Cattle folks will love this part of the plan...

Started by Patriot, November 12, 2012, 10:22:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

 Continued..Sorry,Ready but I really need to say this, once and for all.I won't have much time for awhile so they can attack without me.
  Patriot and Ross. It must be so nice to have me to blame things on. You have said yourseves you have no interest in the east coast or Delaware or me or anyone else here. So NOW you care? Baloney. Shame,shame, shame.
We had damage here too, thankfully not as bad as the areas north who didn't keep up with the beach replenishment the way we do...actually, we have to or we would lose it all every winter when the winds change from south to north.
 Many, many people from here have beach homes in NJ and even some of the big sea walls failed, with damage, but less than areas that were without dunes and were over washed.  We did at one time have a family place there, but sold it, thank goodness, or it would be no more.

Ross, you have no idea what you are talking about as far as the east coast damage. You don't know where I've been recently or what I've been doing, and I'm not going to tell you so you can be petty and rudely accuse me of bragging. One can never simply say anything about anything when the rude ones, who delight in ridicule, are looking for fodder against their sworn enemies.
 You can "bet" all you want. Why not check out some facts and then talk? You said yourself it is different here and than can be really advantageous. We have huge think tanks of people to help find solutions for problems. Some will take time to just get through. It takes about three to four days to just assess big disasters like Sandy was.
 The amount of house and building debris etc. is just unbelievable.... and what to do with it all? Some areas are still under water, with bridges destroyed and no electric or water or sanitation.  Some places are so washed away, the property boundary lines are now deep under water. So now what? The Rockaways in particular are in bad shape, but the clever ways people are coping makes me really admire what the companies and transportation folks and others are doing to help. Unlike some (ahem) who just want to assign blame and point fingers uselessly, they are BUSY doing what needs to be done, with all the resources that they can get from anywhere, including Gov't. Notice you don't hear anything about people's guns being taken away? It's non issue here.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2012, 01:50:09 PM
Patriot, get over yourself. You are clueless and perhaps we'd all be better off if you stay that way. You care? Fooey! Don't lie about it now. You have made your position abundantly clear!
You can try to ridicule me and it won't work. You can set yourself up on a pedestal as a great example of Kansas perfection and there are those who will laugh until they throw up. We here actually DO things here. You gripe and complain but you don't accomplish much, now do ya?
   Do have any idea how things really work in Emergency Services? Or do you just listen to your own recycled rumors and crap stirrers who have something to sell.
"My'' big brother Gov't? You are indeed a fool! Do you have any idea the lengths the fire companies have gone to, on their own time and money to set up outdoor cooking banks to feed people who are literally starving? Huge kettles of soup and chili etc.
Wanna know what almost happened to a city food sanitation inspector who showed up and tried to shut one group down?  It's not wise to get in the way of a bunch of firefighters on the nets indeed!
  As far as the cheap shots about the military. My husband really appreciated that. Now go enjoy Thanksgiving and think about what you should really be grateful for, not who you can scuttle next.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2012, 02:57:50 PM
Continued..Sorry,Ready but I really need to say this, once and for all.I won't have much time for awhile so they can attack without me.
  Patriot and Ross. It must be so nice to have me to blame things on. You have said yourseves you have no interest in the east coast or Delaware or me or anyone else here. So NOW you care? Baloney. Shame,shame, shame.
We had damage here too, thankfully not as bad as the areas north who didn't keep up with the beach replenishment the way we do...actually, we have to or we would lose it all every winter when the winds change from south to north.
  Many, many people from here have beach homes in NJ and even some of the big sea walls failed, with damage, but less than areas that were without dunes and were over washed.  We did at one time have a family place there, but sold it, thank goodness, or it would be no more.

Ross, you have no idea what you are talking about as far as the east coast damage. You don't know where I've been recently or what I've been doing, and I'm not going to tell you so you can be petty and rudely accuse me of bragging. One can never simply say anything about anything when the rude ones, who delight in ridicule, are looking for fodder against their sworn enemies.
  You can "bet" all you want. Why not check out some facts and then talk? You said yourself it is different here and than can be really advantageous. We have huge think tanks of people to help find solutions for problems. Some will take time to just get through. It takes about three to four days to just assess big disasters like Sandy was.
  The amount of house and building debris etc. is just unbelievable.... and what to do with it all? Some areas are still under water, with bridges destroyed and no electric or water or sanitation.  Some places are so washed away, the property boundary lines are now deep under water. So now what? The Rockaways in particular are in bad shape, but the clever ways people are coping makes me really admire what the companies and transportation folks and others are doing to help. Unlike some (ahem) who just want to assign blame and point fingers uselessly, they are BUSY doing what needs to be done, with all the resources that they can get from anywhere, including Gov't. Notice you don't hear anything about people's guns being taken away? It's non issue here.

Unfortunately, it really isn't about you.  So stop flattering yourself.  Even with your inflated sense of self importance, I do hope you feel better now. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2012, 02:57:50 PM
  Patriot and Ross. It must be so nice to have me to blame things on. You have said yourseves you have no interest in the east coast or Delaware or me or anyone else here. So NOW you care? Baloney. Shame,shame, shame.

Poor Diane, are you feeling sorry for your self? The shame is on you.
I have had just as much interest as I had for Katrina and other catastrophes, so you are talking silly.
Does the north east catastrophe rate mor that all the others? Shame, shame. shame.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2012, 02:57:50 PM
We had damage here too,
Ross, you have no idea what you are talking about as far as the east coast damage. You don't know where I've been recently or what I've been doing, and I'm not going to tell you so you can be petty and rudely accuse me of bragging.

Poor, poor Diane!

Blah, blah , blah.

Diane Amberg

So you had no interest in Katrina or Rita or any of the others either? It figures... but your personal problem, the barn, we heard all about that didn't we? Your own personal pity party. Poor, poor R. didn't have insurance on contents, so pity poor you.  blah,blah,blah.
  I even took care of the donations and it was my pleasure to do so. So go ahead be a sour puss I would expect no less.
Why would I feel sorry for myself? I didn't have any damage to speak of because we prepared for it. I do have many, many friends whose families were heavily impacted. I won't be talking about any of it for obvious reasons. You just aren't up to it mentally or emotionally.
That's why you lash out at me whenever you think you can show off for your pals. Just stay there cloistered in your own little world and we'll take care of the rest...those of us who have much greater strength of character and actually care about people and hate it when we are constantly ridiculed and have to fight back...but understand there are always some who feel inadequate, so they lash out. Talk behind my back if you are so weak and have no issues to discuss.I'm too busy to care for some time.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2012, 06:46:21 PM
So you had no interest in Katrina or Rita or any of the others either? It figures... but your personal problem, the barn, we heard all about that didn't we? Your own personal pity party. Poor, poor R. didn't have insurance on contents, so pity poor you.  blah,blah,blah.

I  Laughed at my little problem of the barn burning, no big deal, because I had other more serious things going on at the time.

You are so full of it. I never said I had no interest in any of the other catastrophe of the country or the world. I am also concerned about the problems of our nation, one that you don't recognize or understand and that is the UN's actions and article 21.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2012, 06:46:21 PM
Why would I feel sorry for myself?
That's what I asked myself, but your post appear to reek of self pity, to me.

That's why you lash out at me whenever you think you can show off for your pals. Just stay there cloistered in your own little world and we'll take care of the rest...those of us who have much greater strength of character and actually care about people and hate it when we are constantly ridiculed and have to fight back...but understand there are always some who feel inadequate, so they lash out. Talk behind my back if you are so weak and have no issues to discuss.I'm too busy to care for some time.

Blah, blah, blah you seem to understand, I think!

This paragraph truthfully shows all that self pity. Self pity is not a greater strength of character, just the opposite. You have truthfully earned my pity.



Sounds a lot like those petty girly squabblers back in high school, doesn't it Ross? 

"You looked at my boyfriend!" 
"No I didn't!" 
"Yes you did, and you're not invited to my party on Saturday!"
"I didn't wanna go to your lousy party anyway... and now I'm gonna steal your boyfriend!"

Then they go find a sympathetic shoulder to whine on.  Pathetic, isn't it.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

If I'm so pathetic, why are you wasting your time reading me? I'd think you'd have more important things to do, like stirring that pot  for the next civil war you are so hoping to stand on the side lines and influence poor souls like Red to actually start shooting about. Have you designed your uniforms yet? How ya gonna pay for it? That's the only answer? Violence...again? Are you willing to risk losing ...again?
Yup, the shoulder to whine on? That's a good description of the conversations you, Red and Ross have among yourselves.
Now go play and leave the really important stuff to the rest of us who get it from a worldly perspective,not just from bloggers who always have their hand out, or from just Fox . Try CNN and BBC and other world networks also who give a much broader and less emotional view. I used to enjoy Glen Beck and Rush, but they have totally lost it. If you are so immature you have to beat on me to get off...have at it. Otherwise find something else to do. I'm too busy to care.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 23, 2012, 01:39:11 PM
If I'm so pathetic, why are you wasting your time reading me?

Because you ate so funny and so important and worldly and because we would not know what is happening in the NW part of the country without you. And because we would not understand and comprehend the county here in Kansas in which we live  with out your great knowledge, from way up there in Delaware, now would we? I need a good laugh once in a while.

How about telling us about the people in the New York area that are stealing the shovels, wheelbarrows, hand trucks, pry bars, tarps, buckets, hard bristle brooms, industrial rope, contractor trash bags, particulate masks, work lights, work gloves, flashlights, heat lamps, and gasoline from the rich and giving it to the hardest hit areas and the poor people. You know the modern day Robin hoods? Oh, forget it I just read about it.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 23, 2012, 01:39:11 PM
I'm too busy to care.

I understand to busy trying to be important, to care.
You worldly people sure have to be very important and I can understand that and the need to slam other people. I'm sure glad, I'm just a country bumpkin, redneck hick with no concern for the truth.

Thank you God!
I appreciate that the whole wide world revolves around Diane.

Let's not consider a national crisis that is building, no sense in that, not at all!

Is the austerity crisis beginning?

Throughout the fall, there's been a pretty big disconnect (That's the opposite of Konnected isn't it) between businesses and consumers on the looming tax hikes and spending cuts. Business leaders have been generally fretful, some more vocally than others, and business investment has been dragging. Consumers, on the other hand, have been more optimistic about the economic outlook, with consumer confidence and retail sales looking up.

"But the latest round of economic indicators suggest that economic gloom is finally starting to set in with the general public, and the austerity crisis may have something to do with it. The Reuters/University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index fell 2.2 points from the preliminary reading early in November to the final reading after the election. Overall, consumer confidence is still 0.1 points higher than in October. They're still more optimistic about the current state of the economy, but consumers have become more pessimistic about what's ahead—a change that IHS Global Insight chalks up to "increased awareness by many Americans of the fiscal cliff."
"If the political rhetoric and finger pointing reaches a fever pitch similar to that of the debt ceiling crisis in the summer of 2011 then consumer confidence is likely to take a very serious hit, and this holiday season will not be very cheerful," the IHS analysis concludes."

Does that mean that only the big retailer's economic development will take a big hit and become poor overnight?
To hell with the customers, oops wait a minute they need each and every one of us spending our money on overpriced material goods to survive don't they? But that doesn't seem to matter, cut their hours, cut their pay and then they can't spend in your big fancy stores for  overpriced material goods now can they? Tell us oh worldly one!

I'll leave it in your hands Diane!

But, I don't think you can handle the truth!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2012, 06:46:21 PM
I even took care of the donations and it was my pleasure to do so... Just stay there cloistered in your own little world and we'll take care of the rest...those of us who have much greater strength of character...

Did any of us ever mention your bloated sense of self-importance?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2012, 06:46:21 PM
If I'm so pathetic, why are you wasting your time reading me?

Because the Sunday Funnies aren't out yet.  Seriously, the question should be why do you bother to write?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2012, 06:46:21 PM
...I'm too busy to care for some time.

We can only hope.

Now... about the issue that started this thread... explicit government support of the 'no-meat', PETA sponsored, Agenda 21 driven, meatless Monday.  Another co-opting of liberal leaning officials giving in to narrow focus special interest groups?  What next, Woodless Wednesdays & Tofu Tuesdays?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


To hell with Meatless Mondays----reading a pity pat party is lots more entertaining.
While I have your attention Patty---did I ever tell you I plow numerous gardens for people and do not charge them----use the 5 ft roto tiller on my baby tractor and till garden spots and never charge. Did I ever tell you I catch, filet, bag and give away probably a pick up load of fish every summer to elderly people that can't fish. Hell, while I'm patting myself on the back, did you know I have mowed more yards than I can count to help old people or people that are gone some where and their yards need mowed----for free !! I do cut the city out of money once in awhile because I bush hawg vacant lots and such---for free---to save the land owner from having to pay the city to do it. You know why you didn't know about any of this ? It's because that's what a lot of people in Elk county do to help their friends and the elderly and they don't need to announce to the whole world that they did volunteer work---they just do it and keep it to themselves. I would tell you about all the heads of hair my wife washes ,cuts and sets for free to women who are not able to do it but she aint a braggart like me so I won't---oh yea, she cuts their fingernails too---but don't tell anyone I said it.
Sorry I came across as wanting praise---I don't---just wanting to make a point

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