesterday. Got a few of our new perennials in the ground and went to a 25th anniversary luau, complete with kalua pork and a shave ice truck with every flavor there is. No sweet red beams though.
The veggie garden is almost ready to go, but the soil temp is still quite chilly. The cool weather stuff can go in though, probably Tuesday. Frank probably has tomatoes by now.HA! Just finished liver and onions for dinner .After I get the kitchen cleaned up I'll make  brownies with strawberries and whipped cream, followed by an evening of PBS.We both like Call the Midwife, Selfridge's, Bletchley Circle and Eastenders.
Hope you all had a good weekend and didn't blow away.

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