As Obuma Prepares For War Against Us...

Started by Warph, March 02, 2013, 04:12:51 AM

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Is Obuma and Our Department Of Homeland Security preparing for war against "We the People?"

Check out these links and you be the judge:

Michael Savage:

► Listen to the radio interview here:

(related article:

► Lt. General W.G. Boykin (ret.) warns about the Marxist insurgency in the US government:

► Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's shockingly prophetic warning from 29 years ago, describing what's happening in America today almost to the letter (A REAL EYE-OPENER):

If you're finding yourself dismissing this as just a "conspiracy theory" without actually being able to refute any of the arguments and evidence presented, it is far more likely that your fragile psyche is simply incapable of coming to terms with reality.

US national debt has soared under Obuma by a whopping $5 Trillion after just 1 term (that's more than Bush's deficits over 8 years), and with no slowdown in sight... no one is THAT incompetent unless they're seeking to intentionally derail the US economy!

► DHS INSIDER: "There won't be any meaningful deal about the fiscal crisis. This is planned ... The coming collapse of the U.S. Dollar is a done deal."

► Obama key campaign contributor George Soros:
"China will be the NEW world reserve currency"

► Obama speaking OPENLY about the need for creating a "Civilian National Security Force" just as powerful as the military (which he obviously couldn't trust):

► Obama arming DHS to the teeth: 450 Million rounds of hollow-point bullets and another 175 million .223 caliber rifle ammo massive ammunition purchase:
(UPDATE: Now up to 2 BILLION rounds... for perspective: we only shot 5.5 million rounds/month during the Iraq war. 2 Billion = 24 year "Iraq War". Update story:

► DHS Buys 7000 assault rifles:

► DHS Buys 2500 armored fighting vehicles:

► DHS Buys millions of dollars worth of target practice posters with pictures of armed civilians (including: pregnant women, elderly, children etc.) from a company named "Law Enforcement Training, Inc.":

► Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?

Dismiss this at your own peril.

The clock is ticking folks... (just hit $16.5 Trillion in fact):
(update 02-28-2013: just hit $16.6T)

Will you be ready?


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Good Post Warph.

Even the airhead Sarah Palin said the government is buying all those bullets to use on us.

This is also one of the reason so many people have bought so many guns it's not just home invasions.


When the SHTF I hope I live long enough to see all the progressives wail and cry,
"but this wasn't suppose to happen to me--I know I said I didn't vote for the clown ----but wink -wink---I supported the fool" Now look and see  who the fool is !!


Guys, you are so right.  The places I've been to, the places I've seen... are starting to look familiar here in the ol' USA.   And the men I'm still in touch with when I worked at State, WE ALL SMELL A RAT!  As one retired LTCol. wrote me that Potus, "is the most difficult, hard to please person on the face of the earth, someone that may cause harm or loss unless dealt with carefully."  His words, not mine. 

This from the Blaze: "No More Hesitation" Targets

Company With Ties to the Federal Gov't Designs Unsettling Targets for Law Enforcement Community

The goal of NMH is to break that stereotype on the range, regardless of how slim the chances are of encountering a real life scenario that involves a child, pregnant woman, etc. If that initial hesitation time can be cut down due to range experience, the officer and community are better served.

"There are seven targets in the series: Pregnant Woman, Older Man 1, Older Man 2, Older Woman, Young Mother, Young Girl, and Little Brother."

"Considering that the company has landed $5.5 million worth of contracts with the federal government, it might also be interesting to know if these targets are being used by federal law enforcement agents.": has since taken down the pictures of "No More Hesitation" Targets
and has left this message on their site:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The apology sounds more like a disclaimer.


Quote from: ROSS on March 02, 2013, 02:50:29 PM
The apology sounds more like a disclaimer.

That's exactly what it is.

This is for you, Jar...

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Thanks Warph. Did you notice my daddy, Chesty, at 4:05 in the first video?
The 2nd video seeing Sam Elliot reminds me of probably the  first time I saw him on the silver screen back in the mid 70's a TV mini series, "Once an Eagle" based on the novel by Anton Myrers. Have you ever read it Warph? If not grab a copy of it---you will enjoy reading it.


Quote from: Warph on March 02, 2013, 01:56:27 PM
Guys, you are so right.  The places I've been to, the places I've seen... are starting to look familiar here in the ol' USA.   And the men I'm still in touch with when I worked at State, WE ALL SMELL A RAT!  As one retired LTCol. wrote me that Potus, "is the most difficult, hard to please person on the face of the earth, someone that may cause harm or loss unless dealt with carefully."  His words, not mine. 

This from the Blaze: "No More Hesitation" Targets

Company With Ties to the Federal Gov't Designs Unsettling Targets for Law Enforcement Community

The goal of NMH is to break that stereotype on the range, regardless of how slim the chances are of encountering a real life scenario that involves a child, pregnant woman, etc. If that initial hesitation time can be cut down due to range experience, the officer and community are better served.

"There are seven targets in the series: Pregnant Woman, Older Man 1, Older Man 2, Older Woman, Young Mother, Young Girl, and Little Brother."

"Considering that the company has landed $5.5 million worth of contracts with the federal government, it might also be interesting to know if these targets are being used by federal law enforcement agents.": has since taken down the pictures of "No More Hesitation" Targets
and has left this message on their site:

My comment just regards so called "offensive" picture targets from and their decision to not post those on their sales website. Those of pictures of possible targets that may be encountered. I have shot on the CAPS live fire simulator and Milo Range Training. While the pictures are disturbing to some they are no different than what has been used in Law enforcement training for years. All very necessary training scenario's for those that might find it necessary to use deadly force.


DHS purchased 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles (MRAP) as I alluded to earlier on this thread.

The Department of Homeland Security (through the U.S. Army Forces Command) recently retrofitted 2,717 of these 'Mine Resistant Protected' vehicles for service on the streets of the United States.

Although I've seen and read several online blurbs about this vehicle of late, I decided to dig slightly deeper and discover more about the vehicle itself.

The new DHS sanctioned 'Street Sweeper' (my own slang due to the gun ports) is built by Navistar Defense ( a division within the Navistar organization.  Under the Navistar umbrella are several other companies including International Trucks, IC Bus (they make school buses), Monaco RV (recreational vehicles), WorkHorse (they make chassis), MaxxForce (diesel engines), and Navistar Financial (the money arm of the company)."

What could they need equipment like this for here in the US?  They are hitting the road with it.  Caravans of National Guard equipment but with new never before seen equipment in the convoys. Take a close look at what is painted on the side of the Black Humvees. The Humvees are fully armored the same standard used by our military.

The use of the word 'Rescue' is an obvious psy op...makes it sound nice and benign, kind of like a life-saving paramedic ambulance and not a domination and death machine.  The Posse Comitatus Act is gone.

They are gearing up for serious business and are training the National Guard, FEMA and Police with them.  The latest batch of 2,500 GLS vehicles don't come more heavily-armored.  The GLS is the larger vehicle on the trailer below. It is a deadly serious piece of equipment and they have never been used inside the US until now.  All information in this email has been released publicly.

The United States government is and has been planning for unlikely events like war and societal collapse for many years. This year President Obama has implemented, by Executive Order, doomsday response plans that would essentially give the government an unprecedented ability to nationalize large industries, personal farm and ranch land, and even your skills and labor in the event of a declared emergency. A control grid is being put into place to handle what they know is coming.
The only question is: What, exactly, is it that is coming to America?


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The MRAP featured in these video's was in Albuquerque, New Mexico for Law Enforcement Day which was held at a local area Target Store. This MRAP is stationed in El Paso, Texas at The Homeland Security Investigations Office. MRAP is a Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicle:

With a massive biometric FBI surveillance system going live across the United States in recent weeks, tens of thousands of drones to be flying over American skies within just a few years, over 1 billion rounds of ammunition being acquired by non-military government agencies, and host of laws and executive orders outlining military and police emergency response plans to lock down the United States, it isn't much of a stretch to suggest that our government is preparing for something that aims to fundamentally transform America as we know it today.

New evidence for a coming lock-down of America is presented to the public by citizen journalists and alternative media on an almost weekly basis, which suggests that whatever is being planned is on a much more accelerated schedule now than ever before.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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