
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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      Got about half the garden planted Tuesday afternoon. Just barely dry enough. Had one tomato plant curl a bit after the cold, but it's rebounding. A friend of mine though, asked if his potato plants will come back. Sounded like they wilted completely. Anyone know if they resprout? Or are they toast.

Dee Gee

Potato plants should be okay I have had them frosted off and they regrew and made a nice crop of potatoes.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


We have had them frozen and while they did come back, they didn't produce good.  We'd had good crops in that spot previously.


Got all three of my gardens planted and even got my daughters  garden at Flint Oak planted----and did them all on Tuesday !! Now to rest the ol sore back by going fishing for the next month or two. Like Growit I had to dig a trench to get all the tomato roots in the ground. My spuds, onions or beets do not show any signs of illness due to being froze so many times. Have two young peach trees that were in full bloom and got hit by Jack Frost several times but I see Pee Wee marble sized peaches so guess they are A-OK. Thankfully I have friends like Damien M, from Moline, who has kept me supplied with morels from "natures garden". Must be nice to have eyeballs still good enough to find them tasty puppies---or maybe it's that I'm too lazy and clumsy to walk around the timber looking for them.


      Thanks for the input on froze taters !

    Jarhead, I can imagine how you felt after a day like that. My brother was helping me and didn't remember putting in the family garden being so much work. It doesn't help that he smokes like a chimney. He wanted to quit after planting the corn, but I made him gut it out. I guess I need to go mushroom hunting. Ed at Red-I was talking about someone bringing him a bunch. I have always been a little afraid of not picking the right ones. As for you, if you have someone supplying you, I guess that takes away the incentive to go looking.  ;) :D

Diane Amberg

You can't go wrong with the morels, puffballs, shelf fungus and chicken of the woods.The others can be tricky.


I have morels in one of my flower beds, I am not saying which one.  I think that I won't disturb that area in case they want to multiply.

Diane Amberg

I used to find morels under an old dog wood but they stopped for some reason. We only picked a few and left the rest to carry on.


At last the mystery plant in my flower garden has been solved.  When it showed up this spring, it looked like a flower, but I couldn't remember having planted anything in that particular spot.  So, I just let it grow and it grew and it grew and it was still a mystery.  It resembled sour dock, but I was sure it wasn't that.  I was just about ready to take a picture of it and ask for help when from somewhere within this vast knowledge that is stored in my brain, came the answer.  It is, I think, a bienniel, a plant that comes up, dies down without blooming, then comes back up the next year and blooms.  Each year it drops it's seeds to continue it's existence.  After finally identifying it, I remembered that I had brought a start of it from my brother's farm where my mother had started it long ago from some starts that I had given her from my garden.  It is still prevalent out there where it isn't disturbed.  Hopefully, I can keep it growing here in my garden.  Oh, yes, we call it Sweet Rock.


      Wowwie Wilma !

   Got most of garden planted, radishes, lettuce, onions, etc, coming up.

    Wilma, did you ever get any asparagus yet?

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