Guns - American Style

Started by Warph, December 28, 2012, 10:09:45 PM

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         She will never shut up. She doesn't have anything else to do, regardless of what she claims.

       Accusing others of bragging about their exploits, then turning around and doing just that. Schitzo.

       No longer deserving of a direct response, though she will say this is, and prove her lack of knowledge of language again.


12 miles of guns: SHOT gun show kicks off in Las Vegas


How about that, Harry... you old fart?!?!


The largest gun show in the world has opened its doors in Las Vegas, revealing 12.5 miles of firearms, ammunition and related gear from every major gun manufacturer on earth.

The annual SHOT show -- short for Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade -- is owned and sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), a firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry trade association. Each year the show generates millions of dollars in revenue that NSSF uses to fund programs that help "promote, protect and preserve" hunting and the shooting sports.

This year the show will run four days, from Jan. 15 through 18 at the Sands Expo and Convention Center. Yesterday, the show held a media day brandishing the latest and greatest at the Boulder City Rifle & Pistol Club.

Attendance to the show is restricted to shooting, hunting and outdoor trade professionals and commercial buyers and sellers of military, law enforcement and tactical products and services, however, meaning hunters, sports shooters and shooting clubs are not permitted entry.

Similarly, they do not permit any personal firearms or ammunition. Only exhibitors' firearms on display that have had their firing pins are permitted.

A bucketload of celebrities, from the A&E's Duck Dynasty family through to NASCAR driver Jason White, will also be making an appearance this year. The show will also host legendary Vietnam War sniper Chuck Mawhinney, Medal of Honor recipient Jon Cavaiani, pro shooter Doug Koenig, country music singer Mark Wills and SEAL Team 3 sniper Chris Kyle.

The 35 annual SHOT Show has more than 1,600 exhibitors; buyers, media and other industry professionals hail from all 50 states and more than 100 countries.

Law enforcement continues to be the fastest growing section of SHOT Show. When it was launched ten years ago it covered 7,000 square feet; but this year law enforcement will be represented in more than 170,000 square feet.

SHOT is the largest event held at the Sands, with this year's exhibit space exceeding 630,000 square feet.

"It's where a passion for firearms, ammunition and outdoors equipment, plus the industry's unified support for the Second Amendment, are on display," says NSSF event about the mammoth show.

The first SHOT Show was held in 1979 in St. Louis, Mo., and has grown exponentially over the years with more than 60,000 professionals attending last year.

Last year, the show brought over $67 million to the local Las Vegas economy.

Opportunities to network abound -- from formally organized parties like the opening night "State of the Industry" posh reception and dinner at the Venetian Hotel & Casino to the more improvised after hours deal-making in various hot spots and drinking holes readily available in Sin City.

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Civil War's A-Brewin'

By Matt Barber

A pretty, young, auburn-haired woman – mid-20s – drove down a lonely country road somewhere in Oklahoma. Appearing in her rearview mirror, at the back windshield, were two menacing orbs of light floating amid ashen dusk. The guttural roar of a souped-up big block shook the tiny Volkswagen Rabbit as a van-load of inbred thugs lurched left and drew alongside her. A ponytailed passenger taunted inaudibly and blew foul kisses between crude hand gestures. He pointed for her to pull over as the van repeatedly swerved dangerously close.

Inside the car a man, asleep in the reclining passenger seat, was startled awake by the commotion. He rose and darted his head about, calmly assessing the situation. This only spurred the evil-bent goons. As they ramped-up efforts to run the car off the road, the man reached in the glove box, withdrew a military-grade, semi-automatic handgun – an "assault weapon," if you will – and, with intentionality and great theatre, leaned across his young bride, pointing the gun out the open bay and directly between dirt bag's booze-flushed eyes.

Van vanished amid a plume of gray smoke as wheels locked, tires screeched and "assault vehicle" fishtailed – jerking to a halt with taillights aglow skyward from the ditch.

Not a shot was fired.

Back at the couple's rural farmhouse, two boys – boys who would not be orphaned that night – played. We most likely played – my brother Pete and I – with assault rifles fashioned from sticks. I always love to hear Dad retell the story. He does it with an ornery, satisfied grin. "No one's taking my guns," he'll say.

This might be a good time for me to add that no one's taking my guns either. Period. And if Dianne Feinstein orders me from her lofty perch on the left-coast to retroactively register them with some federal autocracy, I think I might just forget I even have them. Tens of millions of law-abiding, God-fearing Americans just like me and Dad, I suspect, feel the same way.

I love guns. Grew up with 'em. As a former police officer with 12 years in the U.S. military, I know how to use them, too – use them well. I plan to buy more – a bunch more. In fact, who's to say I don't already have a veritable arsenal?

Point is, tain't Big Brother Barack's nor any other candy-keistered-liberal-cream-puff's bloody business whether I do or not.

See, the left's totalitarian brand of "gun control" has nothing to do with controlling guns – or bad guys. Rather, it has everything to do with controlling – disarming – the law-abiding masses. It's not about protecting the innocents. It's about rendering the innocents defenseless.

Clichés become clichés for a reason, and the old cliché, "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns," rings as true today as it did whenever it was that some homespun fellow coined it.

I was disgusted – physically sickened, in fact – when Barack Obama, president of these Divided States of America, shamelessly exploited the Sandy Hook memorial service to lay the groundwork for his unconstitutional gun-confiscation scheme. It was slimy to the extreme.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. That's what liberals do. Every time some evil nutjob – pumped full of psychotropic drugs by NEA members who don't want to deal with them – shoots-up the place, the left's collective mouth begins to water.

"Now, finally, now!" they say, rubbing together soft hands that have never felt the surprising weight of a Sig Sauer 45. "This time we have the political momentum for sweeping gun control. This time the American people will roll over and let us trample the Second Amendment beneath jackbooted executive order or congressional fiat."

"Let no good crisis go to waste," right, Rahm?

Well, not so fast, cupcake. As the U.S. Constitution guarantees – and as the Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed – "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

It ain't, "should not be infringed," or "shall finally be infringed once 'progressives' have assumed total dominance."

No, "shall not" means shall not.

There's only one way to take my guns, slick, and that's through a constitutional amendment – an amendment that will never happen – ever. Try it any other way and we have a problem.

And this whole "assault weapons ban" angle? Sensationalist propaganda. I prefer to call them "defense weapons." Contrary to left-wing revisionist pabulum, the Second Amendment's not about squirrel hunting.

Notice a trend here? What do Sandy Hook Elementary, Aurora Colorado's Century 16 theatre and Columbine have in common? They're all "gun free zones."

Places you don't see mass murder and mayhem? Well, there's a reason bad guys largely avoid shooting-up gun shows, ranges, households with signs that say: "This home insured by Smith & Wesson" and Texas in general. It's because they know – even while thick-skulled liberals don't – that, as recently noted by the NRA's Wayne LaPierre, "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

Oh, that rather than "gun free zone," Sandy Hook had a sign reading: "Staff heavily armed and trained. Any attempts to harm those herein will be met with deadly force." Might some of those beautiful babies have still died if the P.E. coach and four MP5-bearing teachers had ended the bloodshed soon after it began? Perhaps. But how many precious lives could have been saved?

No, you won't disarm me. You're not going to neuter my household and tear away my ability to defend my wife and precious babies like Dad did all those years ago.

I really, really hope this president and his authoritarian cohorts in Congress will slow down, take a deep breath and realize that, right now, they're playing a very dangerous game of chicken. If they try what I think they might, but hope they don't, I fear this nation – already on the precipice of widespread civil unrest and economic disaster – might finally spiral into to utter chaos, into a second civil war.

But then again, that may be exactly what they have in mind.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Wow. What heartless people. No, I don't sign on line condolence books if I'm there in person.I sign the guest book at the funeral home. I only sign online books if the person is far away. Now I'm criticized for that too?  Yikes!
Your nasty comments about the suicide are really nuts! I won't even respond to that it's so terrible.
  As far as the chalk allergy, it's still there. If I were to spend three days in a row in a room that still uses chalk,I start with the breathing tightness. Most places use dry markers and electronics now, so it's rarely a problem.
Yes, I had to give up regular every day classroom teaching years ago, but that didn't mean I gave up teaching or gave up being in and out of schools often. My statements still stand! I wish things had changed, but as you also know, it hasn't. Some people just are bad parents, period.
I'm told the fire house gun show was a success over the weekend, but it was so warm the Ladies Auxiliary's vegetable soup sale didn't go very well.
As I have said before, but for some reason it isn't believed, I'm not anti gun. I'm anti guns in the wrong hands for the wrong reasons.I can protect myself with what I already own...Why do I need 50? 
True collectors, who should be registered, should have no problem. The collectors I know are very responsible folks who care about gun safety, but there needs to be some way to make things better for those people who are afraid.They are feeling very helpless and feel they shouldn't be forced into the ways of the gun to be safe. Now you few hate mongers can go find someone else to pick at. As you see I'm a brave person and are not affected by your primitive carrying on. It took a while for me to learn that civilized manners are not a requirement here ...but learn I did.  Now I have things to do,including helping some friends.


Quote from Jarhead:
No, I don't see why she would be anti gun unless the gun that killed him sprouted legs and crawled up onto his lap and shot him, without him pulling the trigger. If he had run a hose from his car exhaust and into the window and died from carbon monoxide poisoning, would she be anti-car ?

Diane ,
I presume you are referring to my above quote and saying it is so nasty that you won't respond to it. Where, pray tell, is it nasty ? I thought you wanted honest debate ?
Why does one need 50 guns ? I seriously doubt that you hunt so why do you need the 7 guns you say you have ? Who draws the line as to how many is too many ? You--Obama ??? If what you say is true, then it looks like you are one of the fear mongers afraid Obama is trying to dis-arm us. Less than a year ago you said you owned "a" shotgun. Then apparently, a couple months back, you must have added a pistol to your arsenal because you threatened to shoot Ross with a pistol. Now you own 7 weapons !!! Why the big gun buying spree in less than a year ?

Diane Amberg

I never said I only owned a shot gun. The seven we own we have had for many years one. Several were in the family. Why the inquisition?  A couple are for investment. Al and I used to both target shoot.Not so much any more. The Post Polio had done damage to his right arm. I'm still pretty good with my .38, but anybody can do well with that.
There is no "debate" when it comes to a friend's death. I never said she was anti gun...I said you would understand if she was right now. But I was wrong ,you don't seem to understand anything. She is really hurting and the timing what with recent events, was just terrible. He was teaching his son about weapons and I wish he HAD chosen some other way.He may have created a gun hater.  too soon to know. His uncle may someday be able to help him understand.
Where in the world did you get the idea I had threatened R? How could I? I'm too far away.
In fact, I was the one recently threatened.  Not that any of you peeps scare me. Why do you fabricate these out of thin air? Pretzel talk!
Why do you think I care how many guns collectors own? I do worry about the creeps who have piles of weapons for no reason that make any sense.
Keep in mind, I've been to  situations over the years where fires have happened in homes, sheds and garages with cases and cases of ammo and we haven't been told about it... don't know until it starts cooking off. Fortunately most people are very up front and warn fire board to what is stored where and what the hazard might be.
One poor resident, long gone now, was a Viet Nam vet who would have flash backs. He had a counselor who would come, but he called fire board first. We had to stage behind The Taco Bell nearby with all lights off.  We never knew if his threats were genuine or just mouth. Fortunately he was never shot and eventually was placed in a secure facility for treatment. The people who lived in the apartment complexes near by were afraid of him. Can you understand?
You can't make me into someone I'm not just by twisting my words and not everything is a debate. Sorry if I don't fit your mold. I'll say no more about it, so insult me all you want...let people see how you are now.You didn't used to be so slippery.


Quote from Diane:
Where in the world did you get the idea I had threatened R? How could I? I'm too far away

Quote from Diane:
Red, ooooh, you are SO scary. I might have ta' get out my 38 and clean it.

You're right. It wasn't Ross you threatened--it was Red. My mistake.

Quote from Diane:
There is no "debate" when it comes to a friend's death. I never said she was anti gun

Quote from Diane
Can you understand why she might be very anti gun right now?

Maybe your above quote is why I thought your friend might be anti-gun.
Would you kindly point out where I insulted you. Did I call you a peep---a creep---a big dummy---a corn pone---a smart elec and etc ? And you call me a "pretzel "?
What I do understand is you do not want honest debate. Several have tried that tactic but all you want is to shove your liberal views down our gullets, but any opposing view be damned.


Diane and Jarhead, it looks like you two are having a lovers quarrel. I s there something more we should know about you two.


Quote from: Oldtimer on January 16, 2013, 01:44:44 PM
Diane and Jarhead, it looks like you two are having a lovers quarrel. I s there something more we should know about you two.
Come on now, big Ron doesn't deserve anything that bad.

Diane Amberg

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