Secession Petitions . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 13, 2012, 07:24:19 PM

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If you sign a petition, the federales will have your name, then your address and eventually your skinny ASS!  Believe me, I know how they work. 

Let's see now... Obuma has bought that maximum security prison in northwestern Illinois using $165 million of our tax money and probably won't be used for Gitmo like he's lied about.  Obuma's unprecedented directive to Attorney General Holder to circumvent Congress to purchase Thomson prison is deeply troubling, wouldn't you say?  He's going to put all of you petitioner's in chains.  Sound familiar?  Here's a look of your new home.  Ain't it pretty:


And then Obuma and DHS got the tax-payers credit card out and went shopping at Wal-Mart for industrial sized skids of ammo.  Why is that?  They bought enough ammo to blow the crap out of all the secession-minded states, not to mention buying all  those "holiday" coffins they have piled up across the U.S.  See where this is going?  Trust me, Obuma's a very dangerous man.

Secession is NOT the way to go.  He could care less about threats from the people.  He sez, "Bring it on." 

Let ol' Slappy's cousin tell you how it is:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"If you sign a petition, the federales will have your name, then your address and eventually your skinny ASS! 
Believe me, I know how they work."

Warph, why do you think the USA governemnt thinks and acts like communists? 


Warph--that one prison will not hold everyone who has signed the petitions in the US. Due to the overwhelming response, it's time to get the FEMA camps up and running; put every Red in a concentration type camp. They already have names of people, ya know, people who buy guns, ammo, Bibles, etc. That little zebra striped scumbag in the White House is not going to answer any petition regarding secession.---Robert




LOL, Patriot.  There was talk for many years (and maybe still going on) about dividing California in half to form two separate states.  There is a distinct cultural division between us SoCalers and them "northeners." ;D

However, this in the paper today.........

Petition is far short of required number of signatures.

California has joined its fellow 49 states in politely petitioning the White House to secede from the Union.

Since President Barack Obama's re-election last week, those unhappy with that outcome across the land have taken advantage of the We The People website that allows citizens to post petitions on just about anything that bugs them.

Established by --- and supply however much irony you care to here -- the Obama administration, the site promises that "Every petition that crosses the 25,000 signature threshold is reviewed and receives a response," according to White House spokesman Brandon D. Lepow.

A response that is not in any way legal or binding by the way.  But that hasn't stopped hundreds of thousands of aspiring former Americans from signing their -- or if you look at them closely, other states' -- secession petitions.

As of late Thursday afternoon, California's secession petition had a little fewer than 1,100 electronic signatures.  It needs to reach that coveted 25,000 goal by Dec. 11 for the Golden State to get its own personal response from the administration.

As for what the petitioners can more practically expect, well, the White House isn't quite ready to shpw it's hand yet.

"As a general rule, we don't comment on the substance of those responses until they are issued to the petitioners," Lepow explained.

By comparison, as of Wednesday, Texas had 99,000 backers for its secession petition.  Lone Star Gov. Rick Perry, who's talked about seceding in the past, responded by disavowing any desire to go back to the good ol' Alamo days.

The California petition reads as follows:

"We petition the Obama administration to:  Grant peaceful secession to the State of California in order to form a new and independent sovereign state.  The citizens of the State of California must no longer be subject to arbitrary and unconstitutional laws isssued by the Federal Government of the United States of America.  Such laws that are counter to our Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness,, as outlined in the Constitution of the United States of America continue to be ignored and overruled by the Federal Government.

We, the citizens of the State of California, therefore, wish to pursue a separate course from that of the United States of America which is more in line with the wishes of the Founding Fathers -- that we and our posterity will be free to pursue our own destinies so long as the inalienable rights of others are preserved."

For those who take the secession seriously we suggest they take in a new movie called "Lincoln."  The last time Americans tried something like this, it didn't go all that well for them.


Bob Strauss, staff writer.


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: redcliffsw on November 17, 2012, 07:06:57 AM

"If you sign a petition, the federales will have your name, then your address and eventually your skinny ASS! 
Believe me, I know how they work."

Warph, why do you think the USA governemnt thinks and acts like communists? 

Red... Socialism is the idea that the working class... the class that produces the profits, the wealth, the cars, houses, planes, steel.. should take over and run things collectively, democratically, for the benefit of the majority (who also "just happen" to be workers too).  Look what is happening to Walmart.  Unions want in.

Communism is the idea that society should not have classes... exploiters and exploited, oppressors and oppressed, and so on. 

Socialism generally refers to an economic system... while communism refers to both an economic and political system.

Socialism seeks to manage the economy through deliberate and collective social control.  This is being done now by Obuma

Communism seeks to manage both the economy and the society by ensuring that property is owned collectively, and that control over the distribution of property is centralized in order to achieve both classlessness and statelessness.  What Obuma is trying to acheive now with Agenda 21!

Both socialism and communism are based on the principle that the goods and services produced in an economy should be owned publicly, and controlled and planned by a centralized organization.  Socialism says that the distribution should take place according to the amount of an individual's production efforts, whilst communism asserts that that goods and services should be distributed among the populace according to individuals' needs.  Obuma, !00% 

Answer your question?

Now... I know this is rather long but, if you want to secede from Obuma States of America, here is a peaceful way to do it:

It is clear from the results of recent elections that the country we live in now should be renamed the DSA: Divided States of America. The country has not been this divided along ideological lines since the (un-) Civil War. Everyone knows this intuitively, but most are afraid to admit it.

This division is very clear along geographical lines. If you look at the election map of the 2012 election by county, you will note that small concentrations of cityots, mostly in the northeast and far west, voted for Obama while the vast majority of the rest of the country voted for more freedom and less taxes. Keep in mind that more red would be showing if it weren't for massive voter fraud in swing states.

Looking at the map, it certainly looks like red country, doesn't it? Why would so many people in so many counties and states allow small concentrations of people dictate how they live? Why would they continue to let cityots take away our freedoms, our way of life, and more specifically our wealth, that they waste and redistribute as they see fit?

The reason is because the political system is set up that way, and unfortunately, more people are on the take now than are actually producing the wealth in this country. If you take the 47% of the people that are being subsidized by the government via welfare and redistribution, and add to it the number of people that are on the government payroll as employees or contractors, you have about half of the country effectively on the taxpayer bill. These people will mostly vote for bigger government, when given the choice.

The truth is that the red county and red state people are fed up with the federal government, and don't want the government as the manager of everyone's money. Most people want to manage their own money, without government first getting their greedy paws into it, and then telling people how to spend it and mandating things for them to buy (such as health insurance.)

The US government is now operating well outside the bounds of the Constitution and other written laws, and this has come to a degree of separation for many of our citizens. If we can't change who is running our country with a fair election, which we can't, because the voter fraud machine has proven to be insurmountable, then we have to look at other means of separating from the vile tyrants that bind us.

Are we really to believe that Romney got fewer votes than Mccain, after 4 years of economic disaster under Obama? Should we believe that 2012 was the first presidential election in history with less voter participation than the previous one? This is what they would have us believe, despite the fact that it makes no rational sense, without the specter of massive fraud.

The 2010 election map corroborates the fact that these swing states were all seeing a lot more red than they supposedly did in 2012. More congressmen from one party got fired in 2010 than in any other election in history, and for the specific reason that people did not want Obama's rubber stamps posing as congressmen.

The point is that the red state people do not want to live as the blue state liberals dictate to them. Red staters do not want larger government, more taxes, more spending, more welfare, more food stamps, and more restrictions on freedom; all of which result in less individual wealth, happiness, and liberty.

That's why they voted against the blue way of life in the last two elections, but now their votes do not count because the democrats are "counting" the votes. The democrat/communist party learned and mastered Stalin's most important lesson: that the voters decide nothing, but those who "count" them decide everything.

So it is clear then that the red staters cannot effect the desired change via elections which are managed and rigged by their opponents, who are oppressing them through illegal and tyrannical means. Is it any wonder then that many are speaking of secession now? Many people gasp at the sound of the word, but it was secession from a tyrannical England from which this country was born.

Yes, the last secession attempt resulted in the largest loss of American lives in history, due to the "hero" Lincoln declaring war on his own people, and allowing them to slaughter themselves to the tune of over 600,000, making it the deadliest war in US history . And why? Because the north knew they could not live without the economic output of the south, and Lincoln didn't want to lose control.

The Yankees would have never survived on their own, because the only businesses they had were fueled by products of the south, where people worked an honest living. Don't fool yourself into thinking that the Uncivil War was about slavery; that is just another falsehood taught by the communist public schools, and a big excuse for massive violence and death. The war was strictly about economy, as are most wars throughout history.

You don't save a nation by declaring war on it, and sacrificing over a half a million of its most capable young men, many of which were businessmen, job creators, and family men. It was about saving the Yankee states from living in poverty, by keeping control of the agriculture and business in the south.

This explains why Lincoln and his northerners thought there needed to be a war. It was all about control. This was the first major power grab by the US federal government, and resulted in the deadliest war in US history. It had to come to bloodshed because enough people in the south were fed up with the government dictating their way of life, and they were willing to fight to the death to preserve it.

Could the US and Lincoln administration let the South secede peacefully as they desired to? Of course they could have, and in fact they could immediately have established free trade with the south, similar to how our country has free trade with almost every nation in the Americas and Europe. But then the government wouldn't CONTROL the south and its resources. It was all about control.

Now we find our country in a very similar situation. The only slaves are those on the government welfare payroll, paid to sit around, do drugs, and make nothing out of their lives so that the government can use them as an excuse to raise taxes on those working for a living, who create jobs and wealth. The government is currently in an abhorrent state of control over all of our lives.

The red state people are quite tired of this, especially seeing as the situation is worsening. Slavery can't be used as an excuse for war this time. Would there be a war if the red states seceded? It might be that this time, if done correctly, a peaceful secession could be possible.

You see, the blue state people at this point in time truly believe that they can live without red states. They believe that the government is the creator and manager of all jobs and wealth, and therefore everyone will be taken care of. They don't realize that the people paying for this setup via the income tax, are red states or red state type of people. So most blue staters would not disagree with recession.

The federal government of course knows better. Obama and his communist administration and most supporters in the democrat party and congress, know that it is impossible to run a welfare state without having job creators, which they can steal wealth from, in order to fund their operation.

In the case of secession, almost all business owners would move to red states, no matter what they claim their political affiliation is. This certainty would be cause for a militant communist such as Obama to declare war on them, but that war would seem to be largely voluntary. The majority of DOD and military are not in support of Obama or his policies, and thus its commanders would be unlikely to mobilize their troops against American citizens, which they're not allowed to do in the first place.

Let us explain how this works. First let's draft a rough constitutional framework for the New Confederate States of America (NCSA). We may just call them the Articles of Confederation, the documents which probably should have been used instead of our current constitution, but since the latter wasn't adhered to, it may not have made much of a difference either way.

The NCSA and its central (Confederate) government would be based on the following tenets. The current US constitution and Bill of Rights could be used as the basis, minus the fraudulent 16th amendment, and with the following amendments:

• No income tax legal at any level of state/local/national government and will not be tolerated

• States and municipalities may institute any sales tax they desire up to 20%

• National sales tax starting at 10% which may never be raised, but can be lowered. Surpluses will be returned to those who paid it, in proportion to how much they paid.

• 25% tax on all imports, which may be raised by the government but not lowered

• Confederate government will only have one department: Department of National Security (DNS), responsible for defending the country against enemies, and collecting the sales tax. (in other words, no other departments of socialism, education, so forth)

• The government may not spend any money which was not already raised by the sales tax. Printing of money is allowed only for replacement of shoddy currency

• The confederate dollar will be backed by its equivalent value in gold

• No states or municipalities will receive confederate funds for any reason

• Confederate DSA may provide relief for national disasters, but not by donating to states

• No national welfare of any kind will be allowed. States and anyone else may run welfare

• National government will not be involved in any business not related to national security

• Infanticide will not be allowed. People may go to blue states for abortions, and not return

• Active confederate military troops will be maintained at a minimum of 1% of the population

• National Guard troops commensurate with 1% of the population of each state, will be paid for by the Confederacy, may not be mobilized without order from their state's governor

• The DSA and military may not be used in any way against citizens of the Confederacy, unless such citizens are plotting or in the act of undue violence against other citizens

• The right to bear any non WMD weapon for any individual for any legal reason including but not limited to hunting, self-defense, target practice, intimidation, or show and tell, is incontrovertible. Further, firearm ownership will be mandatory for all homeowners and businesses

• The Confederate Congress is on a part time, on-call basis, to meet when necessary to create or enact laws, rather than sitting around wasting taxpayer money all year

• Term limits: no congress person of any kind will serve more than two consecutive terms, and the President of the Confederate American States (POCAS) is limited to one term. Terms will be 2 years for House, 4 years for Senate, and 4 years for President.

• POCAS may not selectively enforce any laws. The DNS will enforce laws that are on the books and not enforce any that are not. Once a law is revised or enacted, the DNS will enforce it under the supervision of POCAS and Congress.

• Congress may only enact laws concerning national security, including items such as military strength, counterterrorism measures, and possible lowering of the sales tax

• The congress will be paid minimum wage for their hours served in session, and may not vote into law raises for themselves, or extended terms in congress

• Minimum wage will start at the current level and will be adjusted annually in a linear correlation with inflation levels, which should not exist

• Labor unions will not be recognized by government at any level and will have no power

• Labor laws: any child of any age may work at any job they are physically qualified for, as long as they are paid at least minimum wage, and with pay equivalent to their colleagues, with of course, the permission of their parents if under 18. The child may elect not to sit at a desk in school all day and decide to work for a living at any age that its parents allow it to.

• No discrimination of any kind by employers will be tolerated. No collection of racial or gender information is allowed by any employer, who may hire whomever they wish without any intervention by any state, local, or federal government

• States and municipalities may run their educational systems in any manner they choose, and will not receive any confederate funds or intervention

• Any person over the age of 18 is considered an adult and their parents have no legal responsibility to them of any kind

• Each adult person is responsible for their own life and its outcome, not the government

• Welfare recipients of the old USA will be offered relocation to an appropriate blue state ghetto, or they may stay and receive an unemployment stipend for a maximum of 3 months so that they may find an appropriate occupation. After that they are on their own.

• Anyone, from any former USA state, may choose to live in the Confederacy, and as such agrees to follow their laws. Anyone can choose to move to a blue state if they desire.

• Businesses of the old USA will be recognized as such, as long as they are forking over the 10% national sales tax for goods or services rendered; otherwise they will be in trouble with the DNS

• Free trade with the blue state DSA and other countries, considering the 25% import tax

• The Confederate States will require nothing of the former USA government except the DOD resources, including personnel, located in the red states. This is non-negotiable.

• The nuclear problem can be solved by allowing the red states to take control of the nuclear arsenal. Obama and the blue states want a nuclear-free world anyway, so they should be happy to get rid of them.

Now let us look at the ramifications of the above Confederate Constitution. First of all, where will the remaining DSA get the money to fund their welfare state? They won't. 90% of business owners not already located in red states will move to the Confederacy in order to pay no income tax and a maximum 10% federal income tax.

The blue states will continue to print worthless money that they can't pay for, to run their socialist operation, creating immediate hyperinflation. The DSA dollar will become worthless as soon as this happens, and the remaining residents of the DSA that weren't already on welfare will be on welfare after hyperinflation. Obviously, the CSA dollar, backed by gold, and not overprinted, maintains its value.

Anyone on a fixed income in the blue states, would then have an income equivalent to maybe 10% or less of what it was worth before, and has limited buying power. The federal government will set up bread lines for those that can't afford to buy food for themselves and their families.

Obviously, many will flee to the Confederacy in order to have some kind of life again. They will be welcomed with open arms, but without any government handouts. Those without any means or money will be sent to state employment centers. There, they will be given access to computers and job banks, including all the agricultural jobs and other manual labor that anyone who is not disabled can perform, with some instruction.

The poor, homeless, and destitute from any state will be given the opportunity to clean up trash along public roadways and parks, and other basic janitorial tasks for the state, in return for basic dorm-style room and board, as long as they can stand it. They will not be given any monetary compensation from the state, or anything besides food, a bed, and a roof, for that matter.

On the contrary, poor from the blue states could also choose to stay there and stand in bread lines, until their government runs out of bread, without any hope of ever having a job or their own place of residence. Eventually they may actually come to their senses, and try to use the "free" election to make a change in government from a doomed socialist state, but many will put even more hope that their communists masters will somehow provide something out of nothing.

In the meantime, it wouldn't take long for many DSA blue state residents to start flocking to the Confederacy, where the job creators are creating jobs and making lots of money. The red states have most of the agricultural resources and plenty of other means for business; and without excessive government intrusion, businesses will prosper everywhere in the CSA.

Blue state "citiots" are foolish enough to think they have all the resources, because they have their precious cities. But what exactly are cities? They are structures built with the money of mostly private investors and builders, with authorizations (and restrictions) from the government, with the purpose of giving businesses buildings in which to operate, and people to have housing close to their place of work.

Now, cities are certainly filled with businesses in some parts, and in the other parts contain a mixture of private homeowners and welfare housing recipients. The ghettos in particular, formed from housing that middle and upper income families have given up on, comprise most of the population of almost any given city, which is one reason why cityots tend to vote for communists.

What do these businesses in the city produce? Many city businesses are restaurants and stores which get their products from industrial parks outside the city, and foods produced in the rural areas, but what do the big city businesses do? Mostly, they manage businesses that actually operate in other parts of the state or country, and some simply "manage" other people's money.

So you can see that any of these city businesses can operate from any city, suburb, town, or rural area for that matter, because they don't actually produce anything. What they do is sell or manage goods that are produced elsewhere, or services rendered elsewhere. These businesses will mostly relocate their operations to the Confederacy in order to avoid excessive taxes and regulations.

So you can see that the cityots are highly mistaken. They have no precious resources needed by red states or by anyone else. Cities are built and managed with funds from businesses, which is what the Confederacy will be oriented around: small, medium, and large businesses that will donate 10% of their proceeds to the government. And most of those businesses will migrate to red states.

Given that the Confederate government can only get income from businesses handing over 10% of their sales of goods or services, the government will be doing all in its quite limited power to promote the creation and expansion of business across the land. That's what government does for its only precious source of funding, even if they're only making minimum wage.

The Confederate States' motto will be something like, "We'll take your hungry, tired, and poor, as long as they are willing to work for a living. Otherwise go back to the socialist state from which you came."  Of course, this is how red staters think already, but are afraid to say it, for fear of being labeled as an extremist by the communists running the country, who have already threatened to lock up patriots.

What if a war does ensue? Undoubtedly, the first attempt to quell secession would be for the administration to enact martial law, and suppress any citizen who disagrees with DSA laws. Martial law will be a certainty, resulting in more civil and uncivil unrest among secessionists.

This martial law would be difficult to enact against armed citizens. In case you haven't tuned in to NRA type news in recent years, red state citizens have been buying up guns, including semi-automatic assault rifles, and stockpiling ammunition, as if the war has already begn. Perhaps they know something the socialist utopians in the blue states don't know.

The truth is that martial law is in effect a declaration of war against a certain set of American citizens, and it will be taken as such by the targeted citizens. As aforementioned however, many of these are heavily armed citizens that won't go quietly into the night in handcuffs. Military troops, if they even participate, and federal police forces such as the FBI, will be met with violence at every turn.

In fact, most red state military commanders will not only refuse, as they should, to target American citizens, but in the event of secession, many will turn themselves and their troops over to Confederate command. This would not only even the playing field, but in fact give a major advantage to the red states, which already have many armed civilians ready to fight.

There is no amount of economic, political, or military pressure that the current US government could apply to stop secession. The only great equalizer, of course, is the atom bomb. There would have to be some agreement reached, or procurement by the Confederacy of at least part of the nuclear arsenal, in order to thwart the possibility of a psychotic megalomaniac like Obama using such weapons against Americans.

Obama may have gone around the world apologizing for America and bowing to Islamic dictators, but he is extremely mentally unstable and could be insane enough to use nuclear weapons against Americans, even if he would never consider using them against enemies of Americans. That's just the nature of his mental illness called communism, which has consumed his mind. Remember that Joseph Stalin killed more of his own country's people than any dictator in history.

Obama does not like Americans. He doesn't like the United States as it was founded, and he doesn't like what America represents: freedom, prosperity, business, people profiting from the sale of goods and services. He hates all of it, and that's why he's in office, to rectify it. Businessmen who create jobs are evil and greedy and must be dealt with, according to his philosophy. Obama is the most delusional and insane president this country has ever had, without a doubt.

So it is not beyond the possible at all for Obama to order all the forces that he can get his hands on to suppress a secession, knowing that the disunion will not survive without the agriculture, wealth, and business from the red states. Like Lincoln, he would do all in his power to prevent it.

The big question is, how much power will he have? Many military commanders and their troops will desert and oppose him. There are also many closet red state commanders that will be ready to drive state militias against their opposition. There will be blood, and Daniel Day Lewis will want a prominent role in the movie made about it after events have been settled.

But the fact is that the military suppression will not work. US federal troops will find themselves outmanned and outgunned at every confederate outpost. The only option will be nuclear, but it is unlikely. If somehow, some dimwit commander and his troops agree to that, and lets Obama press the nuclear button against his own country, that would be the beginning of the end.

Obama and his entire administration would be taken out soon thereafter by active military patriots, defending their country, which would probably result in a military coup for the office of POTUS. At this point, to prevent further bloodshed, the remaining politicians in power would approve of a peaceful secession and then begin worrying about controlling the riots and bread lines.

This is just the most likely several possible outcomes, and the nuclear option is probably not very likely, because no commander in his right mind would fire a nuke on US citizens, but we know already that some leaders in this country are not in their right mind. Let us hope that it will be a peaceful secession.

It is best to conduct such a divide along some clear geographical boundaries, and without "island states" in the middle belonging to another country. After all, the red states will want borders to keep communists and terrorists out. The red states are taking New Mexico, Colorado, and Florida, which are red states anyway without voter fraud.

Indiana can go to the blue states, and the Virginias will be allowed to decide for themselves on which side of the border they will lie, but this time their state governors and legislatures will decide, not the democrat/communist voter fraud machine that controls the counting of the popular vote.

It could well be that the blue states decide to be annexed by Canada, for the common good of all socialist states. Canadians enjoy a reasonable socialist way of life while relying on the US military for any defense needs it may have in case it pisses anyone off, which it dearly tries not to.

The blue states have much in common with Canadian states and may decide to merge into that socialist umbrella to pool their resources. That is up to the socialist blue states and whatever they decide to do. After secession, the Confederacy will not be too worried about how the blues conduct themselves.

What is required for secession? Simply, the red states have to agree within themselves that they will totally do away with federal funding. West VA is one of the reddest states in the union, according to their presidential election record, but they consistently voted for Robert Byrd, the king of pork barrels, as their senator.

The states will simply have to decide to do without federal union funding, and support themselves, as all states are able with a proper tax structure. It is not an easy decision, but one that will give the people of those states long-lasting freedom that they currently do not enjoy, as slaves of the almighty federal government.

The red states MUST band together as a nation to have any hope of survival, however. Otherwise they will be bullied incessantly by the DSA which retains a powerful military and nuclear threat, and eventually they may be compelled to give in to socialist tyranny again. The secessionist states must all form as one common nation with common principles, because no state will stand on its own.

This article is not an advocacy for any war, but in fact is against any such violence. The socialists are in total control of this situation: they can either allow a peaceful secession, or try to prevent it with violence. This is a stern warning however: violence will be met with violence.

The violence and genocide just aren't worth it. Let socialist states live in their socialist utopia, and let capitalists live in the real world, and earn their living, while doing what is natural for the human, to create business and a better life for oneself.

We can all disagree on which philosophy we want to live by, communism or freedom, but let's agree that it is not worth sacrificing over a half a million humans this time. Just give peace a chance.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Pretty well thought out, with many truths evidenced by history.  But, do you realize how many millions of synapse short circuits you caused among liberal leaners & blue bloods who read your plan?  I can hear their hair frying as I write.  Of course, I could be wrong given the left's zealous belief in the centrally planned utopia and their inability to comprehend reality with any historical perspective.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I agree pressure doesn't work, hasn't worked and probably won't work with the Federal Gov't!

And that is because of Big Corporate money running everything! Economic development don't you see!

We have a similar situation right here in Elk County and pressure doesn't appear to work here does it?.

The so called leaders, don't think they are supposed to listen to the people, the taxpayers, the voters, the citizens of Elk County. They only listen to a very few that want, what they want, at the expense of all others.

Yes, I am speaking of the proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program".

The non-existent program has already accepted applications?
Some of the applicants have already built and the proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" I believe states that the applications have to be approved by the county prior to starting building, so how do these projects that are completed qualify? How do projects that have been completed nearly a year ago qualify? In my opinion by cheating? Is that what we have here in Elk County cheating and lying?

The "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" in my opinion is nothing more than welfare for the people who need it the least and a burden for the rest of the taxpayers.

If enough money is used to build under this program the taxing of those properties could reduce the property taxes of everyone in the county. Hence a tax burden, otherwise.

Even the Great State of Kansas very strongly states that this program should not be used in rural Areas. They also states it should not be used City wide, but only in blighted areas. So, doesn't this indicate that our konnected kounty commissioners feel/think Elk County as a whole is blighted ?
Do you think Elk County is blighted?
What can be blighted on acres and acres of cattle land, farm land, and pasture land?

No, I believe, like I said they are only imposing this tax burden on the taxpayers for their own benefit and benefit of friends, families, and cronies.

I have changed my position a bit, hopefully, for a better out come! I will boycott all business as much as possible in Elk County if this thing passes. If this WELFARE program is allowed to continue! If this, what I consider a scam,  a fraud is allowed to be perpetrated on the property taxpayers of Elk County!

And since it has been made so clear to me, that I am considered an outsider, I will ask all other outsiders to join with me in this boycott. If some people wish to boycot paying their fair dhare of taxes I can boycot the economy of Elk County. This forum alone has 617 members which are easily contacted. That is 21% of the Elk County Population and they each have friends and relatives? That could produce plenty of outsiders don't you think?

And I do believe the population of Elk County is mostly outsiders.  Just food for thought.

I know of several outsiders that are frustrated with the situation and attitudes of some of Elk County's people. Therefore, I think there could be some deep hurting going on at the cash register. I also believe Elk County is as seriously divided as our country is. Just my opinion, shall we see what comes of it.

I have tried to keep as much of my spending here at home in Elk County as possible to help the local economy, but I won't have to work as hard at taking it to Montgomery County or any other County. Thank You!

So, I think, it would behoove the retailers to apply pressure to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners to reverse this action. Unless they don't need all the customers they can get and keep. Call both of the konnected kounty commissioners and let them know their NGO is not representing you.

You do have time to make that phone call and time to make a positive difference.

Look where such actions have gotten the US of A, do you want Elk County on the Same path?

Neither action is good for the local economy!

I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor!

Now let's see if pressure works locally!  

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