Cattle folks will love this part of the plan...

Started by Patriot, November 12, 2012, 10:22:15 AM

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Quote from: mtcookson on November 26, 2012, 04:55:56 PM
Why do we constantly get accused of attacking, insulting, and whatever else can be thought up when giving out facts and opinions that differ from your own... THEN if/when it is dished back you make it seem 10 times worse? I went back to some posts from 2011 where others and I were simply debating and stating what the government was and wasn't allowed to do and out of nowhere someone in our "group" was accused of bashing them, calling them names, etc. when I saw NO ONE do such a thing.

It seems to have continued on and on since then. We state fact, give opinion, and are attacked for it. We can dish it back, make fun, do whatever but its always us that are considered the evil ones... noooo never the "other side". This is one of the most common tactics used by the left in government as well. It just pathetic... downright pathetic.

I see it happen all of the time... something is debated or someone attempts to debate something that is simply undebatable, like for instance defending government performing actions that aren't legal for it to perform, then they try to claim they're a victim of some sort of "personal attack". Come to think of it, the only major personal attack I've ever seen (one that was bad enough to be reported to Teresa and Kjell and removed from the site) was against one of "us".

You know what though? Keep doing it. Seriously. It only helps us to stash away more and more proof to show how the left operates. Once people realize the truth, it will only hurt those that do it in the end.

Somewhat, kind of, remotely back on topic... I actually just got Beck's new Agenda 21 book. Wife has read it already and I'll be starting it shortly. She said it is veeeerrrryyyy good but also incredibly scary with a ton of interesting facts.

Thanks, mtcookson.  You said it well, historical observations and all.  Not that it will make a huge difference though... the truth seldom seems to matter to the left.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So now it's "the left"s fault? Now that is funny. I do promise to try not to reach for the bait when that hook is dangled, bet P. and R. can't.
How did they lasso you into this? You usually don't act up like they do. Is this some thing new? You are usually much more of a gentleman about what you disagree about.


I'd say it went in one ear and out the other :D


Quote from: jarhead on November 26, 2012, 09:02:27 PM
I'd say it went in one ear and out the other :D

Well, it went in and out somewhere.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 26, 2012, 07:59:43 PM
So now i
Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 26, 2012, 07:59:43 PM
So now it's "the left"s fault? Now that is funny. I do promise to try not to reach for the bait when that hook is dangled, bet P. and R. can't.
How did they lasso you into this? You usually don't act up like they do. Is this some thing new? You are usually much more of a gentleman about what you disagree about.

I can't help my self Cookson, I sure hope you don't mind!

How rude of you to suggest he is not a gentleman!
Yet another tactic of the konnected followers to shut someone up!
I sure hope it doesn't work!
I'm sure it won't because mtcookson is far more of a man then you will ever be! LOL

What is you definition of a gentleman, someone who keeps their mouth shut and does not express his opinions. A neutered male who does as he is told?

My first wife was like that! She wanted a man that did exactly what she wanted and would follow her around like a puppy dog.
That's why she wanted a divorce because she found a married man just like that. Yea she married my best friend six months after he divorced his wife of 15 year and gave his children a single parent home and he married my wife one month after we divorced. I sincerely thank him for that, because I have the true love of my life going on for over 20 years, but I sure fell sorry for him. After 20 years he still follows behind her literally. poor, poor guy, he is not allowed by her to be a man.
t's "the left"s fault? Now that is funny. I do promise to try not to reach for the bait when that hook is dangled, bet P. and R. can't.
How did they lasso you into this? You usually don't act up like they do. Is this some thing new? You are usually much more of a gentleman about what you disagree about.

Pardon me Cookson I could not resist, I hope you don't mind!

What is you definition of a gentleman Diane, someone who keeps their mouth shut and does not express his opinions! A neutered male?  LOL

My first wife was like that! She wanted a man that did exactly what she wanted and would follow her around like a puppy dog.

That's why she wanted a divorce because she found a married man just like that. Yea she married my best friend six months after he divorced his wife of 15 year and gave his children a single parent home and he married my wife one month after we divorced. I sincerely thank him for that, because I have the true love of my life going on for over 20 years, but I sure feel sorry for him. After 20 years he still follows along behind her literally. Poor, poor guy, he is not allowed by her to be a man.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 26, 2012, 07:59:43 PM
So now it's "the left"s fault? Now that is funny. I do promise to try not to reach for the bait when that hook is dangled, bet P. and R. can't.

What? Now I'm confused. The left's fault? Where did I say anything was the left's fault? I can most definitely say the left's fault would be something like raising taxes, extreme regulation, further removal of our rights, and so on... but when I was talking about the left, I was talking about tactics. What I constantly see here is a tactic that the left always uses, if they can't debate or defend... they claim they're the victim of some "attack".

Need an example? Ambassador Rice says something [untrue] about Benghazi. Republicans question her over it. Suddenly the republicans are being accused of racism, war of women, whatever else BS they can think up. She's the "victim" and the people questioning her over the lie are some evil haters of blacks and women... see the similarities?

QuoteHow did they lasso you into this?

Last PM from Patriot: June 29, 2012, 08:49:12 pm
Last PM from Ross: October 15, 2011, 10:50:36 am

No, I'm actually rather capable of thinking for myself.

QuoteYou usually don't act up like they do. Is this some thing new?

So pointing out shenanigans when I see it is acting up? Maybe new that I'm saying something about it, I don't recall everything I've posted in the past. Regardless, I'm getting tired of these constants accusations and attacks directed toward "them" when all they've done is try to get the people aware of what is going on. What is so bad about that? Well, unless what they're exposing is what you want to see happen in the communities, then I could see the reason to go after them. But its never a debate on what they're exposing trying to defend it, its always claim victim status or attack. Always.

1- "Hear ye, hear ye! The city is to ban carry of firearms!"
2 - "Well what's so bad about that, we'll be... safer!"
1 - "Uh... its... illegal... you know?"
2 - "Buuuhhhwhhhhaaaatttt?? How dare you attack me and insult my intelligence?! Your mother's so fat she produces her her own gravity! Hey everyone, they're attacking me, help me, I'm a victim!"
1- "Uhh, no, I didn't attack you I'm just trying to point out that..."
3,4- "How could you attack 2 over that?! Your mother's so fat... she's... just... FAT! SO THERE!"
1 - "Uh guys... this is getting out of hand. I'm just trying to point out that the city is banning legal carry of firearms and that it isn't legal for them to do that"
2,3,4 - So what, if we don't agree with you we're wrong? Your momma's fat!
1 - City... firearms ban... illegal?
2,3,4 - Nannynannybooboo your momma's too fat to fit on YouTube
1 - Fine... if you want to play this game... your face is funny!
2,3,4 -  :o How... how could you? ATTACK!! ATTACK!! THEY ARE ATTACKING US!!!

Yeah... that's pretty much how I see it happen aaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllll of the time sadly.

QuoteYou are usually much more of a gentleman about what you disagree about.

I tend to shy away from disagreements but I'm tired of the dishonesty. I feel like I'm wearing thin, like my patience is dwindling. I can't stand the changes I'm seeing this country go through. And they changes are always accomplished using vile means. It isn't good, it isn't healthy, it will ONLY end in disaster. If I see an opportunity to try helping in some way I'll probably take it but until that time I'm going to anything and everything I can to protect my family and I from the destructive path this nation is taking.

In the end, my family and friends are what I care about most and they are the ones that will get my assistance when the time comes. If a disaster strikes, the people aren't prepared, and they expect the government to help them, I probably won't have any interest in helping nor will I have any sympathy... my heart won't bleed... I won't feel anything. We warned them over and over again, history warned them over and over again, God warned them over and over again... if they are incapable of seeing reason I won't shed a tear. I've already shed more than I should have and I'm not even 30 yet. Doesn't seem like the right or the Christian thing to do? Well, I'm sorry. They wanted the government to take from those that can and give to those that supposedly can't so I simply don't have anything to give. If I strive to become rich so that I could willfully help those that truly can't... I'll be chastised and attacked for it so why would I bother? Heck, the new "rich" aren't even millionaires... its now two-hundred-fifty-thousandaires... ooohhh.... those greedy bastards they are!

I feel sorry for the truly small businesses that will me smashed with the new greedy-fat-rich-bastard tax. Trust me, it does NOT take a big business to make $250,000. A one person business could pull that off easily... and they definitely won't have a personal income NEAR that amount by any means.

But anyway... I'm tired and am rambling now. Finished Agenda 21. I don't read much, at all. That's actually an understatement. I basically never read. If its not something I can watch or play I usually don't bother. Last books I read were Lord of the Rings when the first one came out and I only read them because of the movies. This book though... was absolutely amazing. I could NOT put it down. Its a fiction based on what the future might look like if Agenda 21 was basically fully implemented to the extreme... the way they would love for it to happen I'm sure. It is just downright scary. Everything that happens is based on things in Agenda 21 and the stuff in there is just... how anyone could have even thought this stuff up is beyond me. They are sick and twisted individuals. I question the overall "stability" of people who make those horrible "slasher" "grindhouse" movies/stories but, to me, they pale in comparison to political leaders who come up with this garbage.

Rambling again... night all! :D



Now that we've resolved all that (LOL), I'm finding the Agenda 21 book a fascinating read as well.  I bought 2 copies and will be donating one to a local library.  If you haven't see the 'real' UN Agenda 21, here's the link:

Yes Martha, there really is an Agenda 21, and yes, it's really as spooky as they said it is.  Especially when you see how ICLEI is working in local communities to advance The Agenda. :)

ICLEI website:

Want a real chill?  Look at this 'membership' page and see the US (and Kansas) communities already officially infected affected.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Sooooooooooooooo, MT.... let me get this straight. Diane is Patriot's mother and she's fat? Don't know the woman personally, just looking at the picture. If it's an old picture and she's lost hundreds of pounds, why hasn't a new picture been put up in decades?  ;D ;D :laugh: :laugh: ;) ::)---Robert

P.S. I'm glad that I was voted sexiest man alive at the blind Alzheimer's ward at KU Med Center





That's down right nasty!
Not nice!

You are officially chastised by me.


Quote from: kshillbillys on November 27, 2012, 06:48:57 AM
Sooooooooooooooo, MT.... let me get this straight. Diane is Patriot's mother and she's fat? Don't know the woman personally, just looking at the picture. If it's an old picture and she's lost hundreds of pounds, why hasn't a new picture been put up in decades?  ;D ;D :laugh: :laugh: ;) ::)---Robert

P.S. I'm glad that I was voted sexiest man alive at the blind Alzheimer's ward at KU Med Center

Not necessarily anyone here in particular... just some hypothetical people. :D

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