Chris Kyle and the Military . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, February 06, 2013, 09:00:25 PM

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Guilt huh ? Why would I believe that ? Because this one idiot says it's so ? Give me a break !!!


Don't know for sure, but he might have a point.

So what are these wars about?  Certainly, our liberty is not increasing in the USA.  Oh, but the Federal
Reserve continues to print more money.


Comments by Army vet Jacob Hornberger

Yea, Mr Hornberger is an Army vet, veteran of the Army reserves that never deployed or served in combat but he KNOWS what causes PTSD and he got all his knowledge on the subject from being a lawyer.
Red, I can't by no means speak of all vets but I am in contact with a whole slew of them and visit with a bunch every year at my reunions. I have spoken with a bunch from the Iraq and Afghanistan  wars. Just this past Saturday at the TET reunion in Abilene , Tx there were 26 wounded warriors that came from San Antonio. I visited with several of them. I have been to Flint Oak 3 different years when they hosted the "Salute the Troops' and have talked to a lot of them .Almost all the vets I know or talk to do suffer from "guilt" but it is survivors guilt. So far I have never heard one say he feels guilty of killing an enemy or being in their country. Suppose there could be a few out there but I think they would be few and far between.
As to did Iraq attack us. No. So was it an unjust war ? Have you forgot that Hussein told the world he had WMD's and had used them on his own people. The whole world thought he had them. Guess we should have just set back and waited to see if one of his side kicks went to a Wichita Shockers game and uncorked a little nerve gas. Then everyone would be crying why didn't we do something when we knew he had WMD's  and was a maniac .
Just curious Red---have we ever fought a war, engagement or battle that you think we were justified in doing ?


Good question - offhand, I'm thinking of two justified wars - certainly the Revolutionary War and the Confederates'
defense of the CSA. 


defense of the CSA.

Red, Why did I know you were going to say that one ?  ;D ;D


You know your history much better than most.  Besides that, you're probably a Southerner.


My mothers side of family hailed from North Carolina and Dad's side came from Arkansas . I have always thought the color grey was better look'n than blue.

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