Surviving Without the Pledge of Allegiance . . .

Started by redcliffsw, January 20, 2013, 07:06:42 AM

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Quote from: jarhead on February 05, 2013, 04:29:31 PM
Red, I didn't ask for Diane or anyone else to be on "my side". Didn't even know me asking you a question meant we had to pick sides. As for Diane---you should know by now that if we talk about global warming, erectile dysfunction, or even what the average weight of a fish scale on a large mouth bass is----she is gonna have an opinion---her right, I guess.
What do I think about what Paul said about Chris Kyle being murdered ? I think it is despicable what he said.
I asked what you thought but if you don't want to answer---that's your right.

Jar, I'm not recalling this fellow named Chris Kyle until he's dead.  Sorry for him.  I'm not into the worship of the military,
nor the worship of Washington DC.  Certainly veterans ought to be compensated as promised by the U S government
after sending them into these wars to promote democracy and the New World Order while undermining the peoples' liberty
here.  It's not doing anybody any good - now the former military man is dead.

I fail to see what Ron Paul said is despicable as you say.  Furthermore, as for Ron Paul, he's one of the few leaders in this country
who will stand for theConstitution and the founding fathers instead of worshiping the Federals and all they do.  Obama and the
Republicans are about the same thing even though they argue a lot.  Reminds me of professional wrestling - pick your favorite
between the two.


Quote from: frawin on February 05, 2013, 01:15:13 PM
Jarhead, it is obvious that Radicalcliff was for Obuma, he well knew every vote he got people to vote for Ron Paul was a vote for Obuma. Like Obuma, Ron Paul is against the people who risk their life for this great Nation.

Frawin, you're too close to Obama for sure.  You support Obama's policies much more than I ever will.

Ron Paul supports American liberty. 

Obama and the Republicans have the USA leading the New World Order using the power of the U S military. 
Is that called 'risking their life for this great nation'?

But I'm sure sure you support all that since you've indicated support for the business partnerships between the Federal government
and corporations.  Isn't that called fascism? 

Diane Amberg

Sorry folks, the immersion therapy information came from a VA counselor,not me. No, I'm not an expert on everything, but I know so many people I can come up with an expert to answer questions in a short time.
Remember, we actually have a population here with all of it's advantages and faults. By the way, why do you think I don't know about large mouth bass? Of course, I never weighed a scale.  We have lakes and pounds all around here.
As far as the erectile dysfunction,you'll have to ask my niece ,she works for a urologist. Any questions? I'd think if you are having problems, someone closer might be better for you. How about epididymitis. Ever have that? Had two of those poor souls on the ambulance many years ago. You'd love it. :'(

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