Our 'Kommune-ity' grows...

Started by Patriot, February 23, 2013, 04:12:48 PM

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I read Warph's     link and truthfully that is not about pedophiles in the church, and supposedly respected people in the communities actions.  
It is about man's decision as was given to him.  No President can give that kind of power.  


QuoteTake a guess, I'll let you know if you're close.

I don't play games....Play with someone else.


     You're the one who asked.

    This thread was about the backdoor spread of Kommunism, in my opinion.


and I reiterate...this is about man's decisions to act with pure volition.
Call it Communism, Catholosism, Konnectedism or just pure blatened shithead groups.

spell checking aside, why group people into cubbyhole boxes for argument's sake?


      I surely have no intent to group anyone. Patriot was merely pointing out one of the catch phrases that those who want to undermine our liberty use and it happens to be on a neighborhood sign. The rest of the responses for the most part , missed the point.


and it seems to be that 'Communism" and Konnected" seem to be the 'CATCH' phrase of this forum.
There in my opinion appears to be an 'alarm' system to warn everybody of a Political opposition.

okay...it comes from only a few posters.
My question to you, Bull is what do YOU think and do as a man?  Do you follow with those alike thinkers, or do you thin


sorry. video card just got hot.
Do you think for yourself, or reiterate Warph etal  thoughts, to make us think.  ie, groups in thought pursuade more than one.



Quote from: Patriot on February 23, 2013, 04:12:48 PM
Originality?  Or, like ACORN, a traceable agenda of socialist Kommunity Organization?

Patriot, is that picture from Coffeeville, Ks or somewhere else? Did you take the picture or are you just making a point relevant to our discussions here on the forum?


      It is most certainly Coffeyville , KS. I've driven by it many times.

     Ready, I don't follow you. Is my being in agreement with others here, somehow lessening my personal impact in expressing my views? For the most part , most of Warph and Patriots posts , are meant to be purely informative and factual observation. You can take it or leave it, IMHO.


       OK , I think I deciphered what you were asking , Ready. Do I think for myself? Actually , no, Warph and Patriot are sitting right behind me , telling me what to type.

       Thanks for cubbyholing me as a follower. For someone who doesn't play games, you certainly have the knack.  ;)

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