The First Amendment to our Constitution guarantees

Started by Ross, March 06, 2013, 07:37:34 AM

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 I don't think anyone disapproves of the Westboro Churches ugly protesting more than I do. Hate is a terrible thing.
But the constitution guarantees their right to free speech, and I respect that.

But does the constitution guarantee that freedom of speech any longer?

The Government claims they have only tweaked the law a little bit. There is no such thing as tweaked a little bit, the Government has compromised the law, that's what Government has done.  That is my humble opinion.

What amendment is next to be compromised?

"Anti-Occupy" law ends American's right to protest

The First Amendment to our Constitution guarantees us the rights of free speech and assembly. A fundamental purpose of our free speech guarantee is to invite dispute. Protests can and have been the catalyst for positive change. Thus while we despise that protestors can burn our flag as protected political speech, and we hate that Neo-Nazis can march down our streets, we recognize the rights of these groups to do what they do and we send our troops across the world to fight for these rights.
Last year's "occupy movement" scared the government. On March 8, President Obama signed a law that makes protesting more difficult and more criminal. The law is titled the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act, and it passed unanimously in the Senate and with only three "no" votes in the House. It was called the "Trepass Bill" by Congress and the "anti-Occupy law" by everyone else who commented.

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