Calling all overburdened Elk County taxpayers....

Started by Patriot, November 16, 2012, 10:57:37 AM

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HEAR YE, HEAR YE!  Calling all subjects who are tired of high property taxes, help is on the way.... well sorta.

With the help of their Konnected Economic Development hack, Kommissioner Hendricks and her trusty sidekick, Yes Man Kommissioner Liebau, are set to push the Elk County Neighborhood Revitalization Plan across the finish line on November 26th.  This obvious abuse of the Kansas tax provisions will likely be enacted on that date.  In spite of several level headed objections by Commissioner Ritz.  Including letting the new Board review this thing in January.

Taxpayers who are prepared spend at least $20,000 on 'improvements' (Liebau wanted it to be $40,000 - $50,000) will be able to claim a rebate of a large portion of any tax increase that results from the improvements made.  Most other programs like this in Kansas set the investment requirement at a much more reasonable $5,000.  Of course, we all know what giant percentage of residents will be able to spend 20 grand to take advantage of this sham.  And, don't forget, there have already been several 'applications' taken.... before the plan is even in place.  While the 'public hearing' on the plan will be at 1:05 PM on the 26th, I would bet that a room full of objecting citizens won't stop this freight train.

Even Former Attorney General Carla Stovall thinks the way we're doing this (essentially declaring the entire county blighted & thus needing 'revitalization') to be a problem...

ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINION NO. 96-38: is doubtful that an entire municipality would meet such requirements and any attempt by the governing body to do so may subject the action to a legal challenge. In light of the legislative history, it is our opinion that the neighborhood revitalization act authorizes a municipality to designate only one or more areas for revitalization and not the entire municipality.

Legal challenge?  You mean the course two of our Kommissioners are taking could get the county into an expensive lawsuit?  Yep.

In a lame duck session of the County Commission, AND in spite of the vote of No Confidence she got in the general election, it seems that 'Lame Duck' Liz is determined to get her way.  But, maybe she knows of a large employer who is planning to build in Elk County if this passes... but then why hasn't the public been told?  Maybe because this is really more about favors to friends and family.  Political Payback.

You, the public, can have your say on this... November 26, 2012 at 1:05 PM.  County courthouse.  Hope you can take off work to be there.

You can red the Kansas Statute that two of our Kommissioners are about to misuse here:,114

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Very well put Patriot!

Sounds just like the way NGO's connected with the United Nations Article 21 would do things.

Do we support the United Nations, aren't they the same ones that want to remove our gun rights and disarm our country?

I get all these NGO's confused.

But really are Elk Countians suppose to sit back and be railroaded into a scam ot this sort?
Will we remember these Konnected Kounty Kommissioners as scam artists?

I know, I will if they follow through with ths scam!
For years to come.

How much will the WELFARE/ kickback called a rebate be on a $200,000 home?

How much will the WELFARE/ kickback called a rebate be on a $2,000,000 improvement be?

That is the top end of  the proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" isn't it?

That would efinitely be a tidy some of WELFARE/ kickback called a rebate, now wouldn't it?

Why do you suppose the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners don't release that information?

Oh yes I will boycott any business that has family, friends or relatives that boycott paying their fair share of property taxes under this scam of a program. And I will ask my friends and neighbors and acquaintances to do the same. And that is not a scam!

Great Economic Development for Elk County isn't it?


Quote from: Ross on November 16, 2012, 03:08:24 PM
That would efinitely be a tidy some of WELFARE/ kickback called a rebate, now wouldn't it?

It's also potentially a helluva revenue loss to the county...

a county that already taxes property owners at rates higher than almost every other county in Kansas...
a county that can't afford to pay employee wages that keep up with inflation (and haven't for 5+ years)...
a county that already hasn't collected property taxes on a valuable chunk of Flint Oak for about 10 years...
a county that can't afford the labor force big enough to keep up with 700+ miles of roads...
a county with a crumbling courthouse that is expected to cost a ton to maintain in coming years...
a county that already has a rising tax delinquency rate...

a county that already spends like a drunken Marine on a post patrol binge (sorry Jar  ;) )

All revenue returned, most likely, to taxpayers who least need the tax break and could most afford the taxes.  And, short of a massive, screaming public outcry, will be all said and done in less than 2 weeks.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


QuoteIt's also potentially a helluva revenue loss to the county...

Here is another potenial revenue loss to most counties that only look at special interests for themselves and not the good of the whole:
Tax sale for in arrear parcels. (late payments)
   If your property is delinquent in taxes, the county has the authority to auction it off in a tax sale within a time frame per State Regs.

Some counties go several years before this happens.
Think of it this way:  If no revenue is coming in on the tax due...that equals 0.
If no revenue is coming in every year, and it is delinquent = 0 x yrs due = 0
So, you miss one year of taxes paid?   Sell the SOB for the back taxes owed =  revenue.

Why do the counties hate the tax sale? 
Perhaps there has to be a title search from the Attorney and Reg of Deeds...(don't have time or manpower). 
Have to set aside  time and notify the public weeks in advance....another resource.
  That would be income normally had, if not for the delinquent taxpayer.

Thoughts to suggest to the Public.


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 16, 2012, 08:49:21 PM

So, you miss one year of taxes paid?   Sell the SOB for the back taxes owed =  revenue.

That's about to happen here.... look for the first round in spring 2013.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Quote from: readyaimduck on November 16, 2012, 08:58:09 PM
It should happen every year!

Perhaps, but my original intent in mentioning it was to highlight the increased difficulty people may be having when it comes to paying the tax bills created by onerous tax rates.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


And that does come in combination with the State and their Regs along with the comissioners and their Mil levy.   
I am not so sure this 'incentive' is on the up and up.


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 16, 2012, 09:04:19 PM
And that does come in combination with the State and their Regs along with the comissioners and their Mil levy.   

Yes it does, and local folks can have a more immediate influence on local events than they do on state level issues.... if they choose to.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


They need to.  The expeditures obviously exceed the assets, and the infrastructure, if all is mostly crap.
The priorites need to be focused, not expanded at this time...IMHO.

ready to remember to sign my name

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