Are you a sheeple read this article and find out

Started by Ross, February 09, 2013, 08:41:46 AM

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Diane Amberg

Ross, you are of course under no obligation to listen to me about anything. Your insults about the organizations I'm in are sad because in some cases people are listening to me, not the other way around. I climbed the professional ladder long ago. It's a change in subject from what we had been chatting about also. Why? An another need to stick it to me?
Perhaps the medical care where you are is so sketchy that you Do need to land on them. I'm sure I wouldn't know.
Obviously you want me to believe your lesbian story, but if so, you didn't do anybody any favor by not turning in that nurse to her superior.That kind of thing is totally forbidden. Now it can keep happening. Nobody before your wife had ever complained of an incident? I find that odd.
How do you treat the hospital volunteers? They aren't paid!    ;)
Yes, medical costs are ridiculous.That's one reason I used to ride the ambulance as a volunteer, as many people across the country still do. It saves huge amounts. That is especially important to the elderly on fixed incomes. So, you can live the whole fable about "the sun and the wind" if you want, and I'll stay being me and if  I need to, I'll check in with  my nurse and doctor friends. That's how we found Al's urologist.  We got off subject. Be happy.


You are obnoxious/
Why can't you stay on topic?
Every thread you visit seems to turn towards you as the focus.
Really obnoxious.



Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2013, 07:02:01 PM
Ross, you are of course under no obligation to listen to me about anything. Your insults about the organizations I'm in are sad because in some case people are listening to me, not the other way around. I climbed the professional ladder long ago.

I did not say a single thing about your organizations and I am not the least bit interested in them. I was speaking of your brained washed thinking, to do as an organization tells you to do,

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2013, 07:02:01 PM
Perhaps the medical care where you are is so sketchy that you Do need to land on them. I'm sure I wouldn't know.

Where are your professional skills in communicating. What the heck does this sentence mean. Such gibberish for a professional.

[quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=14991.msg204485#msg204485 date=1360458121
Obviously you want me to believe your lesbian story, but if so, you didn't do anybody any favor by not turning in that nurse to her superior.That kind of thing is totally forbidden. Now it can keep happening. Nobody before your wife had ever complained of an incident? I find that odd. [/quote]

More gibberish in this paragraph. I don't care what you believe, I am not a member of one of your organizations that may require it. , I am not a member of one of your organizations that may require it.

Very intelligent of you to say nobody before my wife ever complained/
Because no one said my wife complained. I had the nurse removed from my wife's care.
And how in the hell would you know if anyone else complained? Go back to your structured organizational (sheeple) thinking, please.

Quote from: Diane Amberg link=topic=14991.msg204485#msg204485 date=1360458121
How do you treat the hospital volunteers? They aren't paid!    ;)

Just as they treat me. I even flirt with some of the older ladies. But what is that to you?
They don't get paid by me, now do they.

[quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=14991.msg204485#msg204485 date=1360458121
Yes, medical costs are ridiculous.That's one reason I used to ride the ambulance as a volunteer, as many people across the country still do. It saves huge amounts. That is especially important to the elderly on fixed incomes. So, you can live the whole fable about "the sun and the wind" if you want, and I'll stay being me and if  I need to, I'll check in with  my nurse and doctor friends. That's how we found Al's urologist.  We got off subject. Be happy.

You always take the threads off subject, to make it all about you. Perhaps you could could come down for the next LKnnected Kommunity Konversation and work that magic in front of an audience.

Quote from: Bullwinkle on February 09, 2013, 07:16:28 PM
       She is about ready to implode. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

You got that right Bullwinkle, check out the spelling and sentence sreucture,
Very professional. Low stress.
I'd suggest as Dr. Ross Doggie Food  and nun-professional to take a stress break.

Diane Amberg

  The following will be very boring to some. Read at your own risk. :angel:
Oh my, Ross, if anybody had complained about that nurse, as you definitely should have, it would have been investigated! Who else will be victimized? I also did not say your wife complained about the nurse. I said I wondered why some patient prior to your wife hadn't complained?( not quite a quote) Your wife  was the first and only? You should have done something.
You did suggest that the organizations I'm in are brainwashing me... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D About what?  Ya gotta be kidding.
The fire company?  I was an ambulance officer there for many years ,so people were doing as I told them!  I'm also a committee chair and a co chair. So what, I'm brave enough to chair a meeting. Not everybody wants to. ;D ;D ;D That is so funny! I'd tell you what committees, but I wouldn't want to bore anybody.zzzzzzz.
Are you even in any organizations?
 YOU keep bringing these conversations back to me, so sure, I'm going to talk about things I do and what I believe. That's what an open forum is all about. There was a time when we could all disagree without being disagreeable, but thanks to some people who tried to back some of us against the wall and then attacked, that all changed.  Now sticking it to someone for expressing their opinion is the most important thing; who can one slam and get away with it. By the way, you keep talking about paying the docs your hard earned money. I thought your insurance company and medicare paid. I assume you do keep track of what is covered and what is not. I suspect your medicare pays the same as everyone else?
Yes, I do fight back now. You can even go back and find out exactly when I said I had enough of turning the other cheek and warned you that I would start fighting back..and I did.   Ya don't like it...go away..don't read my posts...very easy.
Now as far as sheeple... Do you understand you are sheeple for each other. Certain people here say certain things and expect the rest of your group to blindly follow along. Not all. Some will investigate for themselves, but there are two bell goats and about eight who just act as ditto marks,sheeple, for you.  There are also several who pop up, toss verbal manure and disappear again for long periods of time.
One is definitely a sheeple for his many bloggers who just suck him in. Those bloggers  are always sticking their hand out looking for money too.I wonder if he donates? ???
So go ahead and make personal attacks against me .That's what characters do when they have nothing of any depth or facts to fight back about. Don't attack the issue, attack the person. ;D ;D ;D ;D I expect no less. Freedom of speech apparently doesn't apply to everyone, just certain handpicked people who think a certain way. Torches and pitch forks will be next? :P


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 10, 2013, 12:54:28 PM
By the way, you keep talking about paying the docs your hard earned money. I thought your insurance company and medicare paid. I assume you do keep track of what is covered and what is not. I suspect your medicare pays the same as everyone else?

See, Diane that is the way you organizational people address situations and twist words.
It is my hard earned money, and if I choose to leverage my money by buying insurance, that is still my money, that pays the doctors. And they work for me to earn it. The money does not just appear out of thin air like the Federal Reserve does at $95 Billion a month. I don't have access to their computer to do that. You do understand the principle of leveraging money, right?

Many, many people don't have insurance and the financial losses from their care are passed on to other people. Not in my case, I have the money in the form of insurance.
I buy the insurance which has the effect of greatly increases the value of my dollar. That my dear is leveraging. And it really has nothing to do with what anyone else does or doesn't do.  It is my own personal choice through the use of critical thinking and not organizational thinking.

For instance your organization Elk Konnected, LLC with all their organizational thinking and their visionaries seem to have failed at everything they have tried to do, why?

Perhaps some individual critical thinking would be beneficial to them, what d you think? Can you think outside the organizational box?

I happen to think there is something really weird about that organization. I happen to think and feel they are not really being truthful about their real goals. They seem to be in constant hiding unless they have their hand out begging for money?

They will be going before the County Commissioners once again, only this time armed with a petition. What is that petition really worth, nothing really, now is it?

I don't believe the real reason is to save the Youth Development Position, I believe that is secondary to the Economic Development Position.  The County Commissioners are not doing away with that position, now are they? But, them konnected folks just assume the employee holding that position may quit that part time position, if her other part time position is not restored.

If the organization and visionaries had thought about that back when they had their konnected kounty kommissioners had realized fully what they wanted and what they were doing perhaps they would have done something different. But they hired her as part time, their choice. But even so if she would have been hired full time and the present County Commissioners wanted to abolish the job on  the behalf of the majority of the population that would be their right as well. So what is the organization really trying to do? Are they simply trying to control our County Government?  I sensed that when the Corporation the are attached to required them to beg for money for their membership fees from the governments of our county. County Government, School Governments and City Governments. That would show they have some control wouldn't it?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 10, 2013, 12:54:28 PM
Are you even in any organizations?

No, ma'am I am not a member of any organizations!
Not even AARP!

The price is far to high and I'm not talking dollars.
I won't be like minded.
I will do my own thinking.
I won't be a sheeple.

Why do you need to belong to organizations?
To acquire OPM through Gov't Grants?
To belong?
To provide you guidance?
To fit the mold they provide?
To provide self worth?

No, ma'am I believe in individualism!
So, no at this time in my life I belong to any organizations!
I don't need their confirmation of myself.

Diane Amberg

Ross, of course I understand what insurance is all about. DUH... I just wanted your opinion...and to let you have another chance to unnecessarily slam me, which you easily took. I have a bet going that you can't have a neutral conversation with me without counting coup. So far I am easily winning.
As far as why I joined the fire company...You've got to be kidding! For the same reason any person joins a volunteer fire company!  Now surely you can figure that out with out my help. As far as Elk Konnected, I am not a member as anybody with any sense at all could see, but I do approve of their efforts. I think it's sad to see uninvolved people, who don't seem to be the least bit civic minded, trying so hard to sink their boat. I still think some of their so called "failures" were created from the outside. So be it.
They have a petition going because they can. You could have done the same.  Now it seems to be a power struggle.. You want it your way and they want it theirs.
Not everyone sees taxes as the only issue. I know people who just want good value for the tax money collected. Of course any taxes are hard on seniors and the poor, but have any moved away because of your high taxes? Are other counties with lesser taxes getting fewer or cheaper services?  Perhaps you should find out how they manage it. Tax expenditures can always be improved and tweaked, but some of you are so hostile about it!  So fire the sheriff. at least one of you think he isn't worth his paycheck either and have said so. ;)
  How about giving up a year's worth of road rock? It would save a lot of money, it would inconvenience everybody, no matter what your politics is, and save so much. After all, what's a little mud? ;D ( just being sarcastic.)  Since there are so few of you at all, it can seem pretty silly. You all should really try to work together....with out the attitude! ,IMHO. Now before I get slammed for writing long,look at Ross's post.
I take it you never let your son participate in anything anybody sponsors?
As far as this not being any of my business...Ross set this up, so I played. Let's see who's next of Boss Ross's posse to jump on me... anybody wanna bet? 8) No more time. Have fun!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 11, 2013, 10:43:23 AM
Ross, of course I understand what insurance is all about. DUH... I just wanted your opinion...and to let you have another chance to unnecessarily slam me, which you easily took. I have a bet going that you can't have a neutral conversation with me without counting coup. So far I am easily winning.

Neutral? There is nothing neutral about you. Almost every thread you make it about yourself.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 11, 2013, 10:43:23 AMAs far as why I joined the fire company...You've got to be kidding!

I don't recall asking! I don't care why you do anything. It's not my business unless it is connected with elk County and might affect my property taxes. Do you understand?

[quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=14991.msg204537#msg204537 date=1360601003
As far as Elk Konnected, I am not a member as anybody with any sense at all could see, but I do approve of their efforts. I think it's sad to see uninvolved people, who don't seem to be the least bit civic minded, trying so hard to sink their boat. I still think some of their so called "failures" were created from the outside. So be it. [/quote]

No one is a member of Elk Konnected, LLC. It is a privately owned company and no one even claims ownership. No one openly claims to be a member. The only one that ever claimed any responsibility was our disposed County Commissioner who took credit for starting it.  There appears to be only Followers such as you and your friends here in Elk County and not very many of them.

I don't know what you might think civic minded is, but I have read numerous threads and numerous people that are civic minded on this forum. However, they are not like minded with the few of Elk Konnected Followers and the attitude that they deserve anything that they want and to heck with the restof the county, now that some attitude isn't it?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 11, 2013, 10:43:23 AM
They have a petition going because they can. You could have done the same.  Now it seems to be a power struggle.. You want it your way and they want it theirs.

Just like commandeering county resources including giving a business report in place of our paid employee, right? Because they can get away with it. Great attitude. Tell me will the next step be a lawsuit? Would that by organizational attitudes fall under a civic duty to the taxpayers.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 11, 2013, 10:43:23 AM
Not everyone sees taxes as the only issue.

Especially you liberals that want into the wallets of all tax payers.
Some only consider themselves and what they want no matter the cost to others.
And they are not above begging, are they? Gimme, gimme, gimme that's their battle cry isn't it?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 11, 2013, 10:43:23 AM
So fire the sheriff. at least one of you think he isn't worth his paycheck either and have said so. ;)

I don't recall ever dissing our sheriff, so what is your point?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 11, 2013, 10:43:23 AM
  Since there are so few of you at all, it can seem pretty silly. You all should really try to work together....with out the attitude!

So Elk County is silly because there are so few of us! Great attitude on your part as a follower.

I take it you never let your son participate in anything anybody sponsors? [/quote]

That is none of your business.


By the way you reek of sheeple talk, aint that the subject of this thread?

Diane Amberg

 Warning three base home run slam retort at own risk . 8)You were warned! ;D
Ross, you asked why I "needed" to join organizations, so you do care or you wouldn't have asked.
The fire company is the biggest, most important one and my answer still stands.  Ask anyone who volunteers for anything why they do it.
My goodness..what your son does is none of my business? I guess I finally hit a nerve and found your currency .Now I'll say to you what several of you have said to me about personal questions.    What ? If you don't answer you must be ashamed of it! OK, so I am a ''follower' of Ek ..I read those posts just as I " follow" yours, and Larry's and WARPHS and Judy's and others. You are a follower too. ;D
 I'm as patient as I need to be with reasonable reasonable, pleasant people are with me. There are people here who disagree with my ideas sometimes, but are never rude or belittling or nasty. Now, if they can agree to disagree and still be pleasant, why can't more of you be that way to a number of us? I have great respect for their ability to do that. You are the one that makes "everything" about me by setting up situations that encourage me to respond, or demanding answers to your questions, or outright insulting me to the point of my needing to fight back. On other threads where I talk about what's going on, it's called conversation, and lots of us do it. Sorry you find it so annoying. But, I guess you can't control those' so you aren't interested.
Some people have natural good seem to think people have to"earn" your good nature. Big bad ass? why?
Talk about self interested! You have spent a very, very long time with one thread that you "own," giving your opinions and asking your questions and being really rude to anybody with a different view who dares to post.. You have made that thread all about you and your needs and opinions.
You have made some pretty strong accusations, with no proof, as you have said yourself, and you wonder why the so called "followers" won't post on that thread so you can rudely grill them and poke them in their verbal eyes. Well duh. Imagine that. Do you like being pinned down? No,you squirm. Is it my business? Depends on who you ask. Some will say its not all about taxes but also  about civic interest and doing what helps a little community survive. You act like you should be sent a thank you note every time you turn loose of some of your "hard earned money'' in a shop.
 Now finding some appliances for a daycare..that's great. Of course some would accuse you of bragging by even mentioning it. I hope you did get a note of thanks for that. ( Oops, only sheeple do that right?)  ;) But you couldn't leave it alone. You had to revisit that with your usual negative comments and criticisms. Everything with you seems to have strings attached eventually.
And yes, to me, some of what a few of you say is really very silly. IMHO. Now I'm off to volunteer and you can wonder why. ::)


I give up!
There is no reasoning with you!
It's all about you!
And nothing to do with the subject  of the thread-sheeple!

I will try to avoid offending you further by trying to reason with you.

You win!

This thread and every thread you enter is about you!

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