Your 'Community Leaders' & temper tantrums

Started by Patriot, February 17, 2013, 11:59:45 AM

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I agree to a point, Diane.  If one doesn't discuss those properties of fun afterwards or in a classroom before, then it is just that....blowing off energy.
My point is to EDUCATE while still having fun....One can, and still have fun, not just throw them at it.



 Slip and Slide?  that follows into geometry and science.  Volume vs trajectory.   
Balls to the wall?  (well I just made that up, but could be a trajectory/force learning tool)...sotr of like learning to play pool.

Too many times we offer something to the kids, but never follow through on the learning experience.


Diane Amberg

Yup, that's exactly right. That's where parents can get involved too. Just like all the sneaky ;) learning that can happen on a trip to the  grocery store. You have definitely got it!


My point is that what the children enjoy, they will remember.  They will tell their cousins, friends from other places, anyone that will listen and it will all be good, about living in Elk County.  Their memories about the good times they had as children will bring them back with their families.  Think about it a minute.  Why are you living where you are right now?  Did you make a choice and on what was that choice based?  Are you living in Elk County because it is the only place in the world or did you choose to live here?  In some cases, both could be true.  For me, there is no other place in the world and I chose to live here rather than try to make another place like Elk County.  Sure it isn't perfect and the memories of a childhood in Elk County are not mine.  I have no memories of a long term residence anywhere.  But Elk County comes as close as I can get.

I have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren living here.  I hope that they can experience some of the bigger world without having to live in the bigger world.  That is what the rock wall and the other experiences that have been mentioned do for the children.  Soccer will never catch on in Elk County, but why shouldn't the young ones experience it first hand?  Get to know more about it so that when they do have to be a part of the bigger world, they won't appear to be country hicks.  What about this art experience that some took part in?  I don't know much about that, but I wish I could have had a chance at it when I was a lot younger.  Sorry, I could go on all afternoon about this, but it is time for my nap.


And, in keeping with the original thread:  Economic Development - doesn't this sweat with the youth, parents and community for all of Elk County?  Not just  Howard?

ready  (Yes, there needs to be a big sign on the North side of Howard to say "Entering Elk County, a land of growth!)



Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 18, 2013, 02:01:34 PM
Ready, I have to disagree that "entertainment is a blind baby sitter." It certainly doesn't have to be.

But then, you haven't been watching the Elk County/Elk Konnected process up close.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Not on the north side of Howard.  Way up north on the county line.  Then another one close to Howard, listing all the businesses in town.  Then another sign listing the churches.  Moline has some nice signs at each side of town.  Since I don't travel 160 much anymore, I can't say what the other towns have.  Grenola does have a nice setup on the highway that catches your attention.  Where are the promotional signs for Elk County?

"Where are you from?"
"Howard or Elk Falls or Grenola or............"
"Where is that?"
"Elk County"
"Where is that?  Is that in Kansas?"  


Wilma:  I HAD to come back.  I left because there was nothing in this area for me to experience with knowing now what is out there  .
Yes, kids tell their cousins, etc...however they say "wow, cool thing you can bounce up and down on , and they gave you free food!"
Doesn't give you a learning experience.  Just gives you an elated feeling to that time.  
I had that once growing up, then it all became a reality.  I learned what I learned from those that are still here, and it hasn't changed in 65 years, if not more.  That is sad.

I am proud to be from this area and geaneology (5th generation).  It doesn't mean I agree with the "Good Ole Boy's Club" of Delegating.  I am NOT my father, NOR my mother.
I am hear to learn and teach.



Quote from: readyaimduck on February 18, 2013, 02:39:30 PM
And, in keeping with the original thread:  Economic Development

While I agree with much of what you're saying, Economic Development is not in keeping with the original thread.  Paying for child entertainment or funding a private company's steering committee member with taxpayer monies would be the original point.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


QuoteBut then, you haven't been watching the Elk County/Elk Konnected process up close.

Patriot:  I have moved past that since page 3546.

Move forward, and correct!

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