
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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No, Bull, I have had no asparagus.  I look at it in the produce department, but it doesn't look very good there.


The last couple days I got all of my watermelons planted.    Around 100 hills.   I normally plant Crimson  sweet.   I also planted a few Moon and Stars.   They have yellow spots on them.  Also a few hills of rattlesnake.   My peaches, plums and apricots made it through the cold weather and still have fruit.     Asparagus is going full throttle.   


Wilma, I think that your mystery flower may be Dames' Sweet Rocket. I have it growing all over the yard and love it. It is very scented. I got it started by taking a spent plant stalk from my mothers' yard, waiting until the stalk is brittle and kinda ugly. then i laid that stalk down where I wanted it to grow and stomped all over it, leaving it lay. In the fall the new seedlings had started and the next year I had Sweet Rocket. It is difficult to keep contained in one place. it likes to travel, but is so delightful, I let it bloom where it is planted. One of the very beautiful wild flowers from England I think.  :)


I didn't know all that.  I do know that it likes to travel.  I don't know where I will have it next year.  Just hope that I recognize it and don't hoe it out. 


Delbert - that's a heck of a lot of watermelons. Not sure I'd want to try and keep that many watered when it gets hot. The one I'm growing this year is called Ancient. Mostly I just wanted one with a really thick rind so I can make watermelon pickles. Still have to get the pumpkins, squash and melons in and then I'll be done. Glad to here your fruit trees are going strong. My pear tree has very few on it but the apple trees are loaded. Going to be doing a lot of thinning.


Yesterday a very nice gentleman brought me a bag of fresh asparagus.  We had it for lunch today, the asparagus, not the bag.  It was delicious.  I hadn't had anything close to it since the last time I cut some fresh and there were only a few stalks that time.  Anyway, I thought that since there was so much of it, I would try a stalk raw.  It tasted just like peas right out of the pod right off the vine.  Now I have to tell you a story about me and peas.

When I was five or six, my folks were planting a garden and of course I was helping.  Mother had planted the peas, Daddy had covered and tamped them and I decided they needed stomping.  Mother asked me why I was stomping the peas.  My reply was and I quote, "They taste like asparagus and I don't like asparagus."

I have since learned to like peas, asparagus and spinach.

I am very grateful to the gentleman for sharing wiith me.  I guess it pays to be a nice old lady.


Wilma, I was driving down 160 today when the botanical name for Dames' Sweet Rocket came to me. It is Hesperis. Just an FYI you know. :D


      Has anyone ever raised, or heard of, a watermelon that only gets the size of a cantaloupe ? My brother planted some. He didn't look at the package very close when he bought them. I forget what they were called. The seeds were quite small.


I've never grown it but there's a watermelon called Little Baby Flower that only weighs 2-4 lbs .


       I found the package, it is called sugar baby. It says you can grow it on a trellis.

    Thanks for the response.

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