East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

Whew. One more big event down. Soon I can rest. The Tuesday night fire company open house was especially well attended. It was held on the exact date 125 years after the meeting that formed the fire company. More than 300 came, along with the new Mayor, all the city councilmen, a number of state officials and fire service friends from several states. Several hundred more slid in, literally, for a short visit and then left. Had sleet and black ice on the roads.There were many volunteer as well as career firefighters who stopped by for the fun.
  We were given a number of resolutions and plaques, there were some speeches and some generous checks also.
  My stuffed mushrooms were a hit as usual. They really aren't anything special, but they are well liked.
We did 50 pounds this time. I made up the stuffing mix and Al and two others cut and chopped the stems and helped fill the tops. They were real beauties. Pure white, clean and huge. We ordered them direct from a grower so they were just picked. They are nice enough to give us a wonderful price each December. It's been a long  busy year, but I think we did our founding members proud. Now I'm going to decorate the naked tree that has been waiting patiently in the family room. Have a nice day everyone.

Diane Amberg

For anyone who is interested, the local paper here came out with our article yesterday.I think it was nicely written by the young man who did the interviews. Steve Austin (no,not that one) had a large piece, as well he should have and I got a few lines also. www.newarkpostonline.com


It's a nice article. Congratulations. It ended on a good note - once you serve others, it's hard to stop.


Enjoyed the article Dianne. Hope you are enjoying your nice temps, it is cold and icy here in Oklahoma. I feel like I am on an island amidst numerous lakes of ice. The cattle grazing in the wheat fields appear to be ice skating.  :P :P

Diane Amberg

Thanks both of you. That was the third article I've been in in the last several weeks. It's getting embarrassing. .... time for some of the younger ones to tell their stories.
  Right now it's 60 and raining steadily. Feels weird after the early cold and snow we had. I know it won't last, and we won't have a white Christmas after all, but the kids here sure enjoyed it while it lasted. Have a good day and stay warm.

Diane Amberg

By the way, did any of you happen to see the story Fox picked up about the little seal that climbed into the lay back boat with the sea duck hunters? The one who took the tape is my friend Chip Thompson. He showed us the long version on face book a couple of days ago. He's been a buddy forever, was the one I wrote about who got the military helicopter rescue awards a while back and is a career firefighter now at the refinery that reopened in Delaware City, and is a firefighter member at Aetna here too. He and a couple of friends had gone on a sea duck hunting trip off Mass.when the seal came to visit. He was recently in Seattle too...Duck hunting. 
Deer, goose, turkey, duck, swan, how about elk and moose?  Fish and crabs too in season. You name it, he and his buddies go after them here and all over the country. It's really a small world.
We aren't nearly as citified here as some  would want us to be.  ;D ;D ;D
Another friend, Sam, still owes us some venison. ;)He has had very poor results so far this year. Plus, he fell hard on some black ice on Tuesday, smacked his forehead very hard, broke his head lamp and smashed his scope and missed his shot!.  He was late coming to help me make mushrooms because he had to stop and buy a new scope.... but no venison that day.

Diane Amberg

Slept in late and had our nice little gift exchange. Off to the neighbors soon to disappear into their joyous mob of family and extended family and kids by the dozen. They are so much fun. They usually have a huge turkey and enough sides and home made desserts to feed most of Newark.
  Many of our Italian friends had the feast of the seven fishes last night, with Midnight Mass, famiy dinners today and more friends and family tomorrow. Next everybody takes a break, and then parties in the new year. I'm not sure why some think the reason for Christmas has been lost. It's very evident around here.Merry and holy Christmas friends.

Diane Amberg

YAWN... I think I'm up, but not sure. I've been padding around since 10:00, but my lights still aren't really on...  stayed up much too late. I'm working on a big pot of shrimp creole for dinner and also making a pot of chili to eat on Friday. I hope I don't get the ingredients mixed up. ;) My back fence neighbor stopped by yesterday evening with a big plate of home made cookies. What a nice surprise. Happy New Year everyone.

Diane Amberg

Ths snow has returned. 4-6 are predicted. It looks like little diamonds gently drifting to the ground. Beautiful. Everyone still has their Christmas decorations up so it looks especially nice, but.... there is an extreme cold front with high winds on its way down from the arctic circle.When it gets here it's supposed to get down to single digits, which is rare here. I hope not too many people get frozen pipes from it.
Now Al and I are sharing a cold. He caught mine, so we're about to buy stock in Keenex.Stay well everyone and enjoy the last of the holiday season. I think I'll go visit face book for a while.


If your colds include the severely stuffed noses - go with Puffs - I love the ones with Vicks in them. Wonderful! Stay safe and warm - and have lots of chicken soup on hand!  :)

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