
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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Brave might be a poor choice of words.   May have 6 plants that look bad.   Looks like warmer weather in a few days. 


Delbert - Sorry to hear some of your toms aren't doing well. I was looking forward to the warmer weather too and actually getting things planted. Now there's ANOTHER cold front coming and the temps will be back down in the thirties by mid-week. My toms are going to be 2 foot tall by the time I get them in the ground!


I was at Lowes' in B'ville yesterday and was delighted to find they had a large number of flowers marked down 50%. I came home with a van full of stuff both annual and perinneals. They have a little frost damage and are not optimal but will do just fine when it warms up. If it ever warms up!  :D :D


jarhead - What do you think about planting all those toms the weekend after this one? Looks like the weather just might cooperate. My new garden is tilled and waiting.


      Just planted tomato and pepper plants yesterday. Wind has been tough. I'm not afraid of the ghost of winter. ;D ;D


it thundered in febuary the wives tales says frost in may


I no longer have tomato plants. I have gangly tomato trees. I have talked to two different green house people and they both said the plants will be OK as long as I transplanted them into bigger containers---which I had done. Most of my cuke, squash and melon plants have passed and went to the big garden in the sky. Be planting them by seeds in the garden. Got a good stand of beets and a couple rows of beans looking good but 3 rows of beans are iffy.Tators are looking good---so far.

I have said in the past that I thought you were a wise ol bull but now I think you are as crazy as a pet coon, if you aint scared of the winter ghosts :D


My Tomatoes and Peppers have been Planted for a month. I have had to spend a lot of time covering and uncovering them and will have to again for a couple more nights. I put reinforcing wire around my tomatoes and wrap it with Plastic, to cover them I just drop an old towel of t-shirt down over the plants. My peppers I cover with insulated Faucet covers. All my plants are looking good, my tomatoes are blooming good. I cut all the lower limbs off of my tomatoes and plant them deep, they will have roots come out all the way to the surface.


        Truth is Jarhead, I just got tired of waiting. Wanted to get more stuff in the ground, but it's too wet.


Well we dodged what I hope is the last of the freezing weather. If the garden dries out enough this next week I'll have all the toms and peppers in the ground by the weekend. Good thing too because I'm about out of potting soil. I've transplanted some of the toms three times into bigger pots. They should have a heck of a root system by now. Probably have to trench a few of them. Now just have to keep the bunnies from devouring everything.

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