Repub. Leaders’ Sequester ‘Meeting’ with Obama-He Gives Seven minutes...

Started by Warph, March 01, 2013, 01:53:11 AM

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...Of His Time!

Okay... the average person can accomplish the following in about seven minutes:

***Heat up and let cool down a microwaved TV dinner.
***Walk to and from a neighbor's house to return garden clippers.
***One fast trip to the bathroom

If you're the President of the United States of America, on the cusp of an economic crisis (of your own making) that you and your administration have been ginning up panic and blame, scare tactics and hype, for weeks now, a rational person would presume that you, as president, would give more than seven minutes of your day, on the eve before the last day, to share ideas and discuss with Republican leaders how to solve the problem.  Unless you're The Prince Of Fools, Comrade Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma.  Then, of course, it makes perfect sense.

Seven minutes!

But not one minute more!!!

Washington Times reports — Republican leaders' sequester 'meeting' with Obama: Seven minutes:

Never let it be said that President Obama has failed to spend time with Republican leaders in seeking an alternative to automatic budget cuts that are due to hit most federal departments Friday. On Wednesday, for example, the president gave GOP lawmakers as much as seven minutes, a rare face-to-face encounter that the White House described as a "meeting."

The White House's characterization of this momentary huddle at the Capitol as a meeting illuminates Mr. Obama's strategy in dealing with Republicans on the budget cuts and other fiscal deadlines.

With speeches and other staged events, the president has tried to build public pressure for his agenda of tax increases coupled with spending cuts.

But he has made little time for negotiating directly with lawmakers who oppose his plans.

"It is a sincere conviction among Republicans that the president's negotiating posture isn't about getting a deal done, it's a zero-sum political game where his aim is to destroy the Republican [House] majority in the next election," said Steve Schmidt, a Republican strategist who served in 2008 as Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign manager. "It's certainly not an effective strategy for a leader in search of a deal."

Now he is trying the same tactics, warning the public of airport delays, lax border security and thousands of teacher layoffs if the pending budget cuts take effect. He is trying to force Republicans to agree to ending tax breaks, mainly for wealthy individuals and corporations, that would raise as much as $580 billion.

"I'm not interested in playing a blame game," Mr. Obama told shipyard workers in Newport News, Va., on Tuesday. "All I'm interested in is just solving problems. I want us to be able to look back five years from now, 10 years from now, and say we took care of our business and we put an end to some of these games that maybe, I guess, are entertaining for some but are hurting too many people."

Said Republican strategist Whit Ayres, "The president is really good at campaigning and really bad at governing. So he's doing what he's good at."

Mr. Schmidt said the president may have miscalculated that he can beat congressional Republicans with this strategy again because they conceded on tax increases two months ago.

"Republicans gave in on the higher tax rates on the revenue front, but that doesn't mean a permanent acquiescence on these issues," Mr. Schmidt said. "The president is beating Republicans in a public argument, but in fact Republicans are highly likely to retain the [House] majority because of demographics and where the competitive races are. If you're lurching from crisis to crisis, people eventually get numb to it. There's a 'boy who cried wolf' quality to it."

Many have noticed, including some liberal journalists, that Obuma has avoided meeting with any congressional leaders face-to-face, until yesterday, to discuss how they could avert the sequestration according to Fox News.  He was too busy jetting off in Air Force One (which costs roughly $180,000 per hour to operate, I might add) to give a speech.... too busy grandstanding and blaming in the press to actually make an effort to work with Republicans in Congress.

Obuma's Wednesday Schedule:

And here's Obuma's posted schedule for Thursday... where is the rest of the day beyond the daily briefing (for which POTUS notoriously has blown off attending in the past) and he and Crazy Uncle Joe Biden eating in the "private dining room"?

Based on this scant posting of a schedule, it would appear that the president could have easily met with Republican leaders for more than seven minutes.  What an A$$HOLE!!!:

President's Schedule for Friday, March 1st. :

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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