Constitutional Sheriff?

Started by Patriot, November 15, 2012, 10:27:34 AM

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Constitutional Sheriffs, the Purse and the Sword
By Noel Berge

The principle and concept of the constitutional sheriff could be the key to regaining state sovereignty.

It could wake people up at the county level and create a movement within any State, using the constitution as defined, and nullifying any federal intrusion, overreach or usurpation...

...The role of sheriff is being undermined in America today. The federal government is increasingly taking steps to negate local law-enforcement and usurp all such authority under the federal government. This is being done via DHS, TSA  and DEA, on the highways and in local airports. The feds supply funding to local law-enforcement and gaining control over them via their budget...


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


A few weeks ago, I was at a courthouse in the elevator with a county sheriiff.

I asked him if he was ready to defend the citizens of his county against the Federals.
He just kinda grunted or stuttered , then exited when the door opened.


According to the constitution, there is no law enforcement agency higher than the county Sheriff.  Most Sheriffs are not aware of the authority they have over federal agents.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quote from: Sarge on November 16, 2012, 06:10:56 PM
According to the constitution, there is no law enforcement agency higher than the county Sheriff.  Most Sheriffs are not aware of the authority they have over federal agents.

I guess ignorance is bliss.  Sad, ain't it? 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Either that or they're Federalists - socialists.

Janet Harrington

When I was the undersheriff of this county, serving under Sheriff Jim Copeland, an FBI agent came to our office. We had quite the discussion about what authority different law enforcement agenices had. That agent is where I learned that the sheriff was the highest authority in his or her county.

Most of the sheriff that I served with for 17 years were aware of that because it was taught at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center. I don't know about now.

Federal agents cannot enforce state or local laws. The only thing that a sheriff cannot enforce is a city ordinance. If the sheriff gets sworn in by the city clerk to enforce city ordinances then and only then can a sheriff enforce that city's ordinances.

Fire Elk

Very interesting topic. I understand the Federal part of this discussion. What came up in my mind was the statement that the Sheriff was the highest authority. My question is that since the county and the city get their power from the state government, why isn't the state law enforcement agency the highest authority. Can the State law enforcement agencies not enforce any law in the state? Great topic educate me.


The sheriff is the highest law enforcement authority in his or her county.  Not the state nor the federal outranks him inside his county.  Therefore, no matter the source of the city's authority, the sheriff still outranks the city inside the county.  As Janet said, though, the sheriff cannot enforce city ordinances without the permission of the city.

Fire Elk

Quote from: Wilma on November 17, 2012, 10:21:58 PM
The sheriff is the highest law enforcement authority in his or her county.  Not the state nor the federal outranks him inside his county.  Therefore, no matter the source of the city's authority, the sheriff still outranks the city inside the county.  As Janet said, though, the sheriff cannot enforce city ordinances without the permission of the city.

I can't find anything that says that the state law enforcement officials cannot enforce every law in the state, making them the top of the heap. I guess a better way to ask my question is what county law or city law a state law enforcement officer has no jurisdiction or legal authority to enforce. Very interesting topic, waiting for more education


Basically, the reason they're the top LEO is because they are the only LEO that are elected into office by the people.

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