Kill all the White People

Started by Warph, December 10, 2012, 06:58:58 PM

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Merry Christmas, you loathsome white people.  Liberal racist actor Jamie Foxx described his next movie this past weekend on Saturday Night Live thusly: "I kill all the white people in the movie.  How great is that?"

Where there should be outcry or condemnation are laughter and wackadoodle justification.  MSNBC's liberal loon Chris "Tingles Up My Leg" Matthews is probably tingling everywhere all over his aging, all-too-white and fat body, dreaming up some radical leftwing commentary that will herald Foxx's disgusting monologue as something noble and pure, that people who don't think this deplorable "let's kill Whitey" joking is funny must be raaaaaaaaaccccists.

Imagine the belly-laughing response from the liberal media lap poodles if, oh, say, non-black actors Chuck Norris or Clint Eastwood or Jon Voight had applauded the color of their own skin repeatedly on national TV and had joked in the same fashion that Foxx did: "I kill all the black people in the movie.  How freaking great is that?"   


What, no belly laughs?  Liberal hypocrites.

I'm so bloody sick and tired ofthe far- leftist millionaire hypocritical simple-minded clowns like Foxx embracing socialism, getting away with over-the-top racist rhetoric, and... in Foxx's case... referring to Barack Obama during the Soul Train awards last month as his "lord and savior."

Not only do I have no intentions of seeing Foxx's film Django Unchained, but he's now officially on my growing boycott list... joining vicious anti-conservative racist, non-black luminaries such as Sean Penn, Matt Damon, Michael Moore, Roseanne Arnold-Barr-Whatever, Jane Fonda, Gwyneth Paltrow, David Letterman, Janeane Garofalo, Bill Maher, Susan Sarandon, and so many other pampered, rich, clueless idiot progressives.  Granted, Foxx is a talented man.  But, talented people are a dime a dozen and fame is transient in fickle Hollywood.  And talent shouldn't give liberal racists like Foxx a free pass.

I've got better things to do with my money than pay to see Foxx on the big screen... you know, like paying my electric bill and feeding my dogs during Obama's Tarnished Era of Hope-n-change.  When I can, I spend my hard-earned, meager discretionary income on those entertainers, regardless of their skin color, who don't think it is hilarious to joke about killing members of my race, who don't play the dog-eared race card as often as they breathe, or who have replaced Jesus Christ with Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma.

Call me old-fashioned.  Call me an old white CURMUDGEON when I read about a liberal, socialist, commie black SOB like Foxx!

This is one old white CURMUDGEON who won't be contributing to Foxx's immense wealth. 

From Vancouver Observer, Backlash to Jamie Foxx's racist comments during SNL monologue:

This isn't the first time Foxx has been accused of racism. In 2009 on his Sirius Satellite radio show The Foxxhole, Foxx and his 'zoo crew' spewed a verbal attack on then 16 year old Miley Cyrus after hearing about her attempt to meet one of her favourite bands at the time. Foxx and his radio crew commented by calling Cyrus a "little white b—h" and encouraging her to ""Get like Britney Spears and do some heroin. Do like Lindsay Lohan and start seeing a lesbian and get some crack in your pipe. Catch chlamydia on a bicycle seat."

Notably, only mentioning white actresses in derogatory terms, Foxx, who is the father of a teenage girl apologized afterwards on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno saying, "I so apologize, and this is sincere. I am a comedian, and you guys know that whatever I say, I don't mean any of it. And sometimes, as comedians, as we do, we go a little bit too far."

One wonders how Foxx's 'reverse racism' is accepted in America when in 2009 radio host, Don Imus was famously fired after public outrage for his comments on-air during an adult women's basketball game. While commenting on the game Imus called the players "nappy headed hoes" and was fired from his long-time job with CBS. Foxx on the other hand received cheers and applause on Saturday Night Live for saying with a smile, "I kill all the white people, how great is that?". Is this a case of regular comic fodder or is 'reverse racism' more acceptable in North America?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Foxx is a comedian ?Hell I've never saw or heard him do or say anything funny. He aint nothing but a racist pr#ck as far as I'm concerned

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