The Local Enemies Within Part 3

Started by Patriot, November 08, 2012, 10:18:17 PM

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Goodness!  I'm thinking it's time people wake up....
and start to understand the Elk Konnected Kollective Konnections.

Local Agenda 21 - The U.N. Plan for Your Community (Part 1)
By Berit Kjos

"... current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class -- involving high meat intake ... use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable. A shift is necessary ... which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations..." 1 Maurice Strong,2 opening speech at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development

To many well-meaning people Agenda 21 sounds good. This U.N. document, drafted for the purpose of creating "sustainable societies" and saving the earth from environmental catastrophes, has been welcomed by nations around the world. Political, cultural, and media leaders have embraced its alluring visions of social justice and a healthy planet. Relatively few are willing to consider the contrary facts and colossal costs.

After all, what could be wrong with preserving resources for the next generation? Why not limit consumption and reduce energy use? Why not abolish poverty and establish a global welfare system to train parents, monitor intolerance, and meet all our needs? Why not save the planet by trading cars for bikes, an open market for "self-sustaining communities," and single dwellings for dense "human settlements" (located on transit lines) where everyone would dialogue, share common ground, and be equal?

The answer is simple. Marxist economics has never worked. Socialism produces poverty, not prosperity. Collectivism creates oppression, not freedom. Trusting environmental "scientists" who depend on government funding and must produce politically useful "information" will lead to economic and social disaster...

...This agenda may already be driving your community's "development", so be alert to the clues.  Notice buzzwords such as "visioning," "partners," and "stakeholders." Know how to resist the consensus process. Ask questions, but don't always trust the answers. Remember, political activists, like self-proclaimed education "change agents", have put expediency above integrity. As North Carolina school superintendent Jim Causby said at a 1994 international model school conference, "We have actually been given a course in how not to tell the truth....You've had that course in public relations where you learn to put the best spin on things."

To recognize and resist this unconstitutional shadow government of laws and regulations being imposed on our nation without congressional approval, take a closer look at its history and nature...
(Emphasis added)

Full article:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


And lest we forget those comforting words, we are doing it for the children.

It does not take a community to raise a child.
Ask any mother of a newborn is she woould turn her child over to a community or an NGO such as the Konnected Kommunity for a day or even for an hour. Ask a father. Ask if they would just drive up and drop their newborn child off with them for even an hour. My bet is they would say no!

But it appears to me that people buy them words, "We are doing it for the children".

It is my personal opinion that, that is simply exploitation of our real and actual communities children. Plain and simple!

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