Dear Elk County Commisioners and concerned citizens

Started by jprxmkt, January 27, 2013, 07:50:16 AM

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Quote from: Patriot on January 27, 2013, 09:05:20 AM
First, it's disconcerting that you seem to think reducing the tax burden on our citizens is a bad thing.  I suspect a majority of taxpayers might disagree.  As  might a significant number of folks who might otherwise consider relocating here.

Second, I've never advocated a reduction in government services that measurably enhance the fundamental qualities of life and are functions of government... efficiency and cost control in government operations, highly trained, professional & responsive personnel, better roads & infrastructure, better law enforcement, the best fire protection, excellent ambulance services and the best teachers & curriculum... and the projection of our positive attributes to the outside world through an effective & professional presentation.

Third, I do suggest that government should excel in providing those basic functions, and the private sector needs to work harder at providing the other things that attract positive attention... shopping, dining, entertainment and housing opportunities, etc.  Call me old fashioned, but I don't think government makes communities.... people and communities make communities.


I would say that you and Ross are doing a pretty good job of ruining Elk County and discouraging anyone from moving there. I speak from firsthand information on this. You have the Wichita Big City attitude.


Quote from: Oldtimer on January 27, 2013, 09:16:39 AM
I would say that you and Ross are doing a pretty good job of ruining Elk County and discouraging anyone from moving there. I speak from firsthand information on this. You have the Wichita Big City attitude.

I don't know why you would think that Ross and Patriot discourage anyone from moving here. It's completely unfounded. I'm pretty sure that most people don't get on the Elk County Forum and read everything on here before they decide to move here. I'm pretty sure it would be because they have family here, it's fairly cheap to live here, it's a close commute to get to work, etc. that brings people here. My main reason for living here? Small town life, no big city zoning laws and no big city CRIME! It's pretty off-putting to deal with big city taxes though so kudos to the Commission for planning to do something about that and I hope they use every bit of that windfarm money for improving roads and infrastructure and lowering taxes, something the previous Commissioners didn't do! After all, isn't that how the money was intended to be used and asked to be used when they had their little EK meeting in Moline?---Jennifer




Never did I say that reducing taxes was a bad thing but you can not recruit new highly trained professionals that are talking about and lower taxes.  As a business owner, I am taxed every time I turn around!  You can not lower taxes AND improve all of those things you speak of.  That's not the way economics works.  


Patriot, thank you for engagment and information!  You and Ross are doing damn good job, keep it up!

As for eliminating the position of Youth development and Economic development, I say kudos to the commissioners for finally getting something right.  It is high time our local government started doing things that benefit the entire county, not just howard and a hand full of konnected individuals.

Cutting taxes and're damn right!  The citizens of this county have been paying taxes that are way to high and have nothing to show for it.

If Mrs. Brummel was doing such a fine job, where are all the youth programs?  Where are all the new businesses and "Economic development"?  In short, where is the return on our investment?  Did we spend it all to cover the expense of doing work for Elk Konnected with County resources and materials?  

If local businesses want to "network" then they should do it themselves, not on the tax payer dime.  It is not the business of local government to promote, advertise, or create businesses.  

Oh, Oldtimer, how in the hell can two people ruin an entire county?  Perhaps its the people that want government to dictate and handle every aspect of peoples lives, and those that have their heads stuck in the sand that are runining this county.

Jprxmkt, what are you're big plans, you're the one that started this thread, so do tell...just how would you have the commissioners improve this county?

Wilma, how in the hell do you expect outside businesses to move here if "outsiders" are not welcome?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: jprxmkt on January 27, 2013, 09:41:04 AM
Never did I say that reducing taxes was a bad thing but you can not recruit new highly trained professionals that are talking about and lower taxes.  As a business owner, I am taxed every time I turn around!  You can not lower taxes AND improve all of those things you speak of.  That's not the way economics works.  

Looks like you're supporting the Keynesian economics - the socialist model.  Why government owes your
business anything - except liberty?


Quote from: jprxmkt on January 27, 2013, 09:41:04 AM
Never did I say that reducing taxes was a bad thing but you can not recruit new highly trained professionals that are talking about and lower taxes.  As a business owner, I am taxed every time I turn around!  You can not lower taxes AND improve all of those things you speak of.  That's not the way economics works.  

You're not the only business owner in the house, julie.  I empathize.  But, in government just as in business, you can increase efficiencies, eliminate waste & prioritize expenditures.  In government, that CAN result in lower taxes.... that most surely is the way economics works.  Unless you're a believer in Keynesian economics. 

Keynesian economists seem to have taken the old saying that 'to make money you've got to spend money' and applied it to government.  The problem is that, unlike business, government doesn't make money by earning money.. they print it or take it by force of law through taxation & fee assessment.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jprxmkt on January 27, 2013, 09:41:04 AM
Never did I say that reducing taxes was a bad thing but you can not recruit new highly trained professionals that are talking about and lower taxes.  As a business owner, I am taxed every time I turn around!  You can not lower taxes AND improve all of those things you speak of.  That's not the way economics works.  

Actually, you can.  By cutting useless programs and staff that do not work, you can reinvest the money without having to further the burden already placed on taxpayers.  For example, can you tell me the reasoning behind having a janitor at the court house that makes more money then the road crew workers?  They work longer hours, do 10 times the work, have to deal with adverse weather conditions, etc?  Can you telll me why it is that we have so many people working in the courthouse?  Has no one heard of cross training?  Or for that matter can you tell me why we insist on pouring more and more money into a building that is falling apart, when building a new one would be the more sensible and cost effective answer?  Can you tell me why taxpayers are on the hook for so many l.e.o's when most of the country operates on a 1:1000 ratio?  Espcially seeing as how they do very little to actually stop crime in the county?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Julie, KEEP ON KEEPING ON and ignore the negative crowd, I think there are a lot of people that agree with you. I know of someone that had purchased land in Elk County and had plans to build a Cabin on it, after following the NEGATIVE crowd on the Forum, they sold the land in Elk County recently and are making plans to buy elsewhere.


Quote from: Varmit on January 27, 2013, 09:57:38 AM
 Or for that matter can you tell me why we insist on pouring more and more money into a building that is falling apart, when building a new one would be the more sensible and cost effective answer?  

Amen to that! Most of the EK Mob should AGREE with that question, since it is them that do not want to pour anymore money into the West Elk school and would rather just build a new one! I'm not positive who the Don of the Mob is this week but the Family had once closed down Moline and Severy schools with the same argument. They want taxpayers on the hook for a new school, so why not a new courthouse? ---Robert




Varmit, If I had big plans, I would have ran for commisioner.  I don't believe my name has ever been on the ballot. I believe that my opinions and concerns were very clear in my original post. I don't believe I need to repeat myself.  It's not my style.  I also don't believe that 1 person has all the answers, I believe it must be a whole community working TOGETHER to find solutions that work for everyone.
Red- Government owes me nothing!  No one owes me anything.  Nothing has ever been givien to me and I have worked for everything I have and all the debt I have incurred while doing it;  all to do what I feel was an improvement in our county.  It is my opinion that current decisions that have been made will negatively impact my business and our community 10-20 years from now.

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