How's them public schools working for ya?

Started by Varmit, January 18, 2013, 03:05:03 PM

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Five-Year-Old Girl Suspended For "Terroristic-threat" To Shoot Classmates With Pink Bubble Gun

Kindergartner grilled for three hours, forced to undergo psychological testing

Steve Watson
Jan 18, 2013

In yet another hysterical over-reaction to last month's Sandy Hook school shooting, a girl of five-years-old has been suspended from school following a three hour grilling when she joked that she would shoot her classmates with a toy gun.

The girl, from Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, was last week said to have told other children at the school that she was going to shoot them, and then herself with a pink Hello Kitty bubble gun; a toy that is filled with a soapy solution to make bubbles with.

School officials reportedly categorized the incident as a "terroristic threat," and labeled the girl's actions a "threat to harm others."

Superintendent Bernard Stellar of Mount Carmel school, who has refused to comment on the incident, at first suspended the girl for ten days, before reducing the punishment to two days. All this came after an interrogation that last several hours, at which the girl's parents were not present, according to their lawyer.

"This is a good-natured little girl," the lawyer, Robin Ficker said. "And this shows how hysterical people who work at schools have become since Sandy Hook."

"You're telling me that this child was questioned by adults, in a situation where there was no parent or parental guardian, and then she was, initially, given an incident category of 'making terrorist threats?'" Ficker asked. "And this from a 5-year-old? What's going on here? Can't kids be kids anymore?"

Ficker added that the so called "threat" came "from the mind of this beautiful 5-year-old child who was playing with her friends, whom she hugs every day".

Ficker also revealed that the girl was forced to undergo psychological testing from an independent practitioner before being allowed back into the school. He also noted that the incident will be added to the girl's permanent school record.

The parents of the girl are considering taking the matter further and may sue the school district, pending the outcome of a meeting with the district superintendent.

"All I know," said the mother, "is what my daughter has told me and she said she was told she could go to jail, which is a very traumatic thing for a 5-year-old to live with."

This may sound like a ridiculous incident, but it is not an isolated one, and magnifies how ludicrous the knee jerk reaction to the fateful December shooting has been.

Earlier this month a 6-year-old boy was suspended from his elementary school in Maryland for making a gun gesture with his hand and saying "pow".

Days later another two 6-year-olds in Maryland were suspended for pointing their fingers into gun shapes while playing "cops and robbers" with each other.

In oklahoma, a five-year-old boy was also recently suspended for making a gun gesture with his hand.

A 13-year-old Middle School seventh grade student in Pennsylvania was also suspended for the same hand gesture.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones', and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

This is ridiculous of course, but are you aware of how many times a year kids do take guns to school?... usually just to show them off, but it happens a lot. So what would you do?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 22, 2013, 06:44:30 PM
This is ridiculous of course, but are you aware of how many times a year kids do take guns to school?... usually just to show them off, but it happens a lot. So what would you do?

Is there anything of which this woman doesn't have anecdotal evidence?  I wonder, how many gallons of hunter urine are directly injected into our waterways annually?  Surely something needs to be done.  Quick, call the EPeeA!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot that is a good one. When is it she does not have something to say. I think that kids should still be allowed to be kids. Things are just getting out of hand.


Quote from rosewolf:
When is it she does not have something to say

Let me answer that rosewolf---she is silent on telling me how my post # 77 in Guns--American style thread was so nasty and terrible even though I have asked for clarification a couple of times. Rumor is she was so upset at reading it she dropped down on the floor, weeping and wailing and gnashing her teeth, while flopping around like a carp out of water---or that's what Patriot told me---or was it Ross---or was it kshillbilly---I don't remember---haven't had my meds today !!!


That is a good question jarhead. When she stops flopping around like a carp maybe she will answer ;D


Jarhead, I am impressed how fearless you are to keep joshing  lady di after she made the statement that she could shoot you and she wouldn't even be charged for it. You better be watching your backside. Every time you see an ems ambulance you better really lookout as much clout as she claims she probably has the right to drive one to elk county.


Fearless ? You got me pegged way wrong. Dumber'n a hog and not knowing when to keep my pie hole shut is more like it. Been shot at before and----oh wait---I was a much smaller target back then----"as he rides off into the sunset never to be seen or heard from again --------"

Diane Amberg

I notice not one of you answered my question.
Also, I said I could shoot some one HERE, on my own Delaware property and would  not be charged.  I never said or suggested I could or would shoot anyone while in Elk County. Twisted information AGAIN. I hope you are having fun. No wonder nobody moves there any more, if that's the way you treat people. As for as riding your ambulance, why would I want to? You already have that system in place.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 22, 2013, 06:44:30 PM
This is ridiculous of course, but are you aware of how many times a year kids do take guns to school?... usually just to show them off, but it happens a lot. So what would you do?

Let them be kids is what i'd do. I'm sorry, but 5 and 6 year-old aren't murderers, escpecially with FINGERS making a gun and BUBBLES! The little girl didn't even have the stupid Hello Kitty bubble gun at school with her. To suspend this young of a child for NOTHING shows nothing but paranoid, liberal idiocy and people that want to further this Administrations' agenda. Put some armed guards in those schools and they would be there for when, God forbid, she shoots kids with bubbles, the boy magically makes bullets appear from his fingertips or some actual nutjob walks in there to ACTUALLY HARM THOSE KIDS!---Jennifer



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