Understanding the Progressive Mind . . . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, December 27, 2012, 08:35:18 AM

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Government is their god . . . .

When Rep. Claude Pepper died years ago, I recall hearing a National Public Radio story on him, with the reporter breathlessly praising Pepper because he had "faith in government." Hubert Humphrey before him also had that great faith in the power of the state, and both Pepper and Humphrey were lionized by the Progressive Media. And no wonder. These men presented the picture of government taking from people property and possessions for which they had no "need" and then supposedly transferring themselves to the "needy."

But while Progressives call for the jailing of people they don't like while decrying America's incarceration rates, they also stand firmly behind the drug war, the militarization of America's police and state-sponsored brutality toward dissidents like Bradley Manning. (In the case of Manning, one can say that Progressives were against torture before they were for it.)

Libertarians loathe no federal agency as much as they do the Internal Revenue Service. They view it as an unwarranted expansion of the State into their lives, and they see an agency full of people who have way too much power over the daily lives of others. Progressives, on the other hand, believe that the IRS has too little power. The mission of the IRS – to seize tax revenue – is utterly important for it is the IRS that ultimately allows us to pay for the "Social Contract" that Progressives believe is central to life itself.
-William L. Anderson


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