Guns - American Style

Started by Warph, December 28, 2012, 10:09:45 PM

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        Well, then it's obvious your adoring followers don't know the definition of either word. It would also seem that you are the one tilting at windmills , since you consider anyone here as "foes".

       You are , as I said, clueless. You don't understand the slightest thing about the second ammendment, nor the reason modern day people have guns.

        It seems you are the one obsessed, with yourself.

       So I am the member of a clique ? Wow, I hope it includes all of those people that have guns and know how to use them, especially if your idiot Biden and his leader decide to try passing executive orders to TRY and take them away.

      I seriously doubt that anything you do in a day, or have for years, has real value to anyone but yourself.

     I don't know, BUT I'VE BEEN TOLD, a green grasshopper has a red A- hole.

      If peace of mind and wonderful family and friends isn't something that anyone would want, that's their problem, and you certainly aren't one to judge anyone. You just try and take that away and you'll see what my guns are for.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 10, 2013, 11:45:36 AM
Hey Bull... I've just been told that I'm the definition of patience and tolerance. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.

Now just what hypocrite was it that is a clique member?  I suspect the clique has a title:  Mutual Admiration Society.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 10, 2013, 11:45:36 AM
Was also told I'll never be able to get along with my foes there because you aren't of the real world and are scared to death to leave the safety of your little clique.That's why guns are so important to you.You are so suspicious and can't get along with normal people any other way. Gotta have those guns for protection because ya really think everyone is out to getcha.

Ya know, Mrs. Obama Wannabe, you sound a lot like your fascist president with his un-American 'clinging to God and guns' assessment of citizens who actually understand and believe in their 1st & 2nd amendment protections.  Prey tell, to which communist doctrine do you subscribe?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 10, 2013, 11:45:36 AM
I'm told apparently I'm one of them....

"I'm told, I'm told, I'm told"... not sure, but one might wonder if you're hearing voices. 

Oh.. almost forgot again...  :) ;) :D ;D  Poke, poke, ha, ha.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 10, 2013, 11:45:36 AM
Hey Bull... I've just been told that I'm the definition of patience and tolerance. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. Was also told I'll never be able to get along with my foes there because you aren't of the real world and are scared to death to leave the safety of your little clique.That's why guns are so important to you.You are so suspicious and can't get along with normal people any other way. Gotta have those guns for protection because ya really think everyone is out to getcha. I'm not sure what you have that anyone would want, but I can't be a judge of that. Keep on enjoying your obsessions. I'm told apparently I'm one of them. ;) I've got some things to do today that have real value...can you say the same?

Just for the sake of clarification, what do you mean by "not of the real world"? and "normal people"?
As for people out to get you not watch or read the news?  People ARE out to get us!  The gov't wants to limit our freedom of speech by regulating the internet, pushing the "fairness doctrine", labeling anyone that speaks out against the president as a terrorists.  They are currently trying to strip us of our RIGHT to own firearms.  They have already taken control of our health care.  Limited our freedom of religion...the list goes on. Now, maybe you gutless cowards there in delaware are ok with a gov't that routinely oversteps its bounds?  Maybe you sheeple types don't give a damn about the countless lives that were given in defense of our constitution?  But then again you types will never know or understand what this country is about or what it means to be a real american.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Diane Amberg

Hmmm...then you really think you represent the entire country?...and you think your neighbors are out to get you?
No, of course you aren't all my foes. That is very self centered thinking don't you think? I have a bunch of friends out there, most of whom see no point in writing on here any longer. Go ahead and be as rude as you want. .I would expect no less from you, the few minority out there. Go ahead and brag about your exploits....see if any body believes them. You would think the only military ever in the world came from Elk County.
Ya got anything good to say about anybody? Maybe your brags are all lies and hot air! You don't believe me, why should I believe you? Even the NRA is rethinking their stand in view of recent events. If all you can do is spew hate and garbage, are you even safe around guns?
Bull, you threaten me again and you will have something to worry about. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
I still say normal gun owners ,not the fanatics, have nothing to worry about. My word.This country started right here, the original 13 states ,so it was our "gutless wonders" who stood up to the British and moved our country into the reality of a separate entity. I guess you had quit school before the teacher got to that part, huh? Part of my mom's family were already here and fought in the Revolutionary War. Your  rants and insults mean nothing.I would expect no less. It's the mark of people who really have nothing to intelligent to say, so they stoop to character assassination,slander and libel. You sound very dangerous to me. Eek.  By the way, we own at least seven guns...I think I've lost count.


Diane, you never know when to shut up, you always have too have the last word. Why don't you get someone back there to start a Forum and you can be the Queen on it and leave us out here to our own interests.


Its no wonder that the american public school system has fallen as low as it has with people like you teaching the kids!!!  What part of my last post said anything about my neighbors?

Do I represent the entire country?  Nope. Never said I did.  But I do know that there are still some REAL americans left that still believe in individual freedom and responsibility, and that will still stand in defense of the Constituition.  I understand that you and your ilk will never do that, you believe that the gov't knows how to best run your lives, you have no understanding of the Constitution and will gladly give up the RIGHTS and freedoms it protects.  You are nothing more than sheep and deserve neither the Rights given by the constituiton nor the title of American. 
As for the NRA, what do they have to do with anything?  I don't give a damn about their stand on gun control, the Constitution is very clear on the matter.  It states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, period!  I don't need the nra, the president, supreme court, or anyone else to explain that to me.  As for the number of guns you have...that is typical of a gun control advocate.  You want to be able to possess firearms while denying others the same freedom.
I don't care what your mothers people did.  Their exploits do not cover you complete lack of understanding freedom or the constitution.
I have never bragged about my exploits nor if I did would I care if anyone believed them or not.  I know what I have done and have nothing to prove to anyone.  I do not have a need to constantly reinforce my ego by talking about how many friends I have or what I have done.
You are right about one thing though..I am dangerous if backed into a corner and my freedoms threatened.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Yup, what a waste. Go ahead and be who you are. I guess you can't help it.  Apparently you don't understand that our rights extend to all citizens, not just certain ones who think they speak for all.  I always thought you were proud of your schools...guess not.
So, if insulting your own teachers, some of who read your posts, will fix anything, you might want to go back to school yourselves. Why compare your schools with inner city Chicago as some have done? It shows a real lack of understanding of what teachers are up against. Between bad parenting and absent kids, the really good teachers hardly stand a chance, but they never give up anyway. I wish you had enough sense to appreciate what you have.
Please go to some school and learn to read.You are committing libel. By  twisting words and misquoting things that many of us have said, if that's the best you can do, then people should understand how dangerous you really are, huh? Ooh what a big shot!
and so jealous of "them."
You make it sound like guns are all there is. No family, no morals ,no commandments, no church, no cohesive community just things that kill and make noise.
I wish you would be as concerned with the many hundreds of families,especially children, who have been lost to gunfire. are so isolated out there, by your own admission, your "'neighbors'' are all that live there, so I guess that's all there would be to shoot at ,right?
  What are you so afraid of? It sounds more like a selfish obsession, with no concern for the feelings or rights of others. How about trying to help solve the problem? How about some constructive solutions that aren't just pipe dreams? Hey,lets put little 22's in cereal as premiums like they used to do dishes and towels? Yes, of course I'm kidding.
Don't you folks care about the rest of the Constitution and the other amendments? Real Americans value and understand it all, not just one piece.
I still say people who lawfully own and use guns have nothing to worry about.  States rights and constitutions should take care of that.There is nothing wrong with back ground checks where ever and how ever guns and ammo are sold,and limits on how many guns can be sold at one time to one person, especially if the buyer is a stranger to the seller. It might not be the total answer, but it would surely help. What's the hurry anyway? There are people for whom guns should be forbidden.
Varmit, you are very rude and very spooky. How did you ever pass the psychological to own guns in the first place? ;)
I guess I'll stop by the firearms show at our fire house tomorrow and see how many visitors put on clean t-shirts and put their teeth in for the big event. ;) Now go away and play with your guns....And DO NOT read what I aren't adult enough to handle it objectively .Bye- bye snookums. 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Your firehouse is having a firearms show tomorrow ? That's odd . Wonder why the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company web site never mentioned it, nor did I read anything about it in The News Journal. Did I just miss it some where or is not open to the public ?


Jarhead, do you have an address or telephone number for the Firehouse. I would like to call them, I have never heard of a firehouse having a gun show.

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