Doesn't Make Sense!

Started by Varmit, December 06, 2012, 08:40:49 PM

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Just because "your source" says it's so , that means "Ross's source" is wrong. I have no idea one way or the other but to think Ross is always 100% wrong but you are always 100% right just don't sound right. Hell, I was born and raised in Elk county and still live here and am a taxpayer---and not delinquent I might add (so far), and I say the school was designed to hold 6,000 kids. Just because I said so does that mean I'm right ?


Jar - he does it all the time.  He has done it to me, he has done it to various people intimately involved with ECCFED, ECCEF, Extension, QUAD, RC&D, SCKEDD, EK, USD 282, etc. and he has done it to all sorts of people whose only crime in his mind is to have been born with, or acquired by marriage, the name Perkins.

He, and others on here, would rather believe "the word on the street" than to give any credence to information presented by people who have first hand knowledge of events.

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on December 20, 2012, 02:21:49 PM
...people whose only crime in his mind is to have been born with, or acquired by marriage, the name Perkins.

Darned glad you cleared that up without making any unjustifiable, unverifiable, imaginary or simpleminded ASSumptions.  There for a few months, I was concerned he was unfairly targeting folks with the name Durbin, or Whetstone, or Smith or Jones.  Glad to know it's only one family name and not matters of policy that are a problem for Ross

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Gee, who's reading things into posts now?

There were three non-exclusive categories of citizens in my statement:

Quote from: flintauqua on December 20, 2012, 02:21:49 PM
Jar - he does it all the time.  He has done it to me, he has done it to various people intimately involved with ECCFED, ECCEF, Extension, QUAD, RC&D, SCKEDD, EK, USD 282, etc. and he has done it to all sorts of people whose only crime in his mind is to have been born with, or acquired by marriage, the name Perkins.

He, and others on here, would rather believe "the word on the street" than to give any credence to information presented by people who have first hand knowledge of events.


1.  Me

2.  People intimately involved with ECCFED, ECCEF, Extension, QUAD, RC&D, SCKEDD, EK, USD 282, etc

3.  People whose only crime in his mind is to have been born with, or acquired by marriage, the name Perkins

But yet for some reason, you decide to focus on only one part of my post, instead of the point of it.

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I can't speak for Ross, however all three (3) categories appear to lean strongly towards socialism.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 19, 2012, 11:19:57 AM
Cat, that is exactly why we were hired. That was Al's professional history after all. The artificial stucco (Drive it) on the outside is holding up very well and we don't miss the block hallways. Standard construction has worked out fine. We have hurricane and 24 inch roof snow standards, but don't have to worry much about tornadoes, thank goodness. We get them, but they aren't those huge things you get.
  Right now Al is signing off on the latest round of invoices so the guys can get paid.  The board is very happy with the arrangement. Fortunately, they know that they don't know. ;)
Hey Bull ,nothing wrong with the way you do things. We are just able to do it cheaper and that is important because we have to raise our own building funds. Being a charter school there is no tax money for that. We came in several million cheaper than a recently built similar regular public school.
  As far as no men's rooms, I was talking about the adults ,not the kids. ;D ;D ;D ;D and the adult rest rooms do have doors! ;)
Our fire company doesn't do the fire inspections ,the city fire marshal does that.
Then we had the one firm that knew about what we could spend ,gave us a beautiful, lavish  preliminary drawing that wasn't even remotely close to what we could afford...and another who bid and then pulled out because he decided his company was too small to do the job. Now we have a good match and things are really going well.
Oh, as an example of the things we do. We had specified wall mounted lavatory basins and toilets for cleaning ease, but that wasn't what would have been ordered if Al and I hadn't caught it.   Al also came up with a $90,000.00 savings on an elevator by checking into the code requirement. It's that kind of thing that we do.
Newark Charter is a Blue Ribbon School so they must be doing something right.  Yes, I am bragging.
It's the parents that begged for a  Jr. Sr. high school and we are hopeful it will be as successful as the elementary and middle schools are now.
I the meantime, good luck with your project. I hope it eventually works out somehow.

         Drivet is a brand name for an EIFS, exterior insulating and finishing system, and it doesn't hold up well. It soaks up water like a sponge and when you have freeze/thaw, it cracks. It also discolors in the sun and patching shows up like a stain. It was popular for as long as it took to find out it isn't durable. ::)

        Wall mounted fixtures in bathrooms are the result of the ADA, American disabilities act.

Diane Amberg

 Bull, I had a brain fart and couldn't think of EIFS until Al reminded me too, thanks. We have had no problems with it.  (6+ years) No stains or cracks or leaks and a couple of dimples caused by a golf ball driven from off the property, of all things, were repaired by the company who installed it.  They do just that system not regular stucco and guarantee their work. Not just any stucco person should install it.  Maybe it's just too cold where you are to make it work, but we are very satisfied.

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