Cattle folks will love this part of the plan...

Started by Patriot, November 12, 2012, 10:22:15 AM

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      Hey Diane, take that ham hock out of your mouth and try to stick to the topic.

      By the way, have you mailed your checks to PETA and the Humane Society yet? Time is running out to claim it on your taxes. :P


It's fun to keep digging in the dirt, but it sure bites when you find out you've been digging on the backside of a dam the dam finally breaks. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

I just consider the source (the Walmart people) on some of these personal nasty comments that supposedly don't happen.
No,I don't look like my photo, much older and all gray now. So least I have hair! What does that have to do with anything ,let alone the thread topic that you all keep leaving? Try cleaning up your own act first.. I haven't asked Teresa to up date my photo and I should probably take my photo away altogether. It seems to cause poor health in some people. ::)
Now MT, if you go back to your reply #59 you'll see, "This is one of the most common tactics used by the left." As I said, you usually are better at debating the issues and don't go so often to the name calling, generalizing and labels.  I usually enjoy what you have to say.
What good does it do when people fight and insult each other, even if they have to create an opportunity, and never get to debating the real issues? Since when is staying personally neutral so difficult?
As in have said many times ,if I was "left' ,I'd be a Democrat, not a Moderate Independent.
  Bull....Bite me! :P


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 28, 2012, 11:10:31 AM
I just consider the source (the Walmart people) on some of these personal nasty comments that supposedly don't happen...
... As in have said many times ,if I was "left' ,I'd be a Democrat, not a Moderate Independent.
Bull....Bite me! :P


"Walmart people"?  Nope, no socialist class warfare here.  Next you'll be calling them CAVE people.

Factually, there are many 'independents' who think, act, talk and vote like leftist democrats... 'moderates' chief among them.

"Bull....Bite me!"?  Thanks for making mtcookson's case about leftist tactics.  He's spot on.

Oh, and thanks for debating the real issues and staying personally neutral here... like you did in your last post.  LMAO

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

This thread doesn't have anything that I would comment on.
  Cave people aren't nearly as funny. After what bull said to me, he deserves even worse ,speaking of off topic.You guys are the ones who keep this going. Just stop it...problem solved. 8)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 28, 2012, 11:57:55 AM
This thread doesn't have anything that I would comment on.

Another falsehood... you opened your trap in Post #8.  So much for 'anything you would comment on'.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 28, 2012, 11:10:31 AMNow MT, if you go back to your reply #59 you'll see, "This is one of the most common tactics used by the left." As I said, you usually are better at debating the issues and don't go so often to the name calling, generalizing and labels.  I usually enjoy what you have to say.
What good does it do when people fight and insult each other, even if they have to create an opportunity, and never get to debating the real issues? Since when is staying personally neutral so difficult?
As in have said many times ,if I was "left' ,I'd be a Democrat, not a Moderate Independent.
 Bull....Bite me! :P

I didn't directly label you, I'm making a comparison. Exactly as you quoted I was simply stating the tactic being used is one of the common left tactics. Does that itself make you left? No, not necessarily. If anything, I would like to see the right start using the left's tactics against them and see how they like it... however... with the left controlling the majority of the media it wouldn't work well so that's out of the question anyway. The media needs to change first, then they might actually be able to get back to civil debate.

Anyway, most of the time I disagree with your views but I have nothing against you, as a person, at all. If you lived around here I'd give you a smile and a wave or hello even knowing the disagreements I have with you. As far as labeling, I would be considered faaaaaaaaar right so if I compare you to myself, you would technically be left.

In the end I don't care about left or right. I care about right vs. wrong, freedom vs. oppression. All I simply want, is liberty. I want all of our rights back. I want personal responsibility restored. I want this country to go back to its roots that made it the greatest and strongest nation this planet has ever seen and will ever see until the end. The so called "problems" this nation faces are problems that the Constitution had already fixed 225 years ago. These "problems" have been created by big government politicians moving the country further and further away from its Constitutional roots.

Its been such a long time that the Constitution has been under attack and such a long time that people have been drained of their rights that too many don't even know what they're missing and that the Constitution would fix everything. They've been taught the opposite, that it has failed us and that Capitalism has failed us. NO! We failed the Constitution and we failed Capitalism.

We're told we have "crony capitalism" but that's not true. We have cronyism, corporatism, AND socialism... none of which can exist with true capitalism. Capitalism IS liberty, it IS the free market... and we are not even close to a free market anymore. Truthfully, we've actually never even FULLY practiced Capitalism in its purest form, where we have the greatest possible liberty. The closer we get to it, the better things get for the people but big government politicians continue to pull us further and further away.

Nearly everything these days either requires a license to work or is regulated in some way by the government and the government just can't seem to get away from regulating things. Capitalism cannot exist with government interference, with government regulations. If the government does anything more than its job to protect the people's (and their business') rights... it is not true Capitalism. And to clarify, government regulation is not protection, it does NOT protect the people, it is the government's way to control the economy in some way. Government regulation may give temporary security, but in the end it only hurts the people. True Capitalism is self regulating, but for some reason people seem to fear it or maybe just don't understand it and keep letting the politicians control everything. Must be the personal responsibility thing. ;)

Anyway... I'm rambling again. I'll step off my soap box and try to go be productive somewhere.

Edit: To add a simple clarification on the some of the above; We use some ideas from Capitalism... but we are not practicing Capitalism.


    Perhaps you should just change your photo to one with your foot in your mouth. Yeah, that would be fitting. Take a look at your last several posts Dye anne, all the same antagonistic crap.

    I never set foot in a Walmart. Sam ran it well, not so his children. I do applaud their decision to start selling select beef, however.

   Now that would be back on topic  ::)


Did someone mention Walmart people? LMAO!




Quote from: mtcookson on November 28, 2012, 12:21:48 PM

In the end I don't care about left or right. I care about right vs. wrong, freedom vs. oppression. All I simply want, is liberty. I want all of our rights back. I want personal responsibility restored. I want this country to go back to its roots that made it the greatest and strongest nation this planet has ever seen and will ever see until the end. The so called "problems" this nation faces are problems that the Constitution had already fixed 225 years ago. These "problems" have been created by big government politicians moving the country further and further away from its Constitutional roots.

I tell you this privately.. but I will say it publicly.. I have loved you since the day you were born.. and that hasn't stopped~~ You are an extremely intelligent man.. and I'm so very proud of you.
~~ And you are right...We should all be very concerned and frightened enough to take it all serious and be prepared for whatever the next few years will bring. Other than that~~  There's nothing I can add.

((And we all need to keep the threads on topic please.. we aren't 1st graders in a sandbox))  Thanks.. :)
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