Doesn't Make Sense!

Started by Varmit, December 06, 2012, 08:40:49 PM

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      If our local people aren't sure what to do, who is? As I grew up, I saw all of my friends, classmates and their Parents pretty regular. Most of those parents were the Boy Scout leaders, 4-H leaders, Kiwanis members, all of those groups that are disentregating. In My Humble Opinion, they did a great job. Sure, places with more money can put up big sucess numbers, but I think somewhere on here it was mentioned that our students are excelling in many areas. We may be one of the last few communities that have not fallen to the "status quo".

      This all smells to me of an underlying want to put forth an agenda for building construction . Something that should have been done the last go round. It would have been cheaper then, in the long run.

      To talk about the Moline and Severy buildings. It isn't feasible to maintain and keep utilites up in three locations given our population. Perhaps at some point they can be utilized.


so basically what you are insinuating is that the last decisions were screwed, so now let's trash the original ideal and build anew?
Bandaids only work for so  long, and hindsight is 20-20, and we are all arm chair quaterbacks.  Ot's okay to say, I was wrong...let's regroup.


I think that when you become aware of the actual conditions out at West Elk, that you will see that something needs to be done.  Utilizing the facilities in Severy and Moline might be feasible except that I understand that the facility in Severy has been sold.  The reason for vacating them was that the district could not afford to maintain them.  Since I haven't been in the Severy facility since my last kid started coming to Howard to school in 1973, I do not know what the conditions were.  I would prefer almost anything to having our children bussed to Independence or Fredonia, etc. 

Have you ever visited a town where the school has been abandoned?  You should, then consider whether or not you want that for this community.


I don't know how you could utilize the Severy or Moline buildings, if you did you would have to bus the severy kids to moline or bus the moline kids to severy, neither Is feasible in my opinion. Not only would it be hard on the kids, the busing costs would be high. In addition the heating and cooling of the old buildings would be really expensive.


I haven't been to the West Elk School.  Is the BOE located within the school?  Or, is it off site?


If by BOE you mean administration, on-site, separate building.



Quote from Wilma:
The recent controversy over the Community Conversations was only a lot of malarkey started by a dissonant just because of his own unpleasant experience.

I'm surprised of you. After all the talk of wanting the forum to go back to the good ol days, before name calling and personal attacks, and then you casually throw this in. :angel:


Kind of lost my head there, didn't I?

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