Cattle folks will love this part of the plan...

Started by Patriot, November 12, 2012, 10:22:15 AM

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QuoteAfter all this is the Elk County Forum in Kansas and we mainly discuss what is happening here in this little county

then, that leaves me out I guess.
Nice knowing you all.


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 24, 2012, 06:59:10 PM
then, that leaves me out I guess.
Nice knowing you all.
No ma'am you don't try to compare Elk County to other areas of the country that have nothing in common.
I'm sorry you took it that way.

Diane Amberg

I'm truly sorry if some of you have had serious farm accidents in your families..I was talking about when volunteering on someone else's property.
 For some reason you (plural) don't understand that I didn't live in town until after college. I grew up as a country girl and lost several friends to farm accidents. I had a personal friend who was killed in a roll over, another who had his hand destroyed in a corn picker and another who almost lost his leg when his pants got caught in the PTO, so I'm no stranger to such things.
Here we also get boating and beach accidents and of course drownings.
You don't all live in the country either. Most of you who I know, live in town!.
My post was meant to be about why such a put down of volunteer fire fighters? If all were paid across the country do you know what your taxes would be?  
I guess the forum really has changed in that one of the fun things used to be sharing what was and wasn't different about the places we lived in, from coast to coast. Some I knew about already from visiting, but things like the Outhouse Festival was new to me and super cool. Folks would post photos of that, the table setting event, the various parades and such....very enjoyable.
I don't think small towns are lacking in anything...except apparently computer manners.
 Some of you have decided I live in hell here and that's a shame. We aren't that different, just more of us. " Country " is five minutes north of me. Do you feel the same about the people who live in Independence? Why they even have a ....shudder...Walmart! which is more than Newark has.
My comparisons have always just been for interest and are the ones who choose to put a mean slant on what I say and try to put me in a defensive posture over everything. Fine,be that way.Some of you keep putting words in my mouth that actually came from others... Yes, I'm pissed right now and Patriot, I don't plan on publishing this, so if it with it. >:(
 I've always enjoyed hearing about things out there and yes, I do comment sometimes on how we do things here. Not as a put down, but just for interest.
Ya know Kansas is 'way bigger than Delaware and has 'way more population and big cities. KU is huge compared to UD. So I don't know what you've got to complain about. Do you really feel second class some how? Why? Some of the nicest people I've ever met were Kansans. Now I know this is again off subject,but so were yours(plural.) If Teresa wants to move this for being out of place ,she will.


Quote from Diane:
I'm truly sorry if some of you have had serious farm accidents in your families

Apology accepted---thank you


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 25, 2012, 09:47:52 AM
I guess the forum really has changed in that one of the fun things used to be sharing what was and wasn't different about the places we lived in, from coast to coast. Some I knew about already from visiting, but things like the Outhouse Festival was new to me and super cool. Folks would post photos of that, the table setting event, the various parades and such....very enjoyable.

Nope.  The forum still has plenty of areas for sharing the fun stuff you describe.  Seems Politics isn't on of them.  Not sure dissing the entire forum over your hurt feelings and perspective of one area is intellectually honest.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Uh, Pat there was a time when you issued a spelling challenge.... or perhaps its just a typo?
.and it's not about hurt feelings as it is a lack of respect for someone you've never even met!  Now I get trounced even when I fight back for good reason. Do you still really want me to wimp out and boo-hoo when the attacks are made personal?  I had to learn to fight that way, it's not in my normal nature. I had to learn how from Pam, who suffers no fools and finally left for good. I really miss her wisdom. Hopefully she'll forgive me for using her name.
As far as I know I've never "dissed" (city black ghetto talk) the whole forum about anything.Please prove that. It certainly has never been my intention.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 25, 2012, 06:30:26 PM
Now I get trounced even when I fight back for good reason. Do you still really want me to wimp out and boo-hoo...

Good reason?  You are still wimping out and boo-hooing.  You've just found more aggressive ways to couch your insecurities and inadequacies.  I opine that your lies about there being no 'fun' places on the forum is evidence that some delusion continues on your part.  There are lots of 'fun' places here, yet you appear to engage in petty, off topic, fights here in some vain attempt to display your ego-centric vitality.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 25, 2012, 06:30:26 PM
As far as I know I've never "dissed" (city black ghetto talk) the whole forum about anything.Please prove that. It certainly has never been my intention.

Your hollow complaints about the 'failing forum' is, in itself, disrespectful of the many who do still enjoy 'fun' forum places.  As for this corner of the sandbox... if you dislike it so much or are too self interested and incompetent to play, you're welcome to stay in the 'fun' places.  And even in your retort here, you must try and prove your 'superior teacher' status... city black ghetto talk.  Playing some obscure race card again?  That's what good Obama socialists do, right?  Try to make every thing about class or race and hate.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 25, 2012, 06:30:26 PM
it's not about hurt feelings as it is a lack of respect for someone you've never even met!

Your disrespect for me, or vice versa?  Your point was unclear... but, either way, you've nailed the fact correctly.

Now, about the nature lovers attempts to reduce meat consumption via government influence and ultimately harm the cattle trade.....

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot, the socialists want their own agenda for you to support and comply.

Just so happens that one of the leading socialists here is from Delaware - but
I'm not saying anything that you already don't know.

Diane Amberg

Pat, it would seem YOU are actually the one doing the complaining. If you can't handle what I write, that's actually your problem, not mine.
Even politics used to be a fun place until you (plural) came along made the attacks personal and ruined it for us all. We used to be able to actually debate ideas both, pros and cons, as some of us still can do behind the scenes and verbally tussle in a friendly manner over various points and national  issues without making it ugly and personal.
One of you, who will remain unnamed for now, just about single handedly ruined that by seeing "commies" behind every bush and personally labeling anyone who would stand still for it! And you actually think that's just? Try communicating without the personal labels for awhile and see how much calmer things will get...TUMS stock will go down!As as far as labeling me as delusional,where is your degree? Even you called that libelous in another thread while talking to new poster. Why try to throw your weight around...ya ain't nuttin' special, but you would be an expert pretzel maker. I have never witnessed such twisting and turning and attaching things together that have no relationship to each other.  On never mind, I forgot about Ross.(Why does Charles Manson come to mind?) :angel:
Yes, I can be outspoken, but no more that you are, as you sit there and try to ruffle my feathers and patronize me with stuff that  is chosen,on purpose, to be very personal and hurtful and adds adds nothing to any topic .and yes , I've had to learn to sling it back. Believe me,I didn't want to. You want Alpha Female? I assure you I can do that when forced to it, unwillingly.
 I have asked several time before to stop the personal attacks but to no avail. I suggest you cut it out, as your labels are  very close to true libel and your attempts to defame me for your own personal reasons are very immature for someone who wants to be taken so seriously.That does not have ''freedom of speech" protection, by the way. I did check with a lawyer friend.  A few of your locals have started to stand up to you and I wish them the courage to continue.
 Since you local elections are over, I'll not say any more on those issues.
 I do hope the others will stand up to your labeling and nasty name calling. It isn't  necessary. It makes you look like you have nothing of real value to say...Can't attack the issue, attack the person. Real classy huh? Typical ultra conservative way of talking? I really don't know.
Now lets see if you can respond in a reasonable manner.I'm betting you can't and will go right back to the knives and daggers and personal attacks. Some poor teacher apparently never taught you to communicate in any other way. I'm going to try very hard not to respond to what I know is coming. Tag,you're it!

Red, ooooh, you are SO scary.  I might have ta' get out my 38 and clean it! ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 26, 2012, 12:19:08 PMEven politics used to be a fun place until you (plural) came along made the attacks personal and ruined it for us all.

Why do we constantly get accused of attacking, insulting, and whatever else can be thought up when giving out facts and opinions that differ from your own... THEN if/when it is dished back you make it seem 10 times worse? I went back to some posts from 2011 where others and I were simply debating and stating what the government was and wasn't allowed to do and out of nowhere someone in our "group" was accused of bashing them, calling them names, etc. when I saw NO ONE do such a thing.

It seems to have continued on and on since then. We state fact, give opinion, and are attacked for it. We can dish it back, make fun, do whatever but its always us that are considered the evil ones... noooo never the "other side". This is one of the most common tactics used by the left in government as well. It just pathetic... downright pathetic.

I see it happen all of the time... something is debated or someone attempts to debate something that is simply undebatable, like for instance defending government performing actions that aren't legal for it to perform, then they try to claim they're a victim of some sort of "personal attack". Come to think of it, the only major personal attack I've ever seen (one that was bad enough to be reported to Teresa and Kjell and removed from the site) was against one of "us".

You know what though? Keep doing it. Seriously. It only helps us to stash away more and more proof to show how the left operates. Once people realize the truth, it will only hurt those that do it in the end.

Somewhat, kind of, remotely back on topic... I actually just got Beck's new Agenda 21 book. Wife has read it already and I'll be starting it shortly. She said it is veeeerrrryyyy good but also incredibly scary with a ton of interesting facts.

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