County Commission - 11/13/2012

Started by Patriot, November 13, 2012, 07:10:23 PM

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Seems the Hendricks-Liebau coalition is still hell bent on giving tax relief to folks who will spend at least $20,000 on new construction in the county... Commissioner Ritz made a reasonable motion to table the project until the new Commission was seated in January.  No luck, no second, no vote... just a couple of stoney faces.  It's of note that the last two legal notices required prior to a public hearing/vote on this thing were botched and are being republished.  That puts the push forward into December and then the State still has to sign off on the plan prior to implementation.  Of course, the county appraiser has already accepted a small number of applications for the, as yet, unapproved program.  I understand the fish farm/RV park near Moline is one of them, as is the new house going in south of the West Elk High School, and another new home north of Flint Oak.  Friends/business partners of those pushing this thing?  I don't know.

We also found out that the cost of repairing the Grenola Cemetery road (with a 3" overlay) will be about $97,000.... but not until spring, at least.  It would have cost about $60,000 if it had been done when first discussed.  So, we (read: taxpayers) will just need to pony up another $37+ grand next year.  If ya snooze, ya loose.

The county will be moving one of its bank accounts to the Howard State Bank next year.  A variable interest rate tied to the 90 day Treasury Bill rate seemed better than the fixed rate offered by the Fed bank across the street.

Dr. Whetstone got $300 from the Youth Dev. Fund for the Patriot ball team... Shirts, referee fees, etc.  Sorry Longton, we couldn't help with the request you submitted two weeks ago.

Required budget amendments for the 2012 budget are needed to comply with state budget law to account for the PILOT monies spent earlier this year.  Our Clerk won't be able to get the figures together until next week sometime.  Seems there's a tax deadline of some sort this week.  Have you received your November 1 property tax notices yet?  Gotta wonder why this wasn't done months ago when the board approved the money distribution.   Do we do anything before the last minute?

The County Counselor advises that we're moving along nicely on having tax sales of properties with delinquent property taxes.  Seems the 3 year delinquent rule doesn't apply to ag land.  Best get those past taxes paid... and soon.

That surely wasn't all... but it's surely enough for now.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on November 13, 2012, 10:27:32 PM

Most welcome.  As Ritz said today, "Do we have to do everything at the last minute?"

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Ritz is a good one to talk about dragging his feet on matters. The man should think about getting a computer or maybe he does but won't talk to you all.


Quote from: proelkco on November 15, 2012, 05:50:02 PM
Ritz is a good one to talk about dragging his feet on matters. The man should think about getting a computer or maybe he does but won't talk to you all.

Mr. Ritz is the only Commissioner worth a dang, In my opinion, because he uses his head and not an NGO to think with.

That attitude towards Mr. Ritz must be some more of the Elk Konnected, LLC positive attitude, zooming right out there for us.

They appear to have those Konnected Kounty Kommissioners pushing for that WELFARE for people with money called a tax rebate for those with money to be pushed through in a hurry, don't they?

Are they afraid the new commission won't pass it, sure they are?

Well if they pass it isure hope the new board will repeal it after they are seated.

By the way are one of those new houses property of the man that said he wouldn't move here if he didn't get a kick back on his property taxes. If it is, it sure looks like he moved here without tihe welfare, doesn't it?

Why would you do that for an outsider, that says something like that anyway?

There is nothing involved in this proposed program to benefit Elk County and it's citizens as a whole!
Perhaps something to benefit friends, relatives and cronies of Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks and Liebau, IMHO!

Is that a proper and fair thing to do to the rest of the citizens of Elk County - definitely not.

Politicians using their elected position that is for the purpose of serving the all the citizens of the county, instead using it possibly for their own gain or the gain of friends, relatives and cronies is absolutely wrong in my opinion.


Quote from: Patriot on November 13, 2012, 07:10:23 PM
Commissioner Ritz made a reasonable motion to table the project until the new Commission was seated in January.  No luck, no second, no vote... just a couple of stoney faces.

Didn't the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners even discuss it?

This should make a person wonder?

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