Effort to abolish local sheriffs a stealth federal power grab?

Started by Ross, February 04, 2013, 01:13:51 PM

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Why is it just about every subject that Diane enters turns towards her self pity and inability to comprehend the subject.

This subject was not about Delaware, Delaware was only mentioned to show how things coulf go.

I believe the subject was abolishing local sheriffs on the national scene with a stealth federal power grab.

I don't believe the rest of the nation would want worthless sheriff's departments.

I really appreciate Janets input. Thanik you.

Diane Amberg

Oh, sure like I believe that. Go ahead and back pedal. You only chose Delaware because ....oh my, aren't you innocent? ;D I don't care though.The Sheriff's Dept. has always been different here because it's history is so old, so what? You have your way and that's fine. It's not a matter of right or wrong, just different. How things could go? What do you mean...our whole system is already different. Keep in mind, I did not bring up Delaware...you did .I just thought you'd like to know the facts. I don't think we are the only state either,as I remember talking of this before. But I guess you don't remember. Self pity? Oh please ,you must be desperate...That's the best you've got? Sounds mighty insecure to me. Sorry folks...boring.... Bye bye


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 07, 2013, 10:46:25 AM
Keep in mind, I did not bring up Delaware...you did .

No Diane I did not bring up Delaware the article only briefly mentioned Delaware.
And you brought it up.

The article subject is "Effort to abolish local sheriffs a stealth federal power grab?"

And apparently you did not appreciate the mention of Delaware and you brought it up.

So sorry, you are so disillusioned.

I happen to like our Sheriff's department and the oll they play here in Elk County.
I happen to appreciate the way our Sheriff and deputies can arrest when they have to!
And I want to see them maintain their ablities and protect Elk County.
And that has nothing ar all to do with Delaware.

It's too bad you don't live in beautiful Elk County.

Home on the Range where the buffalo use to play.
It really is peaceful out here.
We don't hear the steady roar of heavy traffic.
We seldom hear sirenes.
We lack a lot of those city problems of noise polution.
It' is great.

Diane Amberg

For once we agree. Elk county is a very nice place and very pretty. I'm not into hauling water though.

Diane Amberg

Ya know I'm still stuck on the business about the Sherrif's Dept here.  Ross, you are so wrong. One can not take away powers the sheriffs never had, nor have they had the training for it.You are so, so wrong and you are free to look up for yourself. The Sussex County sheriff every few years tries to wrangle arrest powers and the state police down there make sure it never goes anywhere.     Ross, our state is no example of "how things might go" and I didn't bring it up, you did by posting that article. Now be a mench for a change and admit you didn't have complete information.  Even Janet doesn't understand because of your bad informaion and that makes me sad.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 07, 2013, 04:02:38 PM
Ya know I'm still stuck on the business about the Sherrif's Dept here.  Ross, you are so wrong.

The article was not all about your sheriff's Department. Get over yourself.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 07, 2013, 04:02:38 PM
Even Janet doesn't understand because of your bad informaion and that makes me sad.

Oh my God, Diane. I can't believe you just went there with me not understanding.

Let's get one thing clear. When it comes to the Office of Sheriff I totally do understand.  I also want to get it clear about the difference between a sheriff's office, (which Elk County has), and a sheriff's department, which apparently your county has.

What is the difference between a Sheriff's Office and a Sheriff's Department?  Taken from the National Sheriff's Association webpage.

Black's Law Dictionary defines the terms as follows:

DEPARTMENT: "One of the major divisions of the executive branch of the government....generally, a branch or division of governmental administration."

OFFICE: "A right, and correspondent duty, to exercise public trust as an office. A public charge of employment... the most frequent occasions to use the word arise with reference to a duty and power conferred on an individual by the government, and when this is the connection, public office is a usual and more discriminating expression... in the constitutional sense, the term implies an authority to exercise some portion of the sovereign power either in making, executing, or administering the laws."

The Office of Sheriff is not simply another "department" of county government. The internal operation of an Office of Sheriff is the sole responsibility of the elected Sheriff. County department heads are subordinate to a county governing body, because a "department" is truly only a division of county government.  The Office of Sheriff is a statutory/constitutional office having exclusive powers and authority under state law and/or state constitution.  These inherent powers are not subject to the dictates of a local county governing body.

The Office of Sheriff has inherent common law powers and sovereignty granted under a state's constitution and/or state law.  It is different from a county department which derives its limited authority from whatever is delegated to is by statute or by state constitution.

The use of the term "Department" implies being a subordinate unit of government (i.e.  subordinate to local government - "delegated" authority from county government to a Department). The use of the term "Office" implies inherent powers and independent sovereignty.

Now, as for governments trying to take away the power of the sheriff, this is a long-standing argument. Can it be done? Don't know. I'm not a judge nor a lawyer, but I do know this. I and every person who is currently the elected sheriff or has been the elected sheriff will fight tooth and nail to keep that from happening.

Janet Harrington

Please be sure that you understand the difference between a department and a duly ELECTED official.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 07, 2013, 05:01:16 PM
Oh my God, Diane. I can't believe you just went there with me not understanding.

Pretty arrogant, wasn't it?  Of course, elitists have a tendency to be that way.... when they're not playing victim or martyr.  And Queen Di has demonstrated clearly she's an elitist's elitist... with a full complement of lordship, victim & martyr skills.  Oh, and a list of close elitist associates to boot.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Well doggone, I learned something new.
This old fart is still capable of learning.
Thanks Janet.

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