Started by frawin, December 17, 2012, 04:26:37 PM

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"If you need to protect yourself, a handgun is good enough. That a 20-year old can get his hands on [an assault rifle] is pathetic."

This is a quote from a person attending the funeral of one of the teachers at Sandy Hook school. I think this nonsense on blaming the gun instead of the mad man, has went about far enough. Does this person think it's pathetic that a 18 or 19 year old military person can get his / her hands on an assault weapon to defend their  self ? Now Obama has appointed that idiot Biden to get something done about guns. Yea, the same Biden that has a history of being ant-gun. Want to bet if his secret service detail are only armed with single shot weapons ?


Quote from: Patriot on December 18, 2012, 08:26:22 PM
The most crazy... the ones who can do more damage than a nut case in CN are working in Washington D.C. and in state and local governments across the country.  Sadly, while our citizenry, egged on by talking heads on TV, are busy wasting time trying to figure out why mental cases do crazy things the nut jobs in government will be busy doing the craziest thing in history... conspiring to destroy yet another fragment of the Constitution.... facts be damned.

Quote from: jarhead on December 19, 2012, 04:42:25 PM
Now Obama has appointed that idiot Biden to get something done about guns. Yea, the same Biden that has a history of being ant-gun. Want to bet if his secret service detail are only armed with single shot weapons ?

I rest my case.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jarhead on December 19, 2012, 04:42:25 PMDoes this person think it's pathetic that a 18 or 19 year old military person can get his / her hands on an assault weapon to defend their  self ?

What about the members of our military only a few years older (I don't know... what, 23-25?) that can fly aircraft equipped with weapons of substantially higher destruction? :P


You know what might scare the lefties worse MT ? it might be a 18-20 year old on the radio telling the Jet Jockey where to drop his pay load. :D


You know... I bet a lot of those younger guys are capable of flying drones due to being good at video games. Just searched around and found an article about an 18 year being so good at it that they brought him home from Iraq to teach other how to fly drones. :D

Update on Cheaper than Dirt. They updated their site, Facebook, and sent an email to those that are subscribed and seemed to aggravate real Americans further. Apparently they are trying to make it look like their decision to no longer sell firearms look like it was due to their shipping policy, being that they would try their best to get it shipped out within 24 hours and that due to demand they needed to change that to 72 hours.

Most people might have been able to believe that and from there turn around and support them again if it wasn't for them hiking prices on AR-15 accessories and ammo. I've heard supposedly that all mags that hold more than 10 rounds mysteriously became out of stock. Ammo that should have been no more than $300 was marked up to $899.99. The mags they were selling were apparently jacked up in price, some of them nearly 6 times higher than normal I believe. Seems pretty clear what their intentions were... and it definitely was not due to some silly "policy change".


These statistics are provided by... the FBI.

The numbers stayed relatively the same in 2011 as well:

Total Murders: 12,664
Total Firearms: 8,583
Handguns: 6,220
Rifles: 323
Shotguns: 356
Firearms (type unknown): 1,684
Knives or cutting instruments: 1,694
Other weapons: 1,659
Hands, fists, feet, pushing, etc.: 728

Difference between 2010 and 2011:
Total Murders: Down 332
Total Firearms: Down 192
Handguns: Up 211
Rifles: Down 35
Shotguns: Down 17
Firearms, unknown: Down 351
Knives, etc.: Down 10
Other: Down 113
No weapons: Down 17

Now isn't that interesting. Oh... and I'm also starting to see reports that a rifle might not have even been used in the school shooting. Would not surprise me one bit.


All the early reports on the day of the shooting were saying the killer had two 9 mm pistols in the school  but they found a AR-15 in the back of his mothers car, outside the school. The cops went as far as saying what kind of pistols they were. It was like the next day before they started saying all the killings were done with the rifle. Don't want to waste a crises you know, when it can be used for our Liberal agenda

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