Just wonderin...

Started by Patriot, November 13, 2012, 07:17:47 PM

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Quote from: flintauqua on November 14, 2012, 09:06:26 PM
Next thing you know she will be accussed of causing someone to develop warts just because she looked at them!

Uhhhmmmm~~~ actually that's what I do...among many of my other witchy talents.. LOL ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I was told shortly after I moved here that an ousider is someone who is not inbred, is that what an outsider is?
If that is the case, I'm proud to be an outsider.

But in actuality the only natives of this country are indians, if that is the case we are all outsiders, inbred or not, right?

When I lived in Bremerton, Washington forECONOMIC reasons, I learned of a local joke that I'd like to share with you.

Yes sir, it is tasteless, but it did exist for over a hudred years.
But that's okay with most rednecks.

Do you know what they call a fat woman in Bremerton?
A Bremalo!

Do you know what they call two fat women in Bremerton?

A Bremer-Ton!

The name Bremelo was copyrighted approximately 1999 or 2000!


Quote from: flintauqua on November 14, 2012, 08:25:18 PM
South Charleston, Ohio actually.

Liz is actually a fifth generation Elk Countian.

Since her mother was born in South Charleston, Ohio actually, wouldn't that make her only half Elk Countian?
I'm saying children with the same father but different mothers are considered half brothers or sisters right!
So, if you have a parent from Elk County and a parent from Charleston wouldn't that make you a half Elk Countian, half outsider?

Oh well, that should earn her a Lollipop from Elk Konnected, LLC don't you think?
However, it didn't keep her from being voted out of the Elk County Commissioners seat did it?
So, what is the actual value of being a fifth generation half sister Elk Countian.

We live in the here and now, not in the yesteryear don't we?
We live in the day of cellphones that can play movies, tv , send and recieve instant messages and the time of computers, battery operated cars and jumbo jets. We do not live in the times of telegraphs and pony express any longer.

Although, I wish we did?

But we don't,    we live in the here and now?

What's wrong can't antique thinking Elk Countains gracefully accept change to live in the present?

Do you want population growth in Elk County as she says or is that just anoter lie.

If you want population growth you have to accept what you call outsiders, you just can not concieve fast enough to populate the county. Besides, it doesn't fit in with Sustainable Development now does it.

And then there is the age problem for population growth through copulation isn't there.
Doesn't age play a part?
How many old folks do you know that would want to have kids even of they could?
They sure didn't want to, 5 generations ago, IMHO!

Where is the great Elk Konnected, LLC positive attitude towards outsiders.
Or is positive attitude only what Elk Konnected, LLC says it can be?


Sounds like alot of you need to mind your own business and get a life. What difference does it make what Liz's facebook says? And why post it in the political section in here?


Quote from: proelkco on November 15, 2012, 05:47:54 PM
Sounds like alot of you need to mind your own business and get a life. What difference does it make what Liz's facebook says? And why post it in the political section in here?

Wow someone asks a simple question and you go off the deep end, Wow!

This is the Political section, yes!
She is a pokitician, yes!
Politicians are fair game, yes!
Politicians are the business of each and every citizen, yes!

You Elk Konnected, LLC Followers started the talk about outsiders, YES!

I bet you, yourself have even bad mouthed a few politicians, right?

That is not what has taken place here, just a little twisting of words, mimicked from the way I feel Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and her Followers do. But you can;t handle it can you?

Just where is that Elk konnected, LLC positive attitude? Won't they permit you to have one outside of their control?

Happy Holidays to you !

Fire Elk

Ross, reread proelkco's short post then, look at your lengthy response. Then tell me with a straight face that you are not the one going off the deep end. Also, just remember there are people that have lived in EK for shorter periods of time  than you have that are not outsiders.


Quote from: Fire Elk on November 15, 2012, 07:00:52 PM
Ross, reread proelkco's short post then, look at your lengthy response. Then tell me with a straight face that you are not the one going off the deep end. Also, just remember there are people that have lived in EK for shorter periods of time  than you have that are not outsiders.

It's not the length of the post but the nasty attitude and being wrong in the conception that politicians are not the business of the citizens. I'm so sorry you don't comprehend I was simply explainig something. I sincerely hope, that clears that up for you!

I wasn't telling him to mind his own business, as he was telling others, was I?

What the hell does outsider mean to you?

What is an insider, what doe that mean to you?

Is that code for meaning, belonging to the Elk Konnected, LLC and it's possible "Old Guard" ?

Can you answer that with a simple answer for this redneck?

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on November 15, 2012, 07:22:32 PM
It's not the length of the post but the nasty attitude and being wrong in the conception that politicians are not the business of the citizens. I'm so sorry you don't comprehend I was simply explainig something. I sincerely hope, that clears that up for you!

I wasn't telling him to mind his own business, as he was telling others, was I?

What the hell does outsider mean to you?

What is an insider, what doe that mean to you?

Is that code for meaning, belonging to the Elk Konnected, LLC and it's possible "Old Guard" ?

Can you answer that with a simple answer for this redneck?

Ross, again I post a short post and you post a lengthy post with curse words. There is no code. Just because people disagree with you does not make them "old guard", followers, or belonging to Elk Konnected. I am not sure anyone can answer questions for you since you just don't get it. Also, you are not a redneck, but I do get what you mean by using it for your own self description.



Quote from: Fire Elk on November 15, 2012, 07:00:52 PM
Ross, reread proelkco's short post then, look at your lengthy response. Then tell me with a straight face that you are not the one going off the deep end. Also, just remember there are people that have lived in EK for shorter periods of time  than you have that are not outsiders.

Hey fire elk---why don't you tell Ross to pound dirt up his butt---or do you just save that line for old Marines ? You afraid ol Ross might still have connections in the Navy and have his pals lob a few artillery shells your way ?

Fire Elk

Jarhead, glad to see that you came out of your bunker. I am honored you took the time to respond to my post.

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