Guns - American Style

Started by Warph, December 28, 2012, 10:09:45 PM

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Diane Amberg

We have had two tragedies here today and I'm in no mood to baby sit corn pone and company. Stick it in your ear or whatever other opening fits!    Geeze what a piece of disgusting snot you are. >:(


Okie Dokie... getting back to the main topic here...

Girls With Guns

By Ashley Herzog

In last week's column, "Good Guys With Guns," I wrote about the Mayan 14 incident, in which a shooter was halted by an off-duty cop. I referred to the cop as a "good guy," and my readers were quick to issue a correction: the good guy was actually a girl. Lisa Castellano shot the wannabe James Holmes after he ran into the Mayan 14 theater and began firing—and managed to snatch away his gun.

I don't know about you, but Lisa Castellano is my new hero.

I've written about women and guns before, when I was the lone conservative columnist on the staunchly liberal Ohio University campus. As you can probably guess, readers sneered at the notion that guns serve a legitimate self-defense purpose. A self-described feminist activist claimed that women should be more afraid of "facing charges" for shooting an attacker than being raped or murdered. A male reader condescendingly suggested women should "carry mace." I want better than that.

***So did 18-year-old mom Sarah McKinley. On New Year's Eve 2011, she was at home alone with her infant son, having lost her husband to lung cancer just a week earlier. When she heard two men trying to break in, she called 911—and grabbed her guns.

"My husband just passed away. I'm here by myself with my infant baby. Can I please get a dispatch out here immediately?" McKinley pleaded.

Twenty minutes went by with no police response. McKinley fired, killing one of the two men, both of whom were armed with 12-inch knives.

"It was either going to be him or my son. And it wasn't going to be my son," McKinley told reporters. "There's nothing more dangerous than a woman with a child."

As the mother of a 15-month old daughter, I second that.

***In October 2012, 12-year-old Kendra St. Clair was also at home alone when a home invader kicked in her back door. Her mother advised her over the phone to hide in the bathroom. Luckily, the preteen grabbed her parents' handgun first—and shot the intruder in the shoulder.

"When I had the gun, I didn't think I was actually going to have to shoot somebody," she told ABC News. "I think it's going to change me a whole lot, knowing that I can hold my head up high and nothing can hurt me anymore."

Now that's girl power.

***Two weeks ago, Abilene resident Lawanda Taylor was awakened at 2 am by a break-in. The intruder turned out to be her violent ex-boyfriend, who began assaulting her. Taylor managed to grab her gun and shoot her attacker in the side—likely saving her own life and the lives of her two children.

***Last Friday, a Georgia mother spotted a strange man breaking into her home with a crowbar. She hid her 9-year-old twins in a crawlspace and called 911. When the intruder discovered the family, she shot him five times with her revolver.

Guns can't and shouldn't be used for self-defense? Tell that to these women and countless others who never make the news. Every two minutes, a woman in this country is sexually assaulted. Three are murdered every day—a third of them by boyfriends, husbands, or ex's. Millions become victims of crimes like robbery.

"My wife is a hero. She protected her kids," Donnie Herman, the Georgia woman's husband, told reporters last week. "Her life is saved, and her kids' life is saved... She did what she was supposed to do as responsible, prepared gun owner."

I couldn't agree more. America might be a dangerous place for women, but it's less dangerous when they can defend themselves with a gun.

Checkout "Good Guys With Guns"
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
...NRA president Wayne LaPierre[/font][/size]
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

 You know not everyone in Kansas, or any other state, thinks guns are the answer to everything.They have their place, but thinking they are what to jump to first is dangerous ,especially with people who don't really know how to shoot and are short tempered.


Quote from Diane:
You know not everyone in Kansas, or any other state, thinks guns are the answer to everything.They have their place, but thinking they are what to jump to first is dangerous ,especially with people who don't really know how to shoot and are short tempered

You have me confused Diane. The above quote makes me think you don't think guns could quell some of the violence, but then just a couple days ago you were advocating to harden schools they need to add security guards and police officers. I'm just trying to understand where you stand on the gun debate.

Quote from Diane:
What pray tell is wrong with hardening public buildings? It has the potential of being a very inexpensive fix, if one adds the proper security guards, police officers and check points as necessary


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Dianne Feinstein Carries a Concealed Weapon as She Pushes Assault Weapons Ban

The day after Obama won reelection, Dianne Feinstein began working on the current assault weapons ban that has been fueled by Sandy Hook. Yet, Feinstein is on record saying firearms are a way to protect yourself from bad guys. Why doesn't Feinstein want to take away my guns while she admits she carries firearms to protect herself?

Enter Mark Levine:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 08, 2013, 08:01:50 PM
We have had two tragedies here today and I'm in no mood to baby sit corn pone and company. Stick it in your ear or whatever other opening fits!    Geeze what a piece of disgusting snot you are. >:(

They bloviate about their self created, overblown sense of personal greatness and then,when confronted with facts, libs retort with name calling, fabricate a crisis, and toddle off mad.... til the next round.

Coulter is right... it's a mental disorder.

Oh, I almost forgot.... poke, poke.   :) ;) :D ;D :o
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on January 09, 2013, 09:50:32 AM
They bloviate about their self created, overblown sense of personal greatness and then,when confronted with facts, libs retort with name calling, fabricate a crisis, and toddle off mad.... til the next round.

Coulter is right... it's a mental disorder.

Oh, I almost forgot.... poke, poke.   :) ;) :D ;D :o
Patriot, I don't very often agree with you but this time I do 1000000%. I know Rex and Jane and they are really good people.

Diane Amberg

Really? You've got someone who doesn't even live around there, who pops out like a snake once in a while to do nothing more than attack someone, and then go back in her hole. Please notice people like that never add anything of value to any conversation.They never add anything to any conversation of any value. They are probably very fine people, within a very narrow band of acceptability...your clique all thinks alike.! Jane know I knew some people... and that scares her....needlessly.
I do not lie about myself and what goes on here ,unless you want to consider good natured poking with friends lies. In that case you are all a bunch of liars.
I don't consider the sudden deaths of two friends in one day, one a suicide, a" fabricated" crisis. You really are hateful aren't you?

Jar, as far as the gun debate, I don't think there is just one answer.
We have a very complicated school integration history here that goes back many years. There was serious violence in the schools then ( 70's ) due to court ordered busing that nobody wanted, including the Wilmington city black kids who liked where they were.. I'm sure you don't want all those details, but it would explain a lot.
We have had armed Newark Police Officers (and metal detectors) assigned daily to our high school for years. The doors are always locked and visitors have to be buzzed in and then report to the office. In some cases visitors are frisked before they leave the office. All because of busing of rough inner city kids out to Newark, which is a very nice place with very little non imported trouble. Now you may wonder what this has to do with anything. There were still gun incidents! I'll not go into how but I gotta admit the bad kids can be very clever when they have retribution on their minds.
I'd prefer a muliti level approach, with armed people where it seems necessary, and verbal restraint and hardened buildings to make a package that taxpayers can afford that will provide the protection the kids deserve without making it seem like they have been sentenced to an inner city Chicago prison.
The plight of the families of known mentally ill, dangerous people needs to be addressed too. A great number of families of the dangerous mentally ill plead for help, and are told that local law can't help them "until something happens." How's that for a nice way to live?
Between being in the schools...for many, many years, and being a very busy EMT and fire company member, I did and still do have exposure to many situations that the average person does not. Sorry that bother some of you, but it's all true. You don't believe me? too bad. It has no value to me other than being disapointed that a few of you are so colonial and narrow minded.. One of these days I'll retire completely, but not just yet.


I'm still confused. In reply # 10 you say----So leave the guns out of it and look at other ways to keep people safe. Such as ''hardening'' the buildings against outside gun attacks.

Now you tell us---We have had armed Newark Police Officers (and metal detectors) assigned daily to our high school for years

Do you see where I would be confused ? You want other schools to look for other ways to protect the kids, besides using guns, but then it's OK for your schools to have armed police, and have had for years

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