Ross's Elk County Connected thread

Started by debid, February 16, 2013, 03:07:10 PM

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Diane Amberg

It's not the "what," it's the ''how'' that frosts some. Even the most plausible  thoughts lose their luster when presented with such rancor and incorrect calling anyone not wearing a cyber "I support Boss Ross" button a liar. He has never learned to respect other views.Some lip service, but then the attack follows.
Now he's again playing the poor, honorable, 'uneducated hick" victim card. Jean valjean he is not.
I think reasonable people have long since given up on his personal thread. If he could have learned to debate in a polite manor and stop with the "I'm just asking questions" ploy, he could have gotten what he wanted long ago . Even I could have explained what some of his old questions about what strong families and communities and such meant. There are actual definitions and measurements about such things. He would have rejected them all as being silly, so nobody bothered to engage him.
He is correct about one thing . Unless Elk County has a big influx of people and fairly soon, the little towns will become ghost towns for sure.Taxing property doesn't create people to spend their SS or pensions or welfare or whatever they have to support the local merchants. How long can they hang on? There are some who don't care. I'm not sure why.
Lower taxes? Easy, if you are willing to really inconvenience yourselves. Someday I'll write a list, tongue in cheek of course, of many ways of cutting taxes.Here are just a few.
  No school buses, no road work, including ditch maintenance, and give it back to the land owners to take care of the property next to the roads.Ya wanna drive those roads bad enough, you'll do it yourself! Turn off the street lights. who really needs' em. Outhouses and back yard pumps work just fine don't they? If they were good enough for great grandpa, they'd be good enough for today's generation.There are many more, but it'll make a lot of people groan. ;) ;D ;D ;D


 ::) :o :D :'(
It went a day without any posts... 


 :'( Someone call the Coroner... Nobody except Ross has posted on it since Feb 26th. 


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 24, 2013, 11:17:47 AM
Here are just a few.
  No school buses, no road work, including ditch maintenance, and give it back to the land owners to take care of the property next to the roads.Ya wanna drive those roads bad enough, you'll do it yourself! Turn off the street lights. who really needs' em. Outhouses and back yard pumps work just fine don't they? If they were good enough for great grandpa, they'd be good enough for today's generation.There are many more, but it'll make a lot of people groan. ;) ;D ;D ;D

You sound like Obama and his Sequester Scare Tour.  How about no taxpayer subsidized movies after school, controls on zero based budgeting growth, cost effective purchasing policies, elimination of duplication and realistic productivity expectations.  Of course, I'm sure you've carefully observed all Elk county internal operations & purchasing practices, done manpower studies here and studied the local budget carefully... or are at least parroting the liberal whining of your sore loser, 'inside' sources, so you're probably right.  Don't you have a porn star ex-Miss Delaware to go save or some Biden shotgun shells to reload?  Excuse me now, I've got to go grade the road in front of my place... drastic service cutbacks, you know.

Tongue in cheek?  That'll be the day.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: debid on March 08, 2013, 04:57:51 PM
:'( Someone call the Coroner... Nobody except Ross has posted on it since Feb 26th.  

Do you think posting over here is any different than posting over there?

It isn't the first time a Follower has posted else where trying to hide is it?
Let's post this over there so we make sure everyone watching that thread doesn't miss your post, Okay, OK!
That way everyone gets to see how you operate. Great huh!

Debid Are you suggesting Elk Konnected, LLC has died?

I don't think so!

The Followers will be back.

The rest of the Followers are probably just following orders and keeping their mouths shut just like good little Followers should.

Because they can't argue against anything I have posted over there, that's why!

They can't take the heat.

They can't even post over there anything Elk Konnected.. LLC has done for Elk county since it's inception?

Must be because everything they have done has failed, don't ya reckon?



I am far from a "follower".  I disagree with your thread(and you) because of several reasons.  I would like to tell you that when I had my business in Howard, Liz Hendricks and her family were some of my biggest supporters.   I also happened to Like Liz and Doug as people, and parents.  I admire the the amount of time and effort they put into raising their girls.   They are good and loyal friends to many.  Right away when you started in it turned me off.  You obviously do not know Liz or her extended family.

I personally think you are a nut....  Not because I know you in person, but because of your thread.  Nothing you say or do will change my mind on that.   

I cannot understand your reasoning behind the hatred of Elk Konnected... I just don't and you will not change my mind.

The fact that you refuse to let your thread die (even though it is obvious people are done with it)  proves my point on this thread. 


DEBID, you said it for a lot of people. Most of us have nothing to do with Elk Konnect but Ross in his sick and twisted vendatta continues to rant on. Liz and her family have worked hard for Elk County and for the people and they don't deserve the trash Ross has made up about them.


Quote from: Oldtimer on March 11, 2013, 05:31:00 PM
DEBID, you said it for a lot of people. Most of us have nothing to do with Elk Konnect but Ross in his sick and twisted vendatta continues to rant on.

I bet you thought you would slide on this one, didn't you?

You have everything to do with it, this thread for instance is connected to the other thread, if no other way, through me. You can run (to another thread) but you can't hide.

First, how many of there are you, 3, 4, 5, 6, how many?

If you are not Konnected, why get so irate about the Elk Konnected thread?
Why have I received threats on that/this thread?
Why are you ranting, by starting this thread as a tool to bad mouth me and lie about me?
No, I won't beat around the bush, you are the one doing the lying.

What vendetta are you speaking of?
What definition of vendetta are you using?
Do you really consider asking a politician questions a vendetta?
If so, I would think that would make your thinking sick and twisted!

Quote from: Oldtimer on March 11, 2013, 05:31:00 PM
Liz and her family have worked hard for Elk County and for the people and they don't deserve the trash Ross has made up about them.

Oh, that's a good one! What exactly has she done for the benefit of Elk County?
Starting Elk Konnected, LLC, is that what you are referring too!
How has that benefited any one?

And please Oldtimer tell us the truth aren't you her daddy?
You wouldn't deny your daughter would you?

And please Oldtimer tell us the truth tell us exactly what has been made up by me?
Please be very precise?
Use the ability this forum provides you and quote what I have made up.
Tell us every lie, every story you are accusing me of making up, please.

You won't do it, because you can't do it!
So, who does that make the liar out to be?

Now, let's take this back to the original thread. Okay. OK!,11780.msg206207.html#msg206207


Ross' narcicism is showing again.  Only wants Elk Konnected to be discussed on his own personal thread.  Can't stand that those who back the good people who make up and support Elk Konnected would actually choose to have their own thread.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on March 17, 2013, 05:42:07 PM
Ross' narcicism is showing again.  Only wants Elk Konnected to be discussed on his own personal thread.  Can't stand that those who back the good people who make up and support Elk Konnected would actually choose to have their own thread.

See response at,

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