Started by frawin, December 17, 2012, 04:26:37 PM

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I went to Academy today to buy a different gun I wanted and some more 223 ammo. The lines for people filling out papers to purchase guns was so long I finally give up and left. Everyone I talked to was deeply saddened over the terrible tragedy in Connecticut and the senseless killing of children. Being a parent and Grandparent I cannot imagine the pain that those parents are feeling.


People are buying up guns because they are  scared---as they should be. There are just too many crazies out there. The left is already gearing up, using this tragedy, to dis-arm us. That crazy SOB didn't need a gun to kill all those children. He could of used a machete or baseball bat and killed just as many. If he didn't want to see the carnage up close and personal, he could have loaded his car with as many  full gas cans as it could hold---get a good run at the school and bash into it. Death toll would probably been higher than what it was.



Ron, I agree 100%. In China last week a nut stabbed 22 children to death. People have no clue how bad it will be if guns were outlawed. The blackmarket in guns would be huge. Given the great success our government has had in controlling Meth, Cocaine, and Marijuana, every criminal mind in America would have an aresenal.


Ron, it seems to me the idiot in Connecticut's Mother should have had her guns locked in a steel safe. Apparently she knew her son had mental problems and was slipping further and further away. I think anyone that has guns should have them in a secure safe, especially if they have children of any age in the house.


True Frank, but I will say again---you don't need a gun if you are intent on killing people.
Great post Bull


Quote from: jarhead on December 17, 2012, 06:24:59 PM
True Frank, but I will say again---you don't need a gun if you are intent on killing people.
Great post Bull
Big Ron, you are right, a friend reminded me that in the Bombing of the Murrah Buliding in Oklahoma city, not a shot was fired, yet 168 people died, 19 of them were children under the age of 6, and 680 people were injured.


It will end up that only the crooks have the guns. We just had two policemen shot point blank in the head by a drug dealer. He had a record of past problems with guns and drugs. The good side is he would not come out and fired back from the house he was hiding in they killed him. Point being, my tax dollars will not be spent on him for the next 30years.


Cheaper than Dirt has stated today on Facebook and their website that they have "temporarily suspended online sales of firearms", without an explanation. Below that they mention "During this temporary suspension, we will be reviewing our policies and promotions." (Edit: Apparently they are also jacking up prices on AR-15 related gear, according to posts on Facebook. Magazines that normally sell for around $15 are up to $60).

Dick's Sporting Goods has come out today and said they will be suspending sales of "modern sporting rifles" nationwide specifically because of the shooting.

Aaaaaand it begins, most likely. Probably should stock up on ammo and guns ASAP just to be on the safe side.

Edit: There are also some reports that Wal-Mart is changing how they sell guns but I haven't seen anything specific yet.

Academy Sports + Outdoors has removed "modern sporting rifles" from their website. Haven't seen word if that is just website specific or will be in store as well.


Quote from: jarhead on December 17, 2012, 05:06:28 PM
People are buying up guns because they are  scared---as they should be. There are just too many crazies out there. The left is already gearing up, using this tragedy, to dis-arm us. That crazy SOB didn't need a gun to kill all those children....

The most crazy... the ones who can do more damage than a nut case in CN are working in Washington D.C. and in state and local governments across the country.  Sadly, while our citizenry, egged on by talking heads on TV, are busy wasting time trying to figure out why mental cases do crazy things the nut jobs in government will be busy doing the craziest thing in history... conspiring to destroy yet another fragment of the Constitution.... facts be damned.

Buying guns to protect oneself from a maniac at a school or theater (generally gun-free zones by the way) is a crap shoot... arming to defend against tyranny might be a wiser motivation.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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