Your 'Community Leaders' & temper tantrums

Started by Patriot, February 17, 2013, 11:59:45 AM

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This has been some really amazing treading.
I can't comprehend the thinking of some people.
It amazes me.


Quote from: Patriot on February 19, 2013, 11:54:57 AM
Unfortunately, since the end of the Cold War, and in light of school curricula that places more emphasis on perceived equality, The Vagina Monologues & iPod athletics instead of comparative ideologies & cultural outcomes, we now have a generation that is painfully lacking in in any foundation by which to understand how the Progressive Movement is simply a linguistic twist on Socialism moving toward Communism.  To astute observers & critical thinkers, the New AmeriKa is rising with startling speed.

Marxism, Socialism & Communism have resulted in the murder of more humans than all the AR-15s & 30 round magazines that liberals could ever hope to confiscate.  History doesn't lie but so many refuse to learn from it.  Looks like we'll be repeating it... again.

The Progressive Movement.  By whatever name they answer... they are Fabians at root.  They believe in central control of all aspects of life.  They are at work beating our world into molten metal to create a new world to suit themselves.  If you refuse to see the communists, you won't resist them, and that is perfect for them.  That is their goal.  These are the same ideas that murdered 150+ million people just last century, and these ideas have taken root and are starting to sprout in the U.S.

Our grandparents feared and loathed communists for good reason.... they watched the anti-life bastards murder millions and millions of people with their 'great leap forward,' and their politburo, and their planned famines.  Same ol' communist ideas with a new slogan and new packaging.  
Progressives are the new communists, period.  If you don't believe they exist and are presently working to fell this nation, then you are a fool who is being walked to your doom.

Wake up!

Unfortunately... as it is today.....  the American people are like the little dutch boy with his finger in the dam holding back the water!  It's far to little and far to late!  But never fear, you will still have your bread and circuses (foodstamps and football), the schools will still babysit your kids every day and you will have your elections!

And every two years you will hear the mantra 'This time we will fix it. Don't worry, this election is the one!'

Boys and girls continue with the delusion, accept the delusion, OR finally realize that we must discard the delusion and, of all the above, that is the most painful and dangerous thing to do because it is getting to a point that we can never return to our old constitution, not because it failed us, but human nature failed it!  We have returned to Kings and Princes because we were lousy custodians of our liberty and were afraid to stop those that have taken it from us!  Shame on Us!

Time to wake up, People!


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


How do you justify increasing any budget line with no long term income stream to support it?  You skip right over the massive road increase like it is a separate tax payer account that is off limits like a defense contractor balance sheet.  How can a ten year population decrease equate to an increase in any expense?  If we have had 10% decline in population then the budgets should decline at least that much.  Services should be the lowest in the state because as stated  numerous times we have the highest tax rate in the state.  We should have the worst schools.  We should have the worst roads. We should have poor health services.  You can't bite more than you can chew.

What is the account balancing transaction after 8 more years?  Lay off all the newly hired. 

After we blow the other pilot funds.  How do you maintain let alone grow?   Or is that not a concern for you shorted sighted.....   Get mine now let the grand kids figure out secession planning.


Quote from: Vitriol on February 21, 2013, 07:49:00 PM
How do you justify increasing any budget line with no long term income stream to support it?  You skip right over the massive road increase like it is a separate tax payer account that is off limits like a defense contractor balance sheet.

The present spending levels are targeting what amounts to restoration of badly neglected RS roads.  In that regard, the PILOT is a blessing.  Perhaps if the previous board(s) had spent sufficient amounts to maintain the roads, the higher cost of restoration wouldn't be a present concern.  Once restored, I would hope a responsible board would set a reasonable budget to properly maintain the condition of improved roads.  A budget that is more assured with the income stream you mentioned.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Just what are the roads to be restored to?  I have been driving Elk County rural roads since 1947 and they were no better then, than they are now.  Nor have they ever been.


i live on these roads,they are gravel roads there is only so much you can do.what can you change by doing the same thing?Its nice to see they have been cutting out some trees,now if they could quit dumping road hazard shards on the roads it would be nice.If they are calling them road base,then someone should tell them they are suppose to put smaller ones on top.Has everyone forgot they got 1Million dollars from fema a few years back,never seen any change there.


Wilma, did you ever make it to the highway?   In the late 40's and early 50's in my part of Chautauqua county most rural roads had no gravel on at all.  We were always hoping the bus would get stuck going to school.


In the winter of '47-'48, my little brother and I were travelling 7 miles to Piedmont every day in that 1936 Chevy.  We were used to dirt roads, having had the same thing for two years in Sumner County, except they were sandier and no rocks.  There was one time that the Chevy didn't get us through the mud.  It wouldn't start and trying to pull it to get it started only resulted in burying it.  Is this what the roads are to be restored to? 

We didn't have a school bus.


        Since there hasn't been any appreccialble amount of moisture on the roads they have put rock on, until now, the addition of said rock has been a bit of a pain. Let's see how that rock reacts to having mud under it for the first time in a loooong time. I bet you will be getting down many roads that you would have needed four-wheel drive in the past. The fines all blew away, but you have to create a base to eliminate mud holes.


Quote from: Vitriol on February 21, 2013, 07:49:00 PM
  If we have had 10% decline in population then the budgets should decline at least that much.

I believe the county operates on property taxes.
And although there has been a decline of population the amount of property in Elk County has not declined and property taxes continue to be collected.

The number of county roads have not declined and farmers/ranchers and others still use county roads plenty.

I seldom use county roads but I still use them.

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

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