
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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Judy Harder

Wilma it is helping mine. Not walking outside work instead........LOL moved an item and found out I needed to dust, badly. that created a hazard in my apartment....just now ran out of gas and am eating lunch. Just left over cabbage, etc. I love cooked cabbage.......just have to watch how often I eat it. LOL I will go up and exercise with my group at school today, hope I can get a couple miles in before the fibro/arthritis hits me helps to walk with them.....enjoy the fellowship more. Stay warm.
Oh, I am being entertained by a squirrel today. He keeps coming around my soot feeder and yes I am throwing him left over bread and things veggies and nuts, etc. He is even looking in my window telling me when he is here. LOL
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Finally got some garden planted, onion bulbs, beets, and radishes.   Also got my 60 asparagus roots planted in my old silo foundation.  Will wait until later to plant more things.  Glad for the rain.


Anybody else have their fruit trees in bloom? The 34 predicted for the low tonight isn't a problem but the 27-29 for tomorrow sure could be. Kinda glad I haven't got much planted in the garden yet. At the rate were going it will be may before the tomatoes go in.


Both my bigger two peach trees are in full bloom but if I remember right they got their butts froze last year after they were in bloom and still had peaches. All the fruit trees I planted last year are just now starting to show green.
  All 96 of my Pink Girl tomato plants can't wait until May to plant !! Got fans bowing on them like a helicopter flying in my shop, trying to keep them strengthened now.
   Sat., I hauled 5 dump truck loads of horse poo compost and spread on two of my gardens. I will be the envy of ol Jack and the Bean Stalk, this year---if it ever warms up enough to sprout a bean seed . I plan on having beets as big around as a peck basket.


Are you planting anything BUT tomatoes? Even with doubling the size of my garden I still won't be planting much more than 50. Guess I should ask just how close together you plant them or just how big your garden has grown. I've never grown Pink Girl. How are they in the size and taste department? I'm not growing anything but OP tomatoes this year. Want to try my hand at saving my own seed. Of course that means I'm taking chances with diseases etc. Our 'new" garden is where we fed hay to the cattle last year so no hauling manure - it's already in place. A lot less work!


I have 3 gardens here in Longton plus I'm  a share cropper with my middle daughters garden at Flint Oak. I plant 70- 75 tomato plants here and she will plant another 20-25. I probably plant a little closer than most do but I like mine growing into a jungle for the shade factor they do for each other. Yes I plant lots of other things beside tomatoes.
I love the Pink Girl maters. They are about the same size of Better Boys but I think are meatier plus I make oodles of salsa and they make more juice to can .IMO


My apricot is blooming plus plums and peaches have just started.  May have lost a couple trees.  I think most of my raspberries and blackberries have died.   Planted some new blackberries in the fall.  Beets and radishes are up that I planted earlier.  A couple weeks before most of everything else  should be planted.   Watermelons at times are hard to get to come up.   Last year I had field mouse problems with them digging down and eating the seeds.    I finally  planted the seeds and put plastic containers around them plus setting mouse traps.   They like to eat corn seed as well. 


I planted a start of crape myrtle and 10 strawberry plants this week. The crape myrtle is currently under a bucket for protection, and the strawberries are in pots covered by a wheelbarrow. I've got fingers crossed they survive the freeze. I also have some mixed iris bulbs I need to get in the dirt. I'm holding off on planting any veg, but when I do, there will be red peppers, cukes, and tomatoes.

I'm sorry about your fruit trees and berry bushes, Delbert. I hope you can save some and still get some fruit this year.


Jarhead, now I am not the good sister, but since you are such a good gardener!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angel: :angel:  Plant some extra beets and I will sell some of my chrome diopside and buy some from you.


I knew it---I just knew it !! You didn't stop last Sunday to check on my welfare---you were spying on me. That's why I kept my behunkes parked on the tailgate of the truck, instead of planting. Bet you saw where I had already planted 5 rows of beets. Might of wasted the seeds though if it doesn't warm up. Oh well, most of them came out of the freezer left over from last year

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