
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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       Beauties! I know what you mean about the rain stripping off petals. They all did seem to bloom much better than last year.

     Got any zinnias to come? I always welcome them coming later to fill in what is gone.


This one is a stranger in my garden.  I know not from whence it came.  It is at the corner of the rose garden and I know that I did not plant it there.


      Almost looks like a mum of sorts.


I have some zinnias coming up from seed dropped last year.  Haven't checked on them lately, but hopefully they are still there.  They need to be transplanted as they are right at the edge of where the mower cuts.  One slip and they would be gone.


The leaves aren't right for a mum, but it does resemble one, doesn't it.  A few more days should tell.


       I know there are many kinds of mums, but like you say, the leaves are not the usual, kind of daisy-like as well. Are daisys and mums related?

      A little early for the zinnias to show I think, especially as cool as it has been. I just know them as welcome blooms in summer.


       Have you ever had penstemon or cardinal flower , Wilma? I plant them , but they don't come back. I think I have too much shade. They are both some of my favorites.


No, I haven't tried those.  I am trying more perennials so I won't have to work planting them every year.


    They are both perinnials. I just don't have a place they like I guess. My columbine does OK.


Wilma, your flower looks like some kind of daisy by the looks of the leaves. Birds sometimes 'plant' seed that comes from God only knows. But it looks like a very pretty flower.  ;)

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