Calling all overburdened Elk County taxpayers....

Started by Patriot, November 16, 2012, 10:57:37 AM

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Quote from: Patriot on November 16, 2012, 08:24:44 PM
It's also potentially a helluva revenue loss to the county...

a county that already hasn't collected property taxes on a valuable chunk of Flint Oak for about 10 years...

Doesn't Flint Oaks cater to the wealthy?

And if they are not paying their fair share of property taxes, doesn't that mean
we the people that pay our fair share are actually paying more then our fair share?
Meaning they are a burden on the Elk County Taxpayer?

Doesn't that make them a burden on the Elk County Road Department?

Quote from: Patriot on November 16, 2012, 08:24:44 PM
All revenue returned, most likely, to taxpayers who least need the tax break and could most afford the taxes.  And, short of a massive, screaming public outcry, will be all said and done in less than 2 weeks.

We need this type of communications within Elk County, it is an intelectual asakening, IMHO!

That hearing should be over crowded by Elk County tax payers being heard by these Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

There is absolutely no reason this particular business or any other business should not be paying their fair share of property taxes, especially after ten years, leaving you to pay their share of taxes.

This is the same thing the proposed Konnected Kounty Kommissioners "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" will do to you as a property owner, it will simply increase the burden on you.

Don't worry folks these Konnected Kounty Kommissioners put their pants on just as you do, one leg at a time, also they are simply people just like you, perhaps not as good as you. so show up at the meeting, unless you like these high property taxes. Can you afford to pay other peoples share of property taxes, if you can then don't show up.


QuoteDoesn't Flint Oaks cater to the wealthy?And if they are not paying their fair share of property taxes, doesn't that mean
we the people that pay our fair share are actually paying more then our fair share?
Meaning they are a burden on the Elk County Taxpayer?
Careful there Ross.  Catering to the wealthy has nothing to do with fair share of Real Estate Taxes, or Personal Propterty.  Two different beasts.
Roads are matter if I or Ted Nugent drives them.
(edited to save the world)


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 16, 2012, 09:19:24 PM
Careful there Ross.  Catering to the wealthy has nothing to do with fair share.  Two different beasts.

Okay Ready, that was a goof!

Quote from: readyaimduck on November 16, 2012, 09:19:24 PM
Roads are matter if I or Ted Nugent drives them.
(edited to save the world)

But Ready isn't it our property taxes that pay for our county roads?
And are they not on a county road, I'm just saying we are paying for the maintenance on their county road so their wealthy customers can get to their establishment/business.

Perhaps, I'm wrong, but that's the way I see it.


I think I get what you are saying...just need to reword this.
You think because Flint Oak hasn't paid txes because ??????   Did they have a graduated tax agreement with the State?  If so, please provided such.
   Aand if the aabove is true, then since they only pay a certain amount, you as a taxpayer have to make up the difference in the rod maintenence? 
If that is true, then it is not Flint Oak's issue, that is yours with your commissioners at their budgeting and priorities. 
ready to lern to grade a road!...and get a new keyboaad!


If you wish to attack Flint Oak, is the county getting revenue from their  boats, equipment.etc listed as Personal Commercial Property?  I do hope so.

Since it was recently purchsed, did the Real Estate taxes follow the new owner? 
ready....for bed


Well ready i thiught we were talking strictly Elk County property taxes and it's my understanding, that is the finances that the Elk County Road Department operates on.

And yes it is a matter to take up with the local Government.

Wait a minute are you pulling my leg?

i'm tired as well, good night everyone.


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 16, 2012, 09:29:12 PM
I think I get what you are saying...just need to reword this.
You think because Flint Oak hasn't paid txes because ??????   Did they have a graduated tax agreement with the State?  If so, please provided such.
   Aand if the aabove is true, then since they only pay a certain amount, you as a taxpayer have to make up the difference in the rod maintenence? 
If that is true, then it is not Flint Oak's issue, that is yours with your commissioners at their budgeting and priorities. 
ready to lern to grade a road!...and get a new keyboaad!

The major expansion of the Lodge at Flint Oak was financed utilizing the Industrial Revenue Bond program that has been available in the state of Kansas for many decades.  Nearly every county and most cities of the first or second class in Kansas have utlized this state statute level program.  Any project financed under this program carries with it a ten year ad valorem tax abatement on the property enhancements paid for with the bond proceeds.  The tax abatement does not cover the entire property at Flint Oak, only that built using the bond proceeds. 

I don't remember exactly which year this occurred (2002 or 2003), but it was already in the works when I was being interviewed for the county economic development position that I began in early 2003.  And I don't remember if the ten years start at the time of approval of the bonds, or at the time construction is finished, but either way the ten year period should be coming to an end either this year or next.  And yes the tax abatement transfers with transfer of ownership of the property.

An answer to exactly when this tax abatement ends could easily be obtained by contacting the county appraiser, or the county clerk.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on November 16, 2012, 11:00:29 PM
The major expansion of the Lodge at Flint Oak was financed utilizing the Industrial Revenue Bond program that has been available in the state of Kansas for many decades.  Nearly every county and most cities of the first or second class in Kansas have utlized this state statute level program.  Any project financed under this program carries with it a ten year ad valorem tax abatement on the property enhancements paid for with the bond proceeds.  The tax abatement does not cover the entire property at Flint Oak, only that built using the bond proceeds. 

I don't remember exactly which year this occurred (2002 or 2003), but it was already in the works when I was being interviewed for the county economic development position that I began in early 2003.  And I don't remember if the ten years start at the time of approval of the bonds, or at the time construction is finished, but either way the ten year period should be coming to an end either this year or next.  And yes the tax abatement transfers with transfer of ownership of the property.

An answer to exactly when this tax abatement ends could easily be obtained by contacting the county appraiser, or the county clerk.

I like that "Tax Abatement" just another way of saying "WELFARE", imho !
Isn't it time to wake up to being used, Elk County Citizens.
No wonder, Elk County has one of the highest tax levy's in the state of Kansas ~~~  ~~~

Flintauqua let me try to understand what you are saying.

The state government says the business doesn't have to pay their fair share of County property tax, right?
What say does the Elk County Commissioners have in this?
What say do the County taxpayers and County Voters have in this?

But, just the same, the rest of the property owners have to pay higher property taxes to pick up the slack for the loss of the fair share of property tax from such properties.

To me this just sounds like a bad deal for everyone else, that doesn't recieve this kind of welfare!

Oh yea, I'd like to know are the owners of the Lodge at Flint Oak, fifth generation Elk Countians or are they considered outsiders like I am ?

And the people that built the house south of West Elk School Grounds, are they fifth generation Elk Countians or are they also considered outsiders like me ?

Just curious.

Flintauqua do you happen to recognize at what time of day the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, Elk Konnected, LLC holds their Konnected Kommunity Konversations ? Aren't they held during the evening hours, say 6 or 7 PM? Why do you suppose that is ? Perhaps because most people are off work and can perhaps attend the Konnected Kounty Konversations? Although very few normal people attend that circus' any more? Even when they call for four Kansas Counties to come together, very, very few people show up. But the real point is, don't you think if these Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Kould recognize the best hours for holding the NGO's Konversations, that they Kould recognize those hours as the best time to hold their Hearing for the proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program", so more taxpayers and voters can show up. Or is the purpose of holding the hearing at 2 pm being done so more peoplr won't show up?

Isn't the purpose of the hearing, to hear from the taxpayers and voters that are affected by this action?

Or is it, ~~~ the people of Elk County ~~~ don't count ?
especially if they are not fifth generation born and raised here?

I bet, it wasn't that way 5 generations ago!


If we don't pay your property taxes within about 3 years, then the county will auction
it at their tax sale. 

Yet, the elites get special treatment from the State that allows them not to pay taxes
for ten years.

Meanwhile, the government increases taxes to spend more money.  Why are we building
bigger governments to care of people and corporations?  And the government schools to
indoctrinate against American liberty - oh but they get such great math scores.  You want
raise kids to be comminists who are great at math.  Well, the Soviet Union did too.   

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