Guns - American Style

Started by Warph, December 28, 2012, 10:09:45 PM

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I am a simple man so I still do not understand what you meant when you said---" I'd shoot any of you dead in an instant if necessary, and since I am who I am I'd never be charged "
Why would you not be charged simply because of "I am who I am " Please explain what  that means .


If Democrats aren't 100% on-board with Obama's gun control plans they have zero chance of passing Congress, the wannabe dictator is going to go the executive order route, mark my words.

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) on Sunday panned the White House's reported gun-control proposals as "extreme."

In an interview with ABC's "This Week," the senator said that while she was open to a broad discussion on ways to prevent gun violence in the wake of December's tragic shooting in Newtown, Conn., she doubted that the administration's likely proposals would garner support on Capitol Hill.

"I think you need to put everything on the table, but what I hear from the administration -- and if the Washington Post is to be believed -- that's way -- way in extreme of what I think is necessary or even should be talked about. And it's not going to pass," said Heitkamp. 

A report in the Washington Post released Saturday said the White House working group on gun violence was considering measures including universal background checks for all gun buyers, strengthened mental health examinations and tougher penalties for those caught carrying firearms near schools.

Those proposals would go well beyond the bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, which the president has called on Congress to pass.

The White House gun-violence group, led by Vice President Joe Biden, was established in response to the killing of 26 people, including 20 elementary school students, in Newtown last month.

The incident has renewed debate over the nation's gun laws, with Democrats and the president pushing for new restrictions.

Proponents of gun-ownership rights, however, say that the focus should be on broader issues, including mental health treatment and the role of violence in entertainment culture.

Heitkamp, who holds an "A" rating from the National Rifle Association, the nation's largest gun-rights lobby, said the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School called for more attention on mental health issues.

"One of the issues that I think comes -- screams out of this is the issue of mental health and the care for the mentally ill in our country, especially the dangerously mentally ill," said Heitkamp. "And so we need to have a broad discussion before we start talking about gun control.

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Jar, if you showed up beating on my house and screaming and yelling and broke in, and you were a stranger to me, if I thought you meant me harm, I'll shoot to kill, with no second thoughts.
 I am very well known here by all the local police agencies. I taught the first responder component in the police and fire academies for many years ,back as far as when today's officers were rookies...They know and trust me. The police chief ,fire chief ,Mayor, City Manager and the council are personal friends. Several of our police officers are fire fighters too, so we would know each other well.
A number of the police officers of several agencies were cared for by me in tight situations over the years.  I won't bore you with more stories, but they all know me well enough to know that if I ever shot someone it was necessary.
I even cared for their weapons in several cases when they were too ill to be safe with them. Took their gun belts and hid them in the squad bench and turned them over to the sector Sgt. when we reached the hospital. Not a big deal here and not just me. We all do that kind of thing. Why do you ask?


Lets see if I got this straight---just because the police chief, fire chief , mayor and the rest of the city Dad's know you and trust you, if you shot one of the citizens of Elk county grave yard dead, there is no way you would be charged simply because they" know and trust you" ?
Well my dear lady, you better do your killing in Delaware then because you come here and pull that shit you will be investigated and if found guilty you would be an ear ring to a cottonwood tree---and our Sheriff wouldn't give a rats ass who you know in high places. If your cops base their investigative decisions on weather they "know and trust" someone---then I say your police force are not only corrupt but incompetent too. No wonder Joe Biden is proud to call that place his home !!
Just for the record---did you by any chance teach Carlos Hathcock to shoot ?



Polls Dispel Idea of Gun Ban Support

Obviously, the rush is on for gun ban activists. Many surely know their road won't lead to a safer society, but they don't care. As long as their bandwagon is taking on passengers, it gives both the appearance of action being taken and the opportunity to bash the NRA.

Fortunately, the majority of the country isn't buying the hype.

In the immediate wake of the Newtown murders, while gun-control advocates were exploiting the actions of a madman to try to justify disarming the law-abiding majority, a USA Today-Gallup Poll found that 74 percent of those polled opposed a ban on private ownership of handguns, and 51 percent opposed a ban on private ownership of so called "assault weapons."

A recent Rasmussen Reports poll found that 54 percent of American adults would feel safer if their child's school had an armed security guard. The same poll found that among parents of school-aged children, support for armed guards is even higher. Sixty two percent of such parents would feel safer with an armed security guard at the school, while 22 percent would feel safer if their child attended a gun-free school.

And even as the gun banners seek to blame and attack NRA for the actions of a killer, Gallup's poll reveals that NRA still has a 54 percent favorable rating among Americans. It is worth noting that, as of January 3rd, the Real Clear Politics average of President Obama's approval rating is slightly lower, at 53.4 percent. And, perhaps not surprisingly, recent data show the overall approval rating for the U.S. Congress is just 18 percent.

In other words, there is greater support for armed guards in schools than there is for restricting "assault weapons," and NRA remains more popular than the president and about three times more popular than Congress.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I'm sure you are a close personal friend of Richard Begleiter. Did you happen to catch him tonight on the Bill O'Reilly show ? What a pompous ass.  He should have been on DWTS instead of debating the issue of that newspaper disclosing gun owners names and addresses. He set there all smug and danced around every question---no answers to any of the questions. Does he happen to teach a class there at UD, called "how to be an arrogant arse " or does it does it have something to do with the water there? :angel:


Diane I set back and read the things that you type all over Elk County forum and you make me sick!!!! You think you would fill your admirer's in Delaware with all of your BS....well maybe you feed Elk County full of your BS because no one there will listen to you!! You call people out and oh my everyone is picking on me BS is getting old....didn't you say somewhere that you were going to stay on facebook bc everyone there is nice?? Ok Diane go to facebook and keep your cry baby arse off of our forum. You don't live here so butt the hell out...or you can read but just shut the hell up!!! PS. If you ever shoot Jar aka my father you can probably count on 3 ks daughter's of Jar's hunting your ass down......PS we know how to shoot a gun also taught by our father whom we are very proud of that would be Mr. Jarhead to my friend.....Jar's oldest daughter....oh yea you act so damn smart on here and like we are a bunch of hicks in the sticks but I have to agree with oldtimer you are an idiot...and another thing dummy diane we know cars don't kill people the drivers do.....well guns don't kill people....people do!!! :o...sorry if I offended anyone but I have read all of dummy diane that I could take without blasting off on her.


Quote from: cheyronni on January 07, 2013, 09:35:01 PM
Diane I set back and read the things that you type all over Elk County forum and you make me sick!!!! You think you would fill your admirer's in Delaware with all of your BS....well maybe you feed Elk County full of your BS because no one there will listen to you!! You call people out and oh my everyone is picking on me BS is getting old....didn't you say somewhere that you were going to stay on facebook bc everyone there is nice?? Ok Diane go to facebook and keep your cry baby arse off of our forum. You don't live here so butt the hell out...or you can read but just shut the hell up!!! PS. If you ever shoot Jar aka my father you can probably count on 3 ks daughter's of Jar's hunting your ass down......PS we know how to shoot a gun also taught by our father whom we are very proud of that would be Mr. Jarhead to my friend.....Jar's oldest daughter....oh yea you act so damn smart on here and like we are a bunch of hicks in the sticks but I have to agree with oldtimer you are an idiot...and another thing dummy diane we know cars don't kill people the drivers do.....well guns don't kill people....people do!!! :o...sorry if I offended anyone but I have read all of dummy diane that I could take without blasting off on her.
Awesome post, I love it, you have Diane pegged perfect. Way to go CheYronni,.

Diane Amberg

Woo! The sour puss level just hit the top of the pole! I never said anything about shooting anybody, other than someone breaking into my own home. You folks are the ones who talk about shooting each the point that the moderator had to step in one time and put a stop to it...
Everything I say is true, but what does it matter. My conversations are meant to be light and fun .I'm sorry some of you can't understand that. Jar doesn't need defending. We don't agree about everything and we poke back an forth, but I like him a lot...bomb shelter, jerky,wine, funny stories and all.
Where in the world did you get the idea I would shoot Jar? He would have to be here breaking into my house for that to happen, and I don't see that as likely ,do you.
Good grief! lighten up.I was talking situationally,not personally.
Are you a young colt looking for something to spook from? Please don't read things that aren't there or intended. I do hope you are finished. It's your it is mine. but then again, reading what I post is your choice ,isn't it? If you can't handle it, then don't.
Why do you feel so much like "hicks." Several of you seem to feel that way and it never came from me. We have lots of farms and small towns here too, and we don't feel that way about each other. Why should you? Ross keeps calling HIMSELF an uneducated hick, nobody else does. Why are you so touchy about it?
I'm sorry you got all upset, but don't go blaming me because you don't understand my sense of humor. I've been ripped a new one before because of that, but I'm tough enough to take it.... and just put it into perspective. :angel:
Now suppose you really ARE a dumb hick..whose fault is that? Not mine.
  You choose who you want to be ,nobody else can. Considering the awards I see your kids getting out there ,being a hick must be hard to do!
ELK, you must be another one. Why do I get under your skin so badly?I mean you no harm. I don't talk about myself, my family or what I do here any more than  others who also don't live there. Nor do I have my own personal threads just for my own use. as far as who I know here..ya mean you don't know the same people there that I do here? If not, why not?  It just means the person is involved in their community and not just sitting at home stewing over how badly the world treats them.
If it's possible,have a Happy New Year.


Ok, I have to get in on this. Diane every time some one tells you what they think of all your BS, you say "You don't understand my sense of humor. You can tell every one in Howard just how great you are but since we all do not live in Delware how do we know that it is all true. It is easy to pull the wool over peoples eyes on the internet. I have had enough of "How great I am" with all your information you give.
Cheyronni, everything you said was great.

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