How's them public schools working for ya?

Started by Varmit, January 18, 2013, 03:05:03 PM

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Diane, I don't care if a perso hunts or not, collects guns or not, every law abiding citizen has the right to purchase and possess whatever firearm they wish.  The second admendment is about hunting or collecting and it states very clearly that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.  

What does where I live have to do with defense?  It doesn't matter where I live I will own a gun to protect myself and my family.  Why should how I feel about the government have anything to do with me owning weapons?

How can what I need be a personel choice if it is dependent upon the state?  What is "negative" attention and by whose standard is it being judged?  

You said that you favor registration and "record keeping", so YOU obviously care about the number of guns that a private citizen owns.
As for your "drunk with a gun", I don't know how I would handle the situation as you did not provide enough information.  Nor could you seeing as how situations like that have the ability to change from one extereme to the next in a split second.  The simple solution would be to put a bullet in his head.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


First, I would like to say that Joe Biden should not be allowed to speak in public. Second, he is an idiot.---Jennifer

Biden on self-defense: 'Get yourself a shotgun'

Are you looking into buying an assault weapon for protection after a devastating natural disaster (or the coming Zombie Apocalypse) plunges society into deadly anarchy? You've got it all wrong, Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday: Get yourself a shotgun.

Biden, doing a Google+ "hangout" to promote President Barack Obama's proposals for battling gun violence, had been asked whether a new assault weapons ban might infringe on the Second Amendment rights of those who want one "as a last line of defense" to fend off looters after "some terrible natural disaster."

"Guess what? A shotgun will keep you a lot safer, a double-barreled shotgun, than the assault weapon in somebody's hands [who] doesn't know how to use it, even one who does know how to use it," the outspoken vice president, a shotgun owner himself, replied. "It's harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than it is a shotgun. You want to keep people away in an earthquake? Buy some shotgun shells."

With the fate of Obama's gun violence proposals unclear in the face of stiff opposition from most Republicans and some Democrats, Biden urged supporters of ideas like imposing a new assault weapons ban, limiting ammunition clips to 10 rounds and toughening background checks to pressure their elected representatives. "This town listens when people rise up and speak," Biden said.

Like Obama before him, the vice president emphasized that he's a firm believer in the Second Amendment—but compared proposed new curbs on assault weapons to keeping fully-equipped F-15 fighter jets off the market.

"You have an individual right to own a weapon both for recreation, for hunting and also for your self-protection," he said. "But just as you don't have an individual right to go out and buy an F-15—if you're a billionaire—with ordnance on it, just like you don't have the right to buy an M-1 tank, just like you don't have a right to buy an automatic weapon" you should not be able to get other weapons for which there is "no reasonable societal justification, or constitutional justification."

Biden noted that "it's not about keeping bad guns out of the hands of good people, it's about keeping all guns out of the hands of bad people. There should be rational limits."

One of Biden's questioners asked why, if they're rational, there's the lack of political will to enact them.

Biden paused, then said he would have to watch his words. "Both left and right sometimes take absolutist positions," he said.

The vice president emphasized that the administration was not calling for armed guards in schools, a proposal recently floated by the National Rifle Association. Instead, schools would have the flexibility to hire a uniformed guard, armed or not, if they so desired.

But Biden warned it would be a "terrible mistake" to arm school staff. "The last thing we need to do is be arming schoolteachers and administrators" who may not have firearm training, he said.




Quote from Varmit:   every law abiding citizen has the right to purchase and possess whatever firearm they wish.
I do not dissagree, except for one part:

I believe "whatever firearm they wish" are the operative words.  Most folk wish to protect their families, find food and take out a rabid skunk, etc.
It is they that wish otherwise, and therein lies the problem.  (I wish to kill everyone and me also, I want to see how a person dies with a high calibur bullet, etc)


Quote from Diane:

As far as assault weapons, I don't know why the non military needs them,

Do you know how liberal that makes you look by saying that ? A true "assault weapon" is semi or fully automatic. Just because an AR-15 looks like a M-16 does not make it one. Why the liberal crowd can not figure that out is plain stupid on their part. Then you got the west Coast Diane wanting to ban (so called ) assault weapons---again. What makes it an assault weapon in her pea brain ? Because it has a flash suppressor---or a pistol grip---or it it the bayonet lug ? How many of the children at Sandy Hook were bayoneted ? Or at Aurora ? How in the world would a flash suppressor or the pistol grip make it a deadlier weapon ? 
Today I see where Sloe Joe tells people if you want REAL protection then get a 12 ga shotgun like he has. "Yep, Joe a shotgun is lethal up close and personal so tell you what---get your buddy (if you have any ) and arm him with that 12 gauge--I'll arm kshillbilly with an AR-15, y'all get back to back and pace off 100 steps then turn around and fire---and we will see who feels protected.---you simpleton !!! "

Diane Amberg

Just my opinion, as asked for...accept it or not.
According to how you talk and slam me, you (plural) apparently love your weapons more than anything else in life, including the whole of this country...and yes, I DO know what a ''real''assault weapon is. I stand by what I said. I have a weapons expert friend who works at Millers Gun Shop here and he's always willing to answer my questions, and he's even a REPUBLICAN! OOOOH  ;D ;D ;D ;D. Several others belong to gun clubs and shoot on a regular basis.  Al knows too.
The back room at the fire house sees many a political discussion on every subject there is, and nobody ever attacks anybody for their opinion. EVER! That's why it took me so long to learn to have to fight back on the forum: It's considered disrespectful and it just isn't done here. ( Many are Masons)  It's a good mix of people too, many Rebubs,some Demos, a lot of Independents and not one as regressive as Red.( I do read and have other sources for information besides the forum.) Many are from military backgrounds, including several who are recently home from the Marines and other branches, and one who is over "there'' now...again. Lots are also in the National Guard. I have one friend who retired as an Army Air Guard General ( I'd love to have his pension!) I just mention all this because I have a great many sources of information. That's the nice thing about being an Independent too,I can look at all sides of every issue and decide how I feel. I can also change my mind if the facts and circumstances change.  Yes, I'm sure you are bored to what?


Diane Amberg

I don't know what you expect from me.You truncated a quote from me and posted it. You ask questions which I try to answer as honestly as I can, and that doesn't suit you. I can't help that I have had experiences and exposures that only a few folks in your area have had. Of course, it shapes who I am. After more than 40 years of doing most anything, most people have a lot of knowledge and experience in whatever it is they have been doing. Don't you?
I'm twice as old as some of you, yet you talk to me like I'm some teenager.
Now that I'm well again, I do plan on having a good rest of the day. Try to do the same...whatever it is you do with yourself. If you want to worry about something, try Korea.


Quote from: readyaimduck on January 24, 2013, 05:56:21 PM
Quote from Varmit:   every law abiding citizen has the right to purchase and possess whatever firearm they wish.
I do not dissagree, except for one part:

I believe "whatever firearm they wish" are the operative words.  Most folk wish to protect their families, find food and take out a rabid skunk, etc.
It is they that wish otherwise, and therein lies the problem.  (I wish to kill everyone and me also, I want to see how a person dies with a high calibur bullet, etc)

Note that I said "law abiding citizen", they aren't going to go out and go on a rampage. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 25, 2013, 10:04:39 AM
Just my opinion, as asked for...accept it or not.
According to how you talk and slam me, you (plural) apparently love your weapons more than anything else in life, including the whole of this country...

So wanting to protect the rights given in the constitution isn't loving the country?  I would say the opposite would be true.  Those that wish to tell others what they need are wanting to strip the citizens of this country of their rights.

Quoteand yes, I DO know what a ''real''assault weapon is.

Then pray tell, what exactly is an "aasult weapon"?

And could you for once, actually answer questions that are presented to you instead of redirecting the conversation? 

What does where I live have to do with defense?  It doesn't matter where I live I will own a gun to protect myself and my family.  Why should how I feel about the government have anything to do with me owning weapons?

How can what I need be a personel choice if it is dependent upon the state?  What is "negative" attention and by whose standard is it being judged? 

You said that you favor registration and "record keeping", so YOU obviously care about the number of guns that a private citizen owns.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Don't know who said it, but it was once said "God created man. Sam Colt made them all equal." Now you've got a government that wishes to take away the edge that makes all men equal. The same government that has armed security 24 hours a day and has just placed into effect that he will be having armed security for the rest of his worthless socialist life. Joe Biden, another east coast moron, made statements when he was running for President in '08 that Obama was going to take away our guns! FACT! Now he's making an idiotic statement, one of many, that a double barreled shotgun would be more effective than a rifle when defending yourself. If this is such a true statement from that stupid, east coast son of a bitch, then why aren't we arming the military with Winchester 101's? And is it just me, or has anyone else noticed, that the guns on the banned list keep rising in number? At this rate, in July or maybe August, all guns will be banned, for whatever reason they make up. A government by the people, for the people? I think not. He crammed the health care bill down our throats without anyone's input, without a vote; telling us one price when the price continues to rise for it. Told us that anyone making less than $250,000 a year, wouldn't see their taxes go up (YOU LIE) and starts out with a handful of guns on a ban list and the numbers continue to rise.---Robert




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