Thinking of You, Wilma

Started by genealogynut, October 20, 2006, 08:03:22 PM

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In another thread, you mentioned having eye surgery, yesterday.  I feel for you, as I went thru that last winter.  Is that the first or second surgery?  I know I sure didn't look forward to all those eye drops I had to put in.  I hope yours was a success. :)


You know, the anticipation of the first surgery was the hardest for me. And the impatience and some anticipation was the bother in the second. But all told, eye drops, preprocedure poking and prodding, wondering if it will work, sitting in the waiting room with that little goody bag of post operative instructions, patches, gauze and all that gizmuck was the so uncomfortable and forgetable portion of the experience, but well worth the trade. I've loved my new eyes in degrees and ways I find hard to put into words. Preceeding cataract development and subsequent lens replacement surgery I lived with functional blindness for a nearly 50 years and expected nothing other than diminished ability and living with bottle bottoms on my nose forever. It's truly wonderful being nearly 20-20 and able to live life without lenses over my perception of the beauty of detail on this intricate worldscape we wander.

So welcome back Wilma. Welcome back to awakening in the morning and being able to decipher your room without searching out your prosthesis for sight. Welcome back to not having fear that something unseen is zeroing in on you in your disability. Welcome back to being engaged with the visual side of life. Welcome back to your wholeness. This discomfort and bother will fade quickly and the joy of repair will find you. Welcome back.


Thank you all for your kind thoughts.  Yes, the drops are a bother, but I daren't risk anything going wrong.  Being without my eyes is the last thing I want.  I can watch ball games without hearing them, but listening to them without seeing loses so much.  Already I can read the scoreboards, so the discomfort has been worth it.


Ms. T; Janet, I have my new glasses, so you had better watch out.  I will be able to see things I might have missed before.

Janet Harrington

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