This won't end well...

Started by Varmit, January 24, 2013, 03:47:33 PM

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         Her life is a lie.

        I heard she actually lives in an igloo somewhere in Alaska and lives off of blubber.

       Oh, poke, poke. Just joking.  :o :o

Diane Amberg

I don't "lie" unless it's part of an obvious tall tale,as in my version of a joke..... Unfortunately I get credited for things that I never said and can't be verified, usually by people who WISH I had said those things, whatever they were. By the way y'all did a real funny yesterday. You tell me I'm crazy...but then what does that make you who are talking to 'da crazy lady? HA!
As far as the igloo, it floated off on an ice flow and took my harpoon with it. So I'd live in a nice place on the river in Fairbanks and enjoy moose, fish and deer. Alaska is just beautiful and has lots of jobs available.


I think she is after that big muscular, lean, mean Marine tough body of yours. She always seems to come back to you on the forum. I am trying to get a picture of you two close, not good.

As you all well know I try to stay away from Politics because I see no need for all the insults, slams, etc. that goes on in here.  There are occasions when I read something that I think I can comment on if I have the knowledge required to share here.

That said.........Hahahahahahhahahahahaha!  I have never met Jarhead, although I would hope someday I would be able to.  As he himself has often stated about his physical appearance, the above comment...muscular, lean, mean, Marine tough body.....just does not fit the image I have of him.   ::)

Larryj *butting out*
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Statements like this are why you are not allowed in the politics section. For the record even if you come here you still will not see whether I am a chunky monkey or a lean, mean, green fight'n Marine because I will ambush you and dot both your eyes and you will not see me with both eyes swelled shut !!! :angel: ;D


LOL!  First of all, tetherneck, it isn't a matter of whether I am "allowed" in Politics or choose to participate on my own terms.  Politics is a thread where ideas or opinions are posted about political situations, but almost always gets down to name-calling, insults and just general nastiness.  When that happens the subject matter of the post becomes non-existent and people start doing all the stuff listed above.  (Pretty much like this one!)

Second, you couldn't ambush a tree even if you were hiding behind one.  Remember, there are three people in the service you don't want to tick off........the personnel guy, the cook.................................and the medic.

Third, you are too nice a guy to want to have to hurt me.  I'm your friend, your pal, a good ole boy that you really deep down appreciate.  Remember that. :angel: ;D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from Larry:
Remember, there are three people in the service you don't want to tick off........the personnel guy, the cook.................................and the medic.

Very good point Doc  :D


Its long been said that the biggest threat to our national security is the debt and the trade deficit.  Don't blame the push for clean energy for the problem, Blame crooked politicians, big corporations, and ignorant voters.  Elk county sent a representative to the house who is in the pocket of big business.  If you want to fix the problem, start at home.  Will you pay more for american made products?  Are you willing to encourage government to cut defense spending?  Elk county has one of the highest welfare rates in the state of Kansas, are you willing to give up that income stream?  Kansas is one of the "taker" states, receiving more federal money than it puts into the pot.  Time to put your money where you mouth is and make some tough decisions.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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