Guns - American Style

Started by Warph, December 28, 2012, 10:09:45 PM

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Ross that was very interesting information. I will have to keep that in mind. Thanks for the info.


Quote from: rosewolf on February 01, 2013, 01:04:36 PM
Ross that was very interesting information. I will have to keep that in mind. Thanks for the info.
You are quite welcome.
I didn't know the stuff would kill mice and snakes, that right therecould come in handy.
If the occassion arises I'll be trying it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 01, 2013, 10:25:06 AM
AGAIN, I'm an independent,not a liberal.If I was a liberal, I'd be regersted as a Democrat and could vote in their primaries.


Lindsay Graham, John Boehner, John McCain and others are a testament to the fact the 'R' or 'D' doesn't matter.  Nor does one have to be a card carrying member of the Communist Party USA to share communist values.  It's about attitude & actions, not party affiliation.  What's on your voter registration card matters little.  Catch a clue, liberal statist.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Let me be the first to suggest a common sense gun regulation that will include and accommodate all Americans. Every able bodied individual in America should be required to own a gun.

In the recent American political tradition of justifying something because that is how a European country does it, I suggest we follow the Swiss. Not only do they love their watches and chocolate, they also love their guns. They love guns so much their government picks up the tab to ensure that people own them and form militias. That's right, government funded civilian militias are the foundation of the most peaceful of European countries.

Swiss people are given Sig's, mostly Sig SG 550's. Now that is an assault rifle. A real assault rifle – the fully automatic kind – not the one-shot-per-pull of the trigger semi-automatic rifles Americans own.

Officers have the Sig Sauer P-220 in .45 ACP in their homes. That ACP stands for Automatic Colt Pistol. Our American military is reduced to having the 9mm Parabellum. In an ironic twist of fate the non-warring Swiss opted for a powerful American handgun cartridge for their government sponsored civilian militia and we war loving Americans opted for a much weaker European handgun cartridge for our government sponsored military. Swiss civilians are issued stronger handguns than the American military. Mull that over for a while.

The Swiss Embrace Their Civilian Militia

The Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation article 58 states: Switzerland shall have armed forces. In principle, the armed forces shall be organized as a militia.

All Swiss men get military training except for those who have opted for an alternative civilian service. If you do neither military nor civilian service you get taxed. After getting your Swiss Army training you go home and become part of the militia for the next 10 years or so, and your gun goes with you.

I think we all know by now that crime in the United States and gun control laws have a direct correlation. Chicago, Detroit and Washington, D.C. are all gun control cities where you are more likely to get killed than in either of our theaters of war.

Kennesaw, Georgia requires gun ownership. In 2007, the city was selected by Family Circle magazine as one of the nation's "10 best towns for families."

In 1982 the Municipal Code of Kennesaw, Georgia was changed to state:
(a) In order to provide for the emergency management of the city, and further in order to provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants, every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition therefore.

(b) Exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who suffer a physical or mental disability which would prohibit them from using such a firearm. Further exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who are paupers or who conscientiously oppose maintaining firearms as a result of beliefs or religious doctrine, or persons convicted of a felony.

Guess what happened after the ordinance was passed. Crime dropped. Much to the displeasement of anti-gun groups that promised the people would suddenly become drunk with blood lust and shoot each other. It never happened. Peace broke out and civility was waged among the people.

The Common Sense Solution – Amend the Constitution

The last time America amended the Constitution was in 1992. Who knew eh? Here is the gutsy and bold addition to our most precious of founding documents:

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

I think it has something to do with Congress giving Congress a raise. It took 202 years to get it passed. Amazing.

Our 28th Amendment shall be:
In order to provide for the security of the individual, state and general wellbeing of the country, all able bodied individuals shall be required to own one modern firearm and a minimum of ten rounds of associated ammunition.

Individuals are required to receive training in marksmanship and operation of firearms. Military and law enforcement personnel shall be exempt from training if they have satisfactorily completed firearms training while in their course of their service.

Exceptions shall be made for those adjudicated mentally ill, convicted of a crime of domestic violence, a felony, or have been separated from the military with a Dishonorable Discharge.

Individuals that are fundamentally opposed to owning a firearm shall be taxed and each year shall register with the government as firearms objectors until age 62 or until proven by a medical doctor to be unable to operate a firearm.

If an individual is unable to purchase a firearm one shall be provided by the Federal Government.

Next Steps
We need to get this up as a petition to the White House. Then we will need 100,000 signatures. From there we enthusiastically encourage our Congresspersons, Senators and Governors to move this legislation forward.

I'd be honored to have it referred to as the Piccione Gun Safety Amendment but my name is hard to pronounce.

Let's just call it Project Amendment 28 and make this the 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

It makes common sense to adopt this reasonable approach to securing our country and accommodate those that choose not to do their fair share. Common sense and fair share – principles we can all embrace.

Update 6:32 PM EST.

If you agree join us on Facebook – click here - I'm known to give guns away...

Update 12:54 PM – Jan 18, 2013

Someone has started the petition. Only 99,997 signatures to go

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Jan. 31, 2013

(NaturalNews) It has been featured as one of the top 10 best towns in America for families by Family Circle magazine, and it has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire Atlanta metropolitan area. But one little-known fact about Kennesaw, Georgia, population 30,000, is that heads of household living in the town are required by law to own at least one firearm. And this atypical mandate has played a crucial role in making Kennesaw the safe, family-friendly town that it is today.

Originally passed by the Kennesaw City Council with a unanimous vote back in 1982, the law's stated purpose is to "protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants." And over the past 30-or-so years since the law's enactment, police and other local officials have on numerous occasions told the media that Kennesaw's gun ownership law has resulted in a drastic crime reduction throughout the area.

"When the law was passed in 1982, there was a substantial drop in crime ... and we have maintained a really low crime rate since then," explained police Lt. Craig Graydon to Reuters back in 2007 following the Virginia Tech shootings about the Kennesaw gun law. "We are sure it is one of the lowest (crime) towns in the metro area."

Kennesaw's success with mandatory gun ownership parallels that of the European nation of Switzerland, where similar laws at the national level require individuals to own guns and ammunition. And just like in Kennesaw, Switzerland's crime rate is among the lowest throughout Europe, which can be directly attributed to the country's embedded culture of responsible gun ownership.

"Social conditions are fundamental in deterring crime," explained Peter Squires, a professor of criminology and public policy at the University of Brighton in the U.K., to TIME recently about the value of promoting a culture of responsible gun ownership. "If people have a responsible, disciplined and organized introduction into an activity like shooting, there will be less risk of gun violence."

Gun ownership encourages civic responsibility, peaceful society
In other words, if owning guns and being trained to use them properly and accurately is engrained into the social structure as being normal, a "culture of support" will be fostered in which people rely on one another for protection. And according to Squires, this culture of support and the sense of civic responsibility it nurtures ultimately helps deter mass shootings rather than promote them. It also advocates a peaceful society composed of well-trained, well-protected individuals who look out for their own families and for one another.

This contrasts sharply with the current national debate on gun control, where many left-leaning politicians are claiming that increased gun restrictions will help reduce crime and promote a civil society. But what they fail to mention is that cities like Washington D.C. and Chicago, where gun restrictions are currently among the strictest in the nation, also have some of the worst crime rates in the nation. With this in mind, would you rather live in a gun-control haven like Chicago or a gun-embracing family town like Kennesaw?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Gabriel Giffords and the Newtown children , the Aurora victims could have
saved themselves if only they had known the secrets of self defense as
outlined by Homeland Security and Big Sister Janet Whatsherface given in this article:


But now, thanks to Homeland Security  we must all turn in our guns and arm
ourselves with desk accessories and office supplies.

Do as Fatherland Security commands you!

You can imagine the US court system declaring that the scissors must be
plastic with rounded tips so you don't hurt anyone with them, especially
if you have to run or dive under a desk!


DUCK AND CUTTER: A Homeland Security video shows these
scenes as helpful advice to workers on what to do if a mass
killer strikes their office — grab any weapon at hand, and hide
under a desk


In one of Robert Parker's mystery books, a tough character hired
on as a body guard for a rich man demonstrates his prowess in the
martial arts to the hero of the story, Spenser. After a lengthy and
athletic work out consisting of gyrations, kicks, punches and blows
to a long punching bag, the man asked Spenser if he could match that.

Spenser took his gun out of his shoulder holster and fired a shot through
the body bag, turned and walked out.

Today he would be arrested for violence against gym equipment.

Out with guns... in with office supplies.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Man Tries To Rob Bank With Toy Gun...

                 Promptly Shot In The Face With A Real Gun...


Dude is lucky to be alive after taking a round from a Smith & Wesson .357 to the jaw.  Ouch!

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A toy gun was the weapon a 34-year-old man used last week to try to rob a bank in Trimble, Mo., according to investigators.

But the bank worker who shot him in the face didn't know that when he stepped in to try to protect a female teller crawling on the ground.

The U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri announced Monday that Michael Oliva was charged in federal court in connection to the attempted bank robbery and leading law enforcement officers on a high-speed chase.

Oliva, who has not yet had a court appearance, remains hospitalized and in federal custody pending a detention hearing.

According to an affidavit filed in support of Monday's criminal complaint, Oliva entered First Security Bank, 202 U.S. Hwy. 169, Trimble, at about 1:25 p.m. Friday, March 1.

Oliva allegedly pulled on a black mask, pointed what appeared to be a handgun, but was later found to be a realistic plastic replica, at a bank employee and ordered her to give him the money in her teller drawer.

The employee instead dropped to the floor behind the teller stations and began crawling toward another bank employee, shouting for help. As she was crawling, the affidavit says, she saw Oliva lean over the teller station and point his handgun at her. She grabbed a plastic trash can and tossed it over the teller counter toward Oliva; however, Oliva had moved around the end of the teller stations and was directly behind her.

The second bank employee, who was in an office, heard the shouts for help. He saw Oliva pointing a handgun at the first bank employee, the affidavit says, and retrieved a Smith & Wesson .357 revolver. He fired two rounds at Oliva. The first shot struck Oliva in the jaw, according to the affidavit, and he turned and started toward the bank's front doors.

No money was taken during the attempted robbery.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Gun laws spur backlash
Sellers target New York cops, government¿

By David Sherfinski
The Washington Times
Updated: 8:03 a.m. on Tuesday, March 5, 2013

In a protest against new gun laws, more than 100 firearms dealers say they will stop selling guns to government and law enforcement officials in New York and other states unless those same firearms are also available to average citizens.
It's part of a backlash from the industry to new gun controls, and it follows major firearms companies, such as Beretta and Magpul, that have threatened to bolt Maryland and Colorado, respectively, if those states enact legislation to restrict military-style semiautomatic weapons or high-capacity ammunition magazines.
In early February, Texas-based LaRue Tactical changed its policy to "limit all sales to what law-abiding citizens residing in their districts can purchase or possess" because it did not want to risk triggering lawsuits with new gun laws either passed or pending.
"If you write the law, you live under the law, no special category of people just because you're a government employee," said Sean Sorrentino, a gun-rights advocate who keeps a tally at of companies that are adopting those kinds of policies.

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I did not check these stats.

For all you who took philosophy...

Government Analysis & it could be TREW!
Two Cities
   Chicago , IL       Houston , TX
Population    2.7 million       2.15 million
Median HH income   $38,600       $37,000
% African-American   32.9%          24%
% Hispanic   28.9%         44%
% Asian   5.5%          6%
% non-Hispanic White   31.7%         26%

A reasonably similar match up until you factor in a Concealed carry gun law

        Chicago, IL       Houston, TX
Concealed carry gun law    no                     yes
# of gun stores   0   
84 dedicated gun shops,
1500 places to buy guns
(Walmart, etc.)
Homicides, 2012   506        207
Homicides per 100k   18.4        9.6

Average January
high temp, F   31        63

Conclusion: cold weather causes murder.

And that's the TREWTH. Just ask any politician from Illinois!!!


What can you do but laugh at these idiots ::)

Florida bill would require anger management courses for bullet buyers

By Joshua Rhett Miller

Published March 06, 2013

Florida State Sen. Audrey Gibson wants to require bullet buyers to undergo anger management courses. (, Reuters)

A Florida legislator wants anyone trying to buy ammunition to complete an anger management program first, in what critics say is the latest example of local lawmakers reaching for constitutionally-dubious solutions to the problem of gun violence.

The bill filed Saturday by state Sen. Audrey Gibson, D-Jacksonville, would require a three-day waiting period for the sale of any firearm and the sale of ammunition to anyone who has not completed anger management courses. The proposal would require ammo buyers to take the anger management courses every 10 years.

"This is not about guns," Gibson said. "This is about ammunition and not only for the safety of the general community, but also for the safety of law enforcement."

Gibson said she's concerned with citizens stockpiling ammunition, potentially creating dangerous situations should those individuals ever come in contact with law enforcement agencies or criminals.

"It's about getting people to think, really, about how much ammunition they need," Gibson said. "It's a step, I think, in a safer direction. It's about getting people to think before they buy

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