East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

It was him. John Dohms walked away from home near here Sept.2012 and vanished. It looks like he's been in the woods across the street from me since then.  That is just so very sad.....all that time he was just 400 feet up the trail from the trail head, which puts him just across the street in the woods behind the neighbor's house where we always go for Christmas. Someone had been out combing the woods looking for dropped deer antlers and found his remains. At least now his family can put this to rest at long last. I thought the hunters would find him during the winter of 2012. Now I know why they didn't.

Diane Amberg

It's over! The snow came during the night snowed hard and has now moved on south, pushed by bitter, dry arctic air. So this time slower lower Delaware will get the brunt of it. We got plenty, but it was all light, fluffy stuff over a layer of slick ice. Al got us and some neighbors cleaned out in no time. Everything is closed down again. Chili for dinner tonight.


Our prayers are with Al and you

Diane Amberg

Thank you so much. We are trying to be very optimistic, but Al is rather down right now. This awful winter hasn't helped either.

Diane Amberg

Some green is finally starting to show again but there are still piles of snow around.thelocal forest creatures must really be getting hungry. They are coming to the bird feeder during the day to eat seeds on the ground. I know we shoudn't, but we bought a big bag of dry dog food and have been putting some out at night. Hopefully that will keep them going until the ground is uncovered again.
I got Charlie D's latest quiz correct.I'm very pleased with myself...and humble too. ;)

Diane Amberg

WOW...just plain wow.I received an amazing e-mail from a gentleman who is researching KANZA Art Pottery.  That was Mom's business in Horton before WWII sent them here. I am totally amazed. He has about 30 of her pieces and is collecting it whenever he can find it. He is also researching Kansas artists, especially those who went to KU many years ago. He wants photos of Mom's paintings and pottery and even wants to purchase some if I would be willing to part with any. They would eventually go to the Kansas Historical Society in Topeka. Maybe, in a way, my parents will be going back home to Kansas after all.


Diane Amberg

Well, you all would have to send your wind our way. It's sunny, but very cold and very windy with gusts up to 60 MPH.
We went down to the Newark Historical Society this morning to meet the new president and retrieve some things that have been on display for an exhibit.Then we blew down to Elkton MD. for a good country breakfast at Jo-Jo's. It reminded me of some of the little places in Kansas ,but only a few customers were local farmers coming in. Here it's the school bus drivers chowing in after their morning runs ,including to the school up the road where I used to teach. They are delighted to have the snow gone.

Hey Ross. Do your own home work!!!! ::)

Diane Amberg

So we have an outside chance or more snow Sunday night into Monday. I sure hope that's not going to forum up.. Ya know folks, I'm so disheartened by the constant easy spelling errors and easy grammar errors on the forum, it's beginning to make me wonder if some of these folks ever went to school or what they did while they were there. Is there  no no longer any pride in the printed word? No spell checks? and I don't mean just typos .Are folks really that busy?
As far as I know Kansas has a Capital and DC has a Capitol. Perhaps I really am losing my mind! We're off to the fire house for our monthly meeting. We had several working house fires this week, so there will be lots to talk about. Night all. Sleep well.

Diane Amberg

GRRRR! Snow tonight and more tomorrow.There is some chance that the worst will be about 30 miles south of us, but we could still get up to 5 inches.
I got to visit with a good buddy last night who is home from his 4th deployment.   He is real modern patriot. He really knows what is going on. He was given a really nice "stand up and cheer" from all the firefighters at the meeting.

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